fetch_rss()WP 1.5.0

Receives RSS feed from the specified URL and parses it. Creates an object of MagpieRSS class.

This function is used to get an RSS feed in the form of a Magpie object, which is convenient to work with (see RSSCache{} and MagpieRSS{}). The function also caches the result of the query.

There is a similiar function fetch_feed(), which creates the same feed object by the URL, but it works based on SimplePie class. fetch_feed() is newer and was introduced since 2.8. It's reccomended to use fetch_feed() instead of this function.

No Hooks.


MagpieRSS|false. MagpieRSS object on success, false on failure.


fetch_rss ( $url );
$url(string) (required)
URL to retrieve feed.



#1 Get 5 latest posts from http://example.com/feed/ feed

include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/rss.php');
$rss = fetch_rss('http://example.com/feed/');
$rss_items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, 5);
if ( empty($rss_items) ) {
	echo 'no posts';
} else {
	foreach ( $rss_items as $item ) {
		echo '<p><a href="' . $item['link'] . '">' . $item['title'] . '</a></p>';

#2 Disable the cache or change its lifetime

To change the cache for fetch_rss(), use two these functions:

define('MAGPIE_CACHE_ON', 0); // Disable the cache
define('MAGPIE_CACHE_AGE', 3600 ) // Change lifetime to 1 hour

You can define these constants in wp-config.php file.


  • Package: External
  • Subpackage: MagpieRSS


Since 1.5.0 Introduced.

fetch_rss() code WP 6.7.1

function fetch_rss ($url) {
	// initialize constants

	if ( !isset($url) ) {
		// error("fetch_rss called without a url");
		return false;

	// if cache is disabled
	if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) {
		// fetch file, and parse it
		$resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url );
		if ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) {
			return _response_to_rss( $resp );
		else {
			// error("Failed to fetch $url and cache is off");
			return false;
	// else cache is ON
	else {
		// Flow
		// 1. check cache
		// 2. if there is a hit, make sure it's fresh
		// 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote
		// 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error


		if (MAGPIE_DEBUG and $cache->ERROR) {
			debug($cache->ERROR, E_USER_WARNING);

		$cache_status 	 = 0;		// response of check_cache
		$request_headers = array(); // HTTP headers to send with fetch
		$rss 			 = 0;		// parsed RSS object
		$errormsg		 = 0;		// errors, if any

		if (!$cache->ERROR) {
			// return cache HIT, MISS, or STALE
			$cache_status = $cache->check_cache( $url );

		// if object cached, and cache is fresh, return cached obj
		if ( $cache_status == 'HIT' ) {
			$rss = $cache->get( $url );
			if ( isset($rss) and $rss ) {
				$rss->from_cache = 1;
				if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
				debug("MagpieRSS: Cache HIT", E_USER_NOTICE);
				return $rss;

		// else attempt a conditional get

		// set up headers
		if ( $cache_status == 'STALE' ) {
			$rss = $cache->get( $url );
			if ( isset($rss->etag) and $rss->last_modified ) {
				$request_headers['If-None-Match'] = $rss->etag;
				$request_headers['If-Last-Modified'] = $rss->last_modified;

		$resp = _fetch_remote_file( $url, $request_headers );

		if (isset($resp) and $resp) {
			if ($resp->status == '304' ) {
				// we have the most current copy
				if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
					debug("Got 304 for $url");
				// reset cache on 304 (at minutillo insistent prodding)
				$cache->set($url, $rss);
				return $rss;
			elseif ( is_success( $resp->status ) ) {
				$rss = _response_to_rss( $resp );
				if ( $rss ) {
					if (MAGPIE_DEBUG > 1) {
						debug("Fetch successful");
					// add object to cache
					$cache->set( $url, $rss );
					return $rss;
			else {
				$errormsg = "Failed to fetch $url. ";
				if ( $resp->error ) {
					# compensate for Snoopy's annoying habit to tacking
					# on '\n'
					$http_error = substr($resp->error, 0, -2);
					$errormsg .= "(HTTP Error: $http_error)";
				else {
					$errormsg .=  "(HTTP Response: " . $resp->response_code .')';
		else {
			$errormsg = "Unable to retrieve RSS file for unknown reasons.";

		// else fetch failed

		// attempt to return cached object
		if ($rss) {
			if ( MAGPIE_DEBUG ) {
				debug("Returning STALE object for $url");
			return $rss;

		// else we totally failed
		// error( $errormsg );

		return false;

	} // end if ( !MAGPIE_CACHE_ON ) {
} // end fetch_rss()