wp_get_sites()WP 3.7.0

Deprecated from version 4.6.0. It is no longer supported and can be removed in future releases. Use get_sites() instead.

Return an array of sites for a network or networks.

No Hooks.


Array[]. An empty array if the installation is considered "large" via wp_is_large_network(). Otherwise, an associative array of WP_Site data as arrays.


wp_get_sites( $args );

Array of default arguments. Optional.

Default: array()

  • network_id(int|int[])
    A network ID or array of network IDs. Set to null to retrieve sites from all networks.
    Default: current network ID

  • public(int)
    Retrieve public or non-public sites.
    Default: null, for any

  • archived(int)
    Retrieve archived or non-archived sites.
    Default: null, for any

  • mature(int)
    Retrieve mature or non-mature sites.
    Default: null, for any

  • spam(int)
    Retrieve spam or non-spam sites.
    Default: null, for any

  • deleted(int)
    Retrieve deleted or non-deleted sites.
    Default: null, for any

  • limit(int)
    Number of sites to limit the query to.
    Default: 100

  • offset(int)
    Exclude the first x sites. Used in combination with the $limit parameter.



#1 Get all the sites in the network as an array

$array = wp_get_sites( array(
	'network_id' => null,
	'public'     => null,
	'archived'   => null,
	'mature'     => null,
	'spam'       => null,
	'deleted'    => null,
	'limit'      => 100,
	'offset'     => 0,
) );

print_r( $array );

/* Will display 
	[0] => Array(
		[blog_id] => 1
		[site_id] => 1
		[domain] => example.com
		[path] => /
		[registered] => 2013-11-08 17:56:46
		[last_updated] => 2013-11-08 18:57:19
		[public] => 1
		[archived] => 0
		[mature] => 0
		[spam] => 0
		[deleted] => 0
		[lang_id] => 0

	[1] => Array(
		[blog_id] => 2
		[site_id] => 1
		[domain] => example.com
		[path] => /examplesubsite/
		[registered] => 2013-11-08 18:07:22
		[last_updated] => 2013-11-08 18:13:40
		[public] => 1
		[archived] => 0
		[mature] => 0
		[spam] => 0
		[deleted] => 0
		[lang_id] => 0



Since 3.7.0 Introduced.
Deprecated since 4.6.0 Use get_sites()

wp_get_sites() code WP 6.5.2

function wp_get_sites( $args = array() ) {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.6.0', 'get_sites()' );

	if ( wp_is_large_network() )
		return array();

	$defaults = array(
		'network_id' => get_current_network_id(),
		'public'     => null,
		'archived'   => null,
		'mature'     => null,
		'spam'       => null,
		'deleted'    => null,
		'limit'      => 100,
		'offset'     => 0,

	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	// Backward compatibility.
	if( is_array( $args['network_id'] ) ){
		$args['network__in'] = $args['network_id'];
		$args['network_id'] = null;

	if( is_numeric( $args['limit'] ) ){
		$args['number'] = $args['limit'];
		$args['limit'] = null;
	} elseif ( ! $args['limit'] ) {
		$args['number'] = 0;
		$args['limit'] = null;

	// Make sure count is disabled.
	$args['count'] = false;

	$_sites  = get_sites( $args );

	$results = array();

	foreach ( $_sites as $_site ) {
		$_site = get_site( $_site );
		$results[] = $_site->to_array();

	return $results;