wp_read_audio_metadata() │ WP 3.6.0
Retrieve metadata from a audio file's ID3 tags
1 time — 0.014777 sec (extremely slow) | 50000 times — 1538.81 sec (extremely slow) | PHP 7.0.5, WP 4.5
. Returns array of metadata, if found.
wp_read_audio_metadata( $file );
$file(string) (required)
Path to file.
#1 Get all the data of the audio file by it's file path
if( ! function_exists('wp_read_audio_metadata') ){
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/media.php';
// the path to the file
$file = wp_get_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/2016/04/Happy_Birthday.mp3';
$metadata = wp_read_audio_metadata( $file );
print_r( $metadata );
/* Print:
[dataformat] => mp3
[channels] => 2
[sample_rate] => 44100
[bitrate] => 320000
[channelmode] => stereo
[bitrate_mode] => cbr
[lossless] =>
[encoder_options] => CBR320
[compression_ratio] => 0.226757369615
[fileformat] => mp3
[filesize] => 342016
[mime_type] => audio/mpeg
[length] => 8
[length_formatted] => 0:08
[text] => Elsynor Elsy
[artist] => Gregory House
[album] => Original from TVShow
[band] => Gregory House
[title] => Happy Birthday
[publisher] => FOX
[year] => 2004
[comment] => House M.D. - 01x06 The Socratic Method
[genre] => Sound clip
[image] => Array
[data] => ����JFIFC ...file data itself
[mime] => image/jpeg
[width] => 624
[height] => 352
#2 Display the duration of the audio file in seconds
// wp_read_audio_metadata() is not available at the front.
if( ! function_exists( 'wp_read_audio_metadata' ) ){
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/media.php';
// the path to the file
$file = wp_get_upload_dir()['basedir'] . '/2016/04/Happy_Birthday.mp3';
$metadata = wp_read_audio_metadata( $file );
echo sprintf( 'The duration of the audio is % sec.', $metadata['length'] );
// will print: The duration of the audio is 60 sec.
Add Your Own Example
wp_read_audio_metadata() wp read audio metadata code
WP 6.7.1
function wp_read_audio_metadata( $file ) {
if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) {
return false;
$metadata = array();
if ( ! defined( 'GETID3_TEMP_DIR' ) ) {
define( 'GETID3_TEMP_DIR', get_temp_dir() );
if ( ! class_exists( 'getID3', false ) ) {
require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/ID3/getid3.php';
$id3 = new getID3();
// Required to get the `created_timestamp` value.
$id3->options_audiovideo_quicktime_ReturnAtomData = true; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName
$data = $id3->analyze( $file );
if ( ! empty( $data['audio'] ) ) {
unset( $data['audio']['streams'] );
$metadata = $data['audio'];
if ( ! empty( $data['fileformat'] ) ) {
$metadata['fileformat'] = $data['fileformat'];
if ( ! empty( $data['filesize'] ) ) {
$metadata['filesize'] = (int) $data['filesize'];
if ( ! empty( $data['mime_type'] ) ) {
$metadata['mime_type'] = $data['mime_type'];
if ( ! empty( $data['playtime_seconds'] ) ) {
$metadata['length'] = (int) round( $data['playtime_seconds'] );
if ( ! empty( $data['playtime_string'] ) ) {
$metadata['length_formatted'] = $data['playtime_string'];
if ( empty( $metadata['created_timestamp'] ) ) {
$created_timestamp = wp_get_media_creation_timestamp( $data );
if ( false !== $created_timestamp ) {
$metadata['created_timestamp'] = $created_timestamp;
wp_add_id3_tag_data( $metadata, $data );
$file_format = isset( $metadata['fileformat'] ) ? $metadata['fileformat'] : null;
* Filters the array of metadata retrieved from an audio file.
* In core, usually this selection is what is stored.
* More complete data can be parsed from the `$data` parameter.
* @since 6.1.0
* @param array $metadata Filtered audio metadata.
* @param string $file Path to audio file.
* @param string|null $file_format File format of audio, as analyzed by getID3.
* Null if unknown.
* @param array $data Raw metadata from getID3.
return apply_filters( 'wp_read_audio_metadata', $metadata, $file, $file_format, $data );
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