SEO Meta Tags Without Plugins: Title, Description, Robots, Open Graph

There are many plugins for SEO, but almost all of them have the main task - to create SEO meta tags (metadata) for the page: title, description, robots, Open Graph. Sometimes it makes sense not to connect such plugins, but to use your own small piece of code - it's easier to manage and solve non-standard tasks... In this article, I share my "bicycle" in this area.

The code below was written a long time ago when "platinum SEO Pack" and "All in One SEO Pack" SEO plugins only appeared, and Yoast did not exists. And despite the availability of plugins, there is often a need to use this code. It is used occasionally as an alternative, and judging by the comments, it is needed not only by me. Therefore, a strategic decision was made smile to extract this code into a separate article and maintain it here.

One of the advantages of this code over plugins is its clarity and simplicity. Everything is done through hooks, and in plugins, it usually takes more time to find the necessary hook. In addition, you can rewrite part of the code for your specific task.

If you are not familiar with PHP, I strongly recommend using SEO plugins - it's much more convenient! Moreover, sometimes plugins are more convenient even for those who know PHP, for example, I don't always use this code, and I don't mind using plugins like SEO Yoast.

Kama_SEO_Tags Code: Output Title, Description, Robots, Open Graph, Twitter

The basic task of SEO plugins is to provide the ability to create four meta fields for the page: title, description, robots, and keywords. As well as creating additional Open Graph data.

The code that implements all this (see comments in the code):


 * Simple SEO class for WordPress to create page metatags:
 * title, description, robots, keywords, Open Graph.
 * IMPORTANT! Since version 1.7.0 robots code logic was chenged. Changed your code after update!
 * IMPORTANT! Since version 1.8.0 title code logic was chenged. Changed your code after update!
 * @see
 * @requires PHP 7.1
 * @requires WP 5.7
 * @author Kama
 * @version 2.1.0
class Kama_SEO_Tags {

	public $title = '';
	public $description = '';
	public $keywords = '';

	public static function init(): self {
		static $class;
		if( $class ){
			return $class;

		$class = new self();

		// force WP document_title function to run
		add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
		add_filter( 'pre_get_document_title', [ $class, 'get_meta_title' ], 1 );

		add_action( 'wp_head', [ $class, 'echo_meta_description' ], 1 );
		add_action( 'wp_head', [ $class, 'echo_meta_keywords' ], 1 );

		// WP 5.7+
		add_filter( 'wp_robots', [ $class, 'wp_robots_callback' ], 11 );

		$og_meta = new Kama_SEO_Tags__og_meta( $class );
		add_action( 'wp_head', [ $og_meta, 'echo_og_meta' ], 1 ); // !IMPORTANT at the end

		return $class;

	 * Use ::init() result to get access to this object.
	private function __construct() {

	private function get_title_l10n(): array {

		$locale = get_locale();

		if( 'ru_RU' === $locale ){
			$l10n = [
				'404'     => 'Ошибка 404: такой страницы не существует',
				'search'  => 'Результаты поиска по запросу: %s',
				'compage' => 'Комментарии %s',
				'author'  => 'Статьи автора: %s',
				'paged'   => 'Страница %d',
				'year'    => 'Архив за {year} год',                // Архив за 2023 год
				'month'   => 'Архив за {month} {year} года',       // Архив за январь 2023 года
				'day'     => "Архив за {day} {month} {year} года", // Архив за 23 января 2023 года
			$l10n = [
				'404'     => 'Error 404: there is no such page',
				'search'  => 'Search results by query: %s',
				'compage' => 'Comments %s',
				'author'  => 'Articles of the author: %s',
				'paged'   => 'Page %d',
				'year'    => 'Archive for {year} year',           // Архив за 2023 год
				'month'   => 'Archive for {month} {year}',        // Архив за январь 2023 года
				'day'     => 'Archive for {month} {day}, {year}', // Archive for January 23, 2023

		 * Allowes to change translations strings.
		 * @param array $l10n
		return apply_filters( 'kama_meta_title_l10n', $l10n ) + $l10n;

	 * @return array{ 0:null|WP_Post, 1:null|WP_Term }
	public function get_queried_objects(): array {
		$qo = get_queried_object();

		$post = isset( $qo->post_type ) ? $qo : null;
		$term = isset( $qo->term_id ) ? $qo : null;

		return [ $post, $term ];

	 * Generate string to show as document title.
	 * For posts and taxonomies specific title can be specified as metadata with name `title`.	 *
	 * @param string $title `pre_get_document_title` passed value.
	 * @return string
	public function get_meta_title( $title = '' ) {

		// support for `pre_get_document_title` hook.
		if( $title ){
			return $title;

		[ $post, $term ] = $this->get_queried_objects();

		$l10n = $this->get_title_l10n();

		$parts = [
			'prev'  => '', // before title (post comment page)
			'title' => '',
			'page'  => '', // parination
			'after' => '', // handles wp_get_document_title() `tagline` and `site` elements.

		// 404
		if( is_404() ){
			$parts['title'] = $l10n['404'];
		// search
		elseif( is_search() ){
			$parts['title'] = sprintf( $l10n['search'], get_query_var( 's' ) );
		// front_page
		elseif( is_front_page() ){

			if( is_page() ){
				$parts['title'] = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'title', true );

			if( ! $parts['title'] ) {
				$parts['title'] = get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' );
				$parts['after'] = '{{description}}';
		// singular
			|| ( is_home() && ! is_front_page() )
			|| ( is_page() && ! is_front_page() )
			$parts['title'] = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'title', true );

			 * Allow to set meta title for singular type page, before the default title will be taken.
			 * @param string  $title
			 * @param WP_Post $post
			$parts['title'] = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_title_singular', $parts['title'], $post );

			if( ! $parts['title'] ){
				$parts['title'] = single_post_title( '', 0 );

			if( $cpage = get_query_var( 'cpage' ) ){
				$parts['prev'] = sprintf( $l10n['compage'], $cpage );
		// post_type_archive
		elseif( is_post_type_archive() ){
			$parts['title'] = post_type_archive_title('', 0 );
			$parts['after'] = '{{blog_name}}';
		// any taxonomy
		elseif( $term ){
			$parts['title'] = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'title', true );

			if( ! $parts['title'] ){
				$parts['title'] = single_term_title( '', 0 );

				if( is_tax() ){
					$parts['prev'] = get_taxonomy( $term->taxonomy )->labels->name;

			$parts['after'] = '{{blog_name}}';
		// author posts archive
		elseif( is_author() ){
			$parts['title'] = sprintf( $l10n['author'], get_queried_object()->display_name );
			$parts['after'] = '{{blog_name}}';
		// date archive
		elseif( is_day() || is_month() || is_year() ){
			/** @var WP_Locale $wp_locale */
			global $wp_locale;

			$y_num = get_query_var( 'year' );
			$m_num = get_query_var( 'monthnum' );
			$d_num = get_query_var( 'day' );

			if( is_year() ){
				// 2023 год
				$parts['title'] = strtr( $l10n['year'], [ '{year}' => $y_num ] );
			elseif( is_month() ){
				// январь 2023 года
				$parts['title'] = strtr( $l10n['month'], [
					'{year}'  => $y_num,
					'{month}' => $wp_locale->get_month( $m_num ),
				] );
			elseif( is_day() ){
				// 23 января 2023 года
				$parts['title'] = strtr( $l10n['month'], [
					'{year}'  => $y_num,
					'{month}' => $wp_locale->month_genitive[ zeroise( $m_num, 2 ) ],
					'{day}'   => $d_num,
				] );

			$parts['after'] = '{{blog_name}}';
		// other archives
		else {
			$parts['title'] = get_the_archive_title();
			$parts['after'] = '{{blog_name}}';

		// pagination
		$pagenum = get_query_var( 'paged' ) ?: get_query_var( 'page' );
		if( $pagenum && ! is_404() ){
			$parts['page'] = sprintf( $l10n['paged'], $pagenum );

		 * Allows to change parts of the document title.
		 * @param array $parts Title parts. It then will be joined.
		 * @param array $l10n  Localisation strings.
		$parts = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_title_parts', $parts, $l10n );

		/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */
		$parts = apply_filters( 'document_title_parts', $parts );

		// extra support for `document_title_parts` hook. Do the same as WP does.
		$as_wp_after = $parts['tagline'] ?? $parts['site'] ?? '';
		if( $as_wp_after ){
			unset( $parts['tagline'], $parts['site'] );
			$parts['after'] = $as_wp_after;

		// handle placeholders
		if( '{{blog_name}}' === $parts['after'] ){
			$parts['after'] = get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' );
		elseif( '{{description}}' === $parts['after'] ){
			$parts['after'] = get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' );

		/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/general-template.php */
		$sep = apply_filters( 'document_title_separator', ' – ' );

		$title = implode( ' ' . trim( $sep ) . ' ', array_filter( $parts ) );

		//$title = wptexturize( $title );
		//$title = convert_chars( $title );
		$title = capital_P_dangit( $title );
		$title = esc_html( $title );

		$this->title = $title;

		return $this->title;

	 * For `wp_head` hook.
	public function echo_meta_description(): void {

		if( $this->description ){
			echo sprintf( "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s\" />\n", esc_attr( $this->description ) );

	 * For `wp_head` hook.
	public function echo_meta_keywords(): void {

		if( $this->keywords ){
			echo sprintf( "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"%s\" />\n", esc_attr( $this->keywords ) );

	 * Gets `description` meta-tag: `<meta name="description" content="..." />`.
	 * Use post-meta with `description` key to set description for any posts.
	 * It also work for page setted as front page.
	 * Use term-meta with `meta_description` key to set description for any terms.
	 * Or use default `description` field of a term.
	 * @return string Metatag or empty string if not description found.
	public function set_meta_description(): void {
		[ $post, $term ] = $this->get_queried_objects();

		$desc = '';
		$need_cut = true;

		// home page
		if( is_front_page() ){

			// when static page is set for home_page
			if( is_page() ){
				$desc = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'description', true );
				$need_cut = false;

			if( ! $desc ){
				 * Allow to change front_page meta description.
				 * @param string $home_description
				$desc = apply_filters( 'home_meta_description', get_bloginfo( 'description', 'display' ) );
		elseif( $post ){

			if( $desc = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'description', true ) ){
				$need_cut = false;

			 * Allow to set meta description for single post, before the default description will be taken.
			 * @param string  $title
			 * @param WP_Post $post
			$desc = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_description_singular', $desc, $post );

			if( ! $desc ){
				$desc = $post->post_excerpt ?: $post->post_content;

			$desc = trim( strip_tags( $desc ) );
		elseif( $term ){
			$desc = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'meta_description', true );

			if( ! $desc ){
				$desc = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'description', true );

			$need_cut = false;
			if( ! $desc && $term->description ){
				$desc = strip_tags( $term->description );
				$need_cut = true;

		$desc = str_replace( [ "\n", "\r" ], ' ', $desc );

		// remove shortcodes, but leave markdown [foo](URL)
		$desc = preg_replace( '~\[[^\]]+\](?!\()~', '', $desc );

		 * Allow to specify is the meta description need to be cutted.
		 * @param bool $need_cut
		$need_cut = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_description__need_cut', $need_cut );

		 * Allow set max length of the meta description.
		 * @param int $maxchar
		$maxchar = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_description__maxchar', 260 );

		$origin_desc = $desc;

		if( $need_cut ){
			$char = mb_strlen( $desc );

			if( $char > $maxchar ){
				$desc = mb_substr( $desc, 0, $maxchar );
				$words = explode( ' ', $desc );
				$maxwords = count( $words ) - 1; // remove last word, it incomplete in 90% cases
				$desc = implode( ' ', array_slice( $words, 0, $maxwords ) ) . ' ...';

		 * Allow change or set the meta description.
		 * @param string $desc        Current description.
		 * @param string $origin_desc Description before cut.
		 * @param bool   $need_cut    Is need to cut?
		 * @param int    $maxchar     How many characters leave after cut.
		$desc = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_description', $desc, $origin_desc, $need_cut, $maxchar );

		// remove multi-space
		$desc = preg_replace( '/\s+/s', ' ', $desc );

		$this->description = trim( $desc );

	 * Wrapper for WP Robots API introduced in WP 5.7.
	 * Set post/term mete with `robots` key and values separeted with comma. Eg: `noindex,nofollow`.
	 * Must be used on `wp_robots` hook.
	 * @param array $robots
	public function wp_robots_callback( $robots ) {

		[ $post, $term ] = $this->get_queried_objects();

		if( $post ){
			$robots_str = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'robots', true );
		elseif( $term ){
			$robots_str = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'robots', true );

		if( empty( $robots_str ) ){
			return $robots;

		// split by spece or comma
		$robots_parts = preg_split( '/(?<!:)[\s,]+/', $robots_str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );

		foreach( $robots_parts as $directive ){

			// for derectives like `max-snippet:2`
			if( strpos( $directive, ':' ) ){
				[ $key, $value ] = explode( ':', $directive );
				$robots[ $key ] = $value;
			else {
				$robots[ $directive ] = true;

		if( ! empty( $robots['none'] ) || ! empty( $robots['noindex'] ) ){
			unset( $robots['max-image-preview'] );

		return $robots;

	 * Generate `<meta name="keywords">` meta-tag fore <head> part of the page.
	 * To set Your own keywords for post, create meta-field with key `keywords`
	 * and set the keyword to the value.
	 * Default keyword for a post generates from post tags nemes and categories names.
	 * If the `keywords` meta-field is not specified.
	 * You can specify the keywords for the any taxonomy element (term) using shortcode
	 * `[keywords=word1, word2, word3]` in the description field.
	 * @param string $home_keywords Keywords for home page. Ex: 'word1, word2, word3'
	 * @param string $def_keywords  сквозные ключевые слова - укажем и они будут прибавляться
	 *                              к остальным на всех страницах.
	public function set_meta_keywords( $home_keywords = '', ?string $def_keywords = '' ): void {
		[ $post, $term ] = $this->get_queried_objects();

		$keywords = [];

		if( is_front_page() ){
			$keywords[] = $home_keywords;
		elseif( is_singular() ){

			$meta_keywords = get_post_meta( $post->ID, 'keywords', true );

			if( $meta_keywords ){
				$keywords[] = $meta_keywords;
			elseif( $post->post_type === 'post' ){

				$res = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, [ 'post_tag', 'category' ], [ 'orderby' => 'none' ] );

				if( $res && ! is_wp_error( $res ) ){
					foreach( $res as $tag ){
						$keywords[] = $tag->name;

		elseif( $term ){
			$keywords[] = get_term_meta( $term->term_id, 'keywords', true );

		if( $def_keywords ){
			$keywords[] = $def_keywords;

		$keywords = implode( ', ', $keywords );

		 * Allow to change resulting string of meta_keywords() method.
		 * @param string $keywords
		$this->keywords = apply_filters( 'kama_meta_keywords', $keywords );


 * @see (Open Graph protocol documentation)
class Kama_SEO_Tags__og_meta {

	/** @var  Kama_SEO_Tags*/
	private $kst;

	public function __construct( Kama_SEO_Tags $kst ){
		$this->kst = $kst;

	 * Displays Open Graph, twitter data in `<head>`.
	 * Designed to use in `wp_head` hook.
	public function echo_og_meta(): void {
		$metas = $this->get_og_meta_data();

		$meta_tags = [];
		foreach( $metas as $key => $val ){
			// og:image[1] > og:image  ||  og:image[1]:width > og:image:width
			$fixed_key = preg_replace( '/\[\d\]/', '', $key );

			if( 0 === strpos( $key, 'twitter:' ) ){
				$meta_tags[ $key ] = sprintf( '<meta name="%s" content="%s" />', $fixed_key, esc_attr( $val ) );
				$meta_tags[ $key ] = sprintf( '<meta property="%s" content="%s" />', $fixed_key, esc_attr( $val ) );

		 * Filter resulting properties. Allows to add or remove any og/twitter properties.
		 * @param array $metas og meta elements array.
		$meta_tags = apply_filters( 'kama_og_meta_elements', $meta_tags, $metas );

		echo "\n\n". implode( "\n", $meta_tags ) ."\n\n";

	public function get_og_meta_data(): array {
		[ $post, $term ] = $this->kst->get_queried_objects();

		$els = [];
		$this->fill_basic( $post, $term, $els );
		$this->fill_type( $post, $term, $els );
		$this->fill_og_url( $post, $term, $els );
		$this->fill_og_image( $post, $term, $els );
		$this->fill_twitter( $post, $term, $els ); // !IMPORTANT after set_og_image()

		 * Allows change values of og / twitter meta properties.
		 * @param array $els
		$els = apply_filters( 'kama_og_meta_elements_values', $els );

		return array_filter( $els );

	protected function fill_basic( ?WP_Post $post, ?WP_Term $term, array & $els ): void {
		$els['og:locale']      = get_locale();
		$els['og:site_name']   = get_bloginfo('name');
		$els['og:title']       = $this->kst->title;
		$els['og:description'] = $this->kst->description;

	protected function fill_type( ?WP_Post $post, ?WP_Term $term, array & $els ): void {

		if( ! $post || ! is_singular() ){
			$els['og:type'] = 'website';

		$els['og:type'] = 'article';
		$els['article:published_time'] = mysql2date( 'c', $post->post_date, false );
		$els['article:modified_time'] = mysql2date( 'c', $post->post_modified, false );
		$els['article:author'] = get_user_by( 'id', (int) $post->post_author )->display_name ?? '';

		$this->_fill_og_article_section( $post, $term, $els );

	protected function _fill_og_article_section( ?WP_Post $post, ?WP_Term $term, array & $els ): void {
		 * Allow to disable `article:section` property.
		 * @param bool         $is_enabled  True if queried object is any WP post type.
		 * @param null|WP_Post $post        Since v1.9.17.
		 * @param null|WP_Term $term        Since v1.9.17.
		if( ! apply_filters( 'kama_og_meta_show_article_section', (bool) $post, $post, $term ) || ! is_singular() ){

		$tax_objects = get_object_taxonomies( $post->post_type, 'objects' );
		$tax_types = [];
		foreach( $tax_objects as $obj ){
			if( ! $obj->public || ! $obj->publicly_queryable ){

			if( isset( $tax_types['cat'] ) && isset( $tax_types['tag'] ) ){

				? ( $tax_types['cat'] = $obj->name )
				: ( $tax_types['tag'] = $obj->name );

		foreach( $tax_types as $key => $taxname ){
			$post_terms = get_the_terms( $post, $taxname ) ?: [];
			if( ! $post_terms || is_wp_error( $post_terms ) ){

			if( 'cat' === $key ){
				$els['article:section'] = reset( $post_terms )->name;
			else {
				foreach( $post_terms as $index => $_term ){
					$els["article:tag[$index]"] = $_term->name;


	protected function fill_og_url( ?WP_Post $post, ?WP_Term $term, array & $els ): void {
		if( ! $post && ! $term ){

		$post && $url = get_permalink( $post );
		$term && $url = get_term_link( $term );

		// without protocol only: //
		if( 0 === strpos( $url, '//' ) ){
			$els['og:url'] = set_url_scheme( $url );
		// without domain
		elseif( '/' === $url[0] ){
			$parts = wp_parse_url( $url );
			$els['og:url'] = home_url( $parts['path'] ) . ( isset( $parts['query'] ) ? "?{$parts['query']}" : '' );
			$els['og:url'] = $url;

	protected function fill_og_image( ?WP_Post $post, ?WP_Term $term, array & $els ): void {
		 * Allow to change `og:image` `og:image:width` `og:image:height` values.
		 * @param int|string|array|WP_Post $image_data  WP attachment ID or Image URL or Array [ image_url, width, height ].
		 * @param null|WP_Post             $post        Since v1.9.17.
		 * @param null|WP_Term             $term        Since v1.9.17.
		$image = apply_filters( 'pre_kama_og_meta_image', null, $post, $term );

		if( ! $image ){
			 * Allows to turn off the image search in post content.
			 * @param bool $is_enabled
			$is_find_in_content = apply_filters( 'kama_og_meta_thumb_id_find_in_content', true );

			if( $post ){
				$image = (int) get_post_thumbnail_id( $post );

				if( ! $image && $is_find_in_content ){

					$image = $this->get_attach_image_id_from_text( $post->post_content );

					// The first post attachment
					if( ! $image ) {
						$attach = get_children( [
							'numberposts'    => 1,
							'post_mime_type' => 'image',
							'post_type'      => 'attachment',
							'post_parent'    => $post->ID,
						] );

						if( $attach && $attach = array_shift( $attach ) ){
							$image = $attach->ID;

			if( $term && $is_find_in_content ){
				$image = (int) get_term_meta( $term->term_id, '_thumbnail_id', true );

				if( ! $image && $term->description ){
					$image = $this->get_attach_image_id_from_text( $term->description );

			 * Allow to set `og:image` `og:image:width` `og:image:height` values if it's not.
			 * @param int|string|array|WP_Post  $image  WP attachment ID or Image URL or [ image_url, width, height ] array.
			 * @param null|WP_Post             $post        Since v1.9.17.
			 * @param null|WP_Term             $term        Since v1.9.17.
			$image = apply_filters( 'kama_og_meta_image', $image, $post, $term );
			$image = apply_filters( 'kama_og_meta_thumb_id', $image ); // for backcompat

		if( ! $image ){

		// WP_Post | int
			$image instanceof WP_Post
			|| ( is_numeric( $image ) && $image = get_post( $image ) )
			// full size
			[ $url, $width, $height ] = image_downsize( $image->ID, 'full' );
			$image_alt = $image->_wp_attachment_image_alt ?: $image->post_excerpt;
			$mime_type = $image->post_mime_type;

			$els['og:image[1]']        = $url;
			$els['og:image[1]:width']  = $width;
			$els['og:image[1]:height'] = $height;
			$els['og:image[1]:alt']    = $image_alt;
			$els['og:image[1]:type']   = $mime_type;

			// thumbnail size
			[ $url, $width, $height ] = image_downsize( $image->ID, 'thumbnail' );

			$els['og:image[2]']        = $url;
			$els['og:image[2]:width']  = $width;
			$els['og:image[2]:height'] = $height;
		// array
		elseif( is_array( $image ) ){
			$els['og:image[1]']        = $image['og:image']        ?? $image[0];
			$els['og:image[1]:width']  = $image['og:image:width']  ?? $image[1];
			$els['og:image[1]:height'] = $image['og:image:height'] ?? $image[2];
			$els['og:image[1]:alt']    = $image['og:image:alt']    ?? $image[3];
			$els['og:image[1]:type']   = $image['og:image:type']   ?? $image[4];
		// string
			$els['og:image[1]'] = $image;

	protected function fill_twitter( ?WP_Post $post, ?WP_Term $term, array & $els ): void {
		 * Allow to disable `twitter:*` elements.
		 * @param bool $is_enabled Default: true.
		if( ! apply_filters( 'kama_seo_tags__show_twitter', true ) ){

		$els['twitter:card'] = 'summary';
		$els['twitter:title'] = $els['og:title'];
		$els['twitter:description'] = $els['og:description'];

		if( ! empty( $els['og:image[1]'] ) ){
			$els['twitter:image'] = $els['og:image[1]'];

	 * Tryes to find WP attachment image ID from passed content.
	 * Passed content checks with regex and first image name is retrieved,
	 * then the ID is searched in DB by found image name.
	private function get_attach_image_id_from_text( string $text ): int {

		preg_match( '/<img[^>]+(?:src|srcset) *= *[\'"](?P<src>[^\'", ]+)/', $text, $mm );

		$src = $mm['src'] ?? '';

		if( $src && ( '/' === $src[0] || strpos( $src, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?? '' ) )
			$name = basename( $src );
			$name = preg_replace( '~-\d+x\d+(?=\..{2,6})~', '', $name ); // remove the size part (-80x80)
			$name = preg_replace( '~\.[^.]+$~', '', $name );             // remove the extension
			$name = sanitize_title( sanitize_file_name( $name ) );

			global $wpdb;
			$attach_id = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare(
				"SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_name = %s AND post_type = 'attachment'", $name
			) );

			return (int) $attach_id;

		return 0;


Now you need to connect and run the code

To do this, create a file Kama_SEO_Tags.php in the theme root (or somewhere else) and copy the php code into it (the one above). Include this file in the theme file functions.php.

require_once __DIR__ . '/Kama_SEO_Tags.php';


That's all.

If the code doesn't work, you need to make sure that the wp_head() function is used in the theme file header.php and that there is no hard-coded <title> tag and other SEO tags there.

Integration via Composer

composer require doiftrue/wp-kama-seo-tags

Meta Fields in the Admin Panel

IMPORTANT: The code does not add meta box (meta fields) in the admin panel!

The code above only process (outputs) the necessary SEO meta tags, but does not add meta fields for posts or taxonomy items - they need to be created separately.

On the post or taxonomy term editing page, you need to create a meta box with meta fields:

  • title - an alternative SEO title that will be used in the <title> meta tag instead of the post title.

  • description - the description for the page. If it is not available, the text from the excerpt will be used, and if that is not available, a snippet from the beginning of the post content will be used.

    • meta_description - this is how the description meta field for terms should be named, because the description key is already used for taxonomies...
  • keywords - the keywords meta tag. I'm not sure if it's needed in modern realities.

  • robots - the specified value here is output as is, for example noindex,nofollow.

Checking that everything works using default custom fields.

For posts, these meta-fields can be created using the default metabox "Custom Fields":

How to create meta boxes with meta fields for posts?

MetaBox created using ACF plugin

This can be done in various ways, for example, using:

How to create meta fields for taxonomy terms?

Configuration (using hooks)

The code contains hooks to completely or partially change the output of each meta field.

Let's consider some useful hooks:

Open Graph

// disable `article:section` property.
add_filter( 'kama_og_meta_show_article_section', '__return_false' );
// turn off the image search in post content.
add_filter( 'kama_og_meta_thumb_id_find_in_content', '__return_false' );
// set `og:image` `og:image:width` `og:image:height` values if it's not.
add_filter( 'kama_og_meta_image', function( $image ){

	// $image = WP attachment ID or Image URL or [ image_url, width, height ] array.

	if( ! $image ){
		// site poster
		$image = [ wp_get_attachment_image_url( 125, 'full' ), 350, 350 ];

	return $image;
} );


The separator in the title is changed through the native WP hook document_title_separator:

// change the separator for the title
add_filter( 'document_title_separator', fn() => ' - ' );


Description for the home page

// change the description for the home page
add_filter( 'home_meta_description', fn() => 'Description for the home page' );
// change the description
add_filter( 'kama_meta_description', 'change_meta_description' );
function change_meta_description( $desc ){

	return $desc;


# robots metatag.
add_filter( 'wp_robots', 'wp_kama_robots_tag' );

function wp_kama_robots_tag( $robots ){

	// close
		is_attachment() ||
		is_paged() ||
		$robots['noindex'] = true;
		$robots['follow'] = true;

	// close taxonomies

	// close draft
	if( is_preview() ){
		$robots['none'] = true;

	return $robots;