Help_Command::show_help()private staticWP-CLI 1.0

Method of the class: Help_Command{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$result = Help_Command::show_help( $command );
$command (required)

Help_Command::show_help() code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha

private static function show_help( $command ) {
	$out = self::get_initial_markdown( $command );

	// Remove subcommands if in columns - will wordwrap separately.
	$subcommands       = '';
	$column_subpattern = '[ \t]+[^\t]+\t+';
	if ( preg_match( '/(^## SUBCOMMANDS[^\n]*\n+' . $column_subpattern . '.+?)(?:^##|\z)/ms', $out, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ) ) {
		$subcommands        = $matches[1][0];
		$subcommands_header = "## SUBCOMMANDS\n";
		$out                = substr_replace( $out, $subcommands_header, $matches[1][1], strlen( $subcommands ) );

	$out .= self::parse_reference_links( $command->get_longdesc() );

	// Definition lists.
	$out = preg_replace_callback( '/([^\n]+)\n: (.+?)(\n\n|$)/s', [ __CLASS__, 'rewrap_param_desc' ], $out );

	// Ensure lines with no leading whitespace that aren't section headers are indented.
	$out = preg_replace( '/^((?! |\t|##).)/m', "\t$1", $out );

	$tab = str_repeat( ' ', 2 );

	// Need to de-tab for wordwrapping to work properly.
	$out = str_replace( "\t", $tab, $out );

	$wordwrap_width = Shell::columns();

	// Wordwrap with indent.
	$out = preg_replace_callback(
		'/^( *)([^\n]+)\n/m',
		function ( $matches ) use ( $wordwrap_width ) {
			return $matches[1] . str_replace( "\n", "\n{$matches[1]}", wordwrap( $matches[2], $wordwrap_width - strlen( $matches[1] ) ) ) . "\n";

	if ( $subcommands ) {
		// Wordwrap with column indent.
		$subcommands = preg_replace_callback(
			'/^(' . $column_subpattern . ')([^\n]+)\n/m',
			function ( $matches ) use ( $wordwrap_width, $tab ) {
				// Need to de-tab for wordwrapping to work properly.
				$matches[1]  = str_replace( "\t", $tab, $matches[1] );
				$matches[2]  = str_replace( "\t", $tab, $matches[2] );
				$padding_len = strlen( $matches[1] );
				$padding     = str_repeat( ' ', $padding_len );
				return $matches[1] . str_replace( "\n", "\n$padding", wordwrap( $matches[2], $wordwrap_width - $padding_len ) ) . "\n";

		// Put subcommands back.
		$out = str_replace( $subcommands_header, $subcommands, $out );

	// Section headers.
	$out = preg_replace( '/^## ([A-Z ]+)/m', WP_CLI::colorize( '%9\1%n' ), $out );

	self::pass_through_pager( $out );