Returns the node name represented by the token.
This matches the DOM API value nodeName. Some values are static, such as #text for a text node, while others are dynamically generated from the token itself.
Dynamic names:
- Uppercase tag name for tag matches.
- html for DOCTYPE declarations.
Note that if the Tag Processor is not matched on a token then this function will return null, either because it hasn't yet found a token or because it reached the end of the document without matching a token.
Method of the class: WP_HTML_Tag_Processor{}
No Hooks.
. Name of the matched token.
$WP_HTML_Tag_Processor = new WP_HTML_Tag_Processor(); $WP_HTML_Tag_Processor->get_token_name(): ?string;
Since 6.5.0 | Introduced. |
WP_HTML_Tag_Processor::get_token_name() WP HTML Tag Processor::get token name code WP 6.7.1
public function get_token_name(): ?string { switch ( $this->parser_state ) { case self::STATE_MATCHED_TAG: return $this->get_tag(); case self::STATE_TEXT_NODE: return '#text'; case self::STATE_CDATA_NODE: return '#cdata-section'; case self::STATE_COMMENT: return '#comment'; case self::STATE_DOCTYPE: return 'html'; case self::STATE_PRESUMPTUOUS_TAG: return '#presumptuous-tag'; case self::STATE_FUNKY_COMMENT: return '#funky-comment'; } return null; }