Check whether there's a WP-CLI update available, and suggest update if so.
Method of the class: Runner{}
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
// private - for code of main (parent) class only $result = $this->auto_check_update();
Runner::auto_check_update() Runner::auto check update code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha
private function auto_check_update() { // `wp cli update` only works with Phars at this time. if ( ! Utils\inside_phar() ) { return; } $existing_phar = realpath( $_SERVER['argv'][0] ); // Phar needs to be writable to be easily updateable. if ( ! is_writable( $existing_phar ) || ! is_writable( dirname( $existing_phar ) ) ) { return; } // Only check for update when a human is operating. if ( ! function_exists( 'posix_isatty' ) || ! posix_isatty( STDOUT ) ) { return; } // Allow hosts and other providers to disable automatic check update. if ( getenv( 'WP_CLI_DISABLE_AUTO_CHECK_UPDATE' ) ) { return; } // Permit configuration of number of days between checks. $days_between_checks = getenv( 'WP_CLI_AUTO_CHECK_UPDATE_DAYS' ); if ( false === $days_between_checks ) { $days_between_checks = 1; } $cache = WP_CLI::get_cache(); $cache_key = 'wp-cli-update-check'; // Bail early on the first check, so we don't always check on an unwritable cache. if ( ! $cache->has( $cache_key ) ) { $cache->write( $cache_key, time() ); return; } // Bail if last check is still within our update check time period. $last_check = (int) $cache->read( $cache_key ); if ( ( time() - ( 24 * 60 * 60 * $days_between_checks ) ) < $last_check ) { return; } // In case the operation fails, ensure the timestamp has been updated. $cache->write( $cache_key, time() ); // Check whether any updates are available. ob_start(); WP_CLI::run_command( [ 'cli', 'check-update' ], [ 'format' => 'count', ] ); $count = ob_get_clean(); if ( ! $count ) { return; } // Looks like an update is available, so let's prompt to update. WP_CLI::run_command( [ 'cli', 'update' ] ); // If the Phar was replaced, we can't proceed with the original process. exit; }