Parses the DB_HOST setting to interpret it for mysqli_real_connect().
mysqli_real_connect() doesn't support the host param including a port or socket like mysql_connect() does. This duplicates how mysql_connect() detects a port and/or socket file.
Method of the class: wpdb{}
No Hooks.
. Array containing the host, the port, the socket and whether it is an IPv6 address, in that order. False if the host couldn't be parsed.
global $wpdb; $wpdb->parse_db_host( $host );
- $host(string) (required)
- The DB_HOST setting to parse.
Since 4.9.0 | Introduced. |
wpdb::parse_db_host() wpdb::parse db host code WP 6.7.1
public function parse_db_host( $host ) { $socket = null; $is_ipv6 = false; // First peel off the socket parameter from the right, if it exists. $socket_pos = strpos( $host, ':/' ); if ( false !== $socket_pos ) { $socket = substr( $host, $socket_pos + 1 ); $host = substr( $host, 0, $socket_pos ); } /* * We need to check for an IPv6 address first. * An IPv6 address will always contain at least two colons. */ if ( substr_count( $host, ':' ) > 1 ) { $pattern = '#^(?:\[)?(?P<host>[0-9a-fA-F:]+)(?:\]:(?P<port>[\d]+))?#'; $is_ipv6 = true; } else { // We seem to be dealing with an IPv4 address. $pattern = '#^(?P<host>[^:/]*)(?::(?P<port>[\d]+))?#'; } $matches = array(); $result = preg_match( $pattern, $host, $matches ); if ( 1 !== $result ) { // Couldn't parse the address, bail. return false; } $host = ! empty( $matches['host'] ) ? $matches['host'] : ''; // MySQLi port cannot be a string; must be null or an integer. $port = ! empty( $matches['port'] ) ? absint( $matches['port'] ) : null; return array( $host, $port, $socket, $is_ipv6 ); }