Runner{} │ WP-CLI 1.0
Performs the execution of a command.
Hooks from the class
$Runner = new Runner(); // use class methods
- public __get( $key )
- public action_setup_theme_wp_cli_skip_themes()
- private auto_check_update()
- private static back_compat_conversions( $args, $assoc_args )
- private check_root()
- private check_wp_version()
- private cmd_starts_with( $prefix )
- private do_early_invoke( $when )
- private enable_error_reporting()
- private enumerate_commands( CompositeCommand $command, array &$list, $parent = '' )
- private static extract_subdir_path( $index_path )
- private static fake_current_site_blog( $url_parts )
- public find_command_to_run( $args )
- private find_wp_root()
- private generate_ssh_command( $bits, $wp_command )
- public get_global_config_path( $create_config_file = false )
- public get_packages_dir_path()
- public get_project_config_path()
- public get_required_files()
- private get_subcommand_suggestion( $entry, CompositeCommand $root_command = null )
- public get_wp_config_code( $wp_config_path = '' )
- private static guess_url( $assoc_args )
- public help_wp_die_handler( $message )
- public in_color()
- public init_colorization()
- public init_config()
- public init_logger()
- public is_command_disabled( $command )
- private is_multisite()
- public load_wordpress()
- private maybe_update_url_from_domain_constant()
- public register_context_manager( ContextManager $context_manager )
- public register_early_invoke( $when, $command )
- private run_alias_group( $aliases )
- public run_command( $args, $assoc_args = [], $options = [] )
- private run_command_and_exit( $help_exit_warning = '' )
- private run_ssh_command( $connection_string )
- private set_alias( $alias )
- private static set_wp_root( $path )
- private setup_bootstrap_hooks()
- private setup_skip_plugins_filters()
- public show_synopsis_if_composite_command()
- public start()
- private wp_exists()
- private wp_is_readable()
- Package: WP_CLI
Runner{} Runner{} code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha
class Runner { /** * List of byte-order marks (BOMs) to detect. * * @var array<string, string> */ const BYTE_ORDER_MARKS = [ 'UTF-8' => "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 'UTF-16 (BE)' => "\xFE\xFF", 'UTF-16 (LE)' => "\xFF\xFE", ]; private $global_config_path; private $project_config_path; private $config; private $extra_config; private $context_manager; private $alias; private $aliases; private $arguments; private $assoc_args; private $runtime_config; private $colorize = false; private $early_invoke = []; private $global_config_path_debug; private $project_config_path_debug; private $required_files; public function __get( $key ) { if ( '_' === $key[0] ) { return null; } return $this->$key; } public function register_context_manager( ContextManager $context_manager ) { $this->context_manager = $context_manager; } /** * Register a command for early invocation, generally before WordPress loads. * * @param string $when Named execution hook * @param Subcommand $command */ public function register_early_invoke( $when, $command ) { $this->early_invoke[ $when ][] = array_slice( Dispatcher\get_path( $command ), 1 ); } /** * Perform the early invocation of a command. * * @param string $when Named execution hook */ private function do_early_invoke( $when ) { if ( ! isset( $this->early_invoke[ $when ] ) ) { return; } // Search the value of @when from the command method. $real_when = ''; $r = $this->find_command_to_run( $this->arguments ); if ( is_array( $r ) ) { list( $command, $final_args, $cmd_path ) = $r; foreach ( $this->early_invoke as $_when => $_path ) { foreach ( $_path as $cmd ) { if ( $cmd === $cmd_path ) { $real_when = $_when; } } } } foreach ( $this->early_invoke[ $when ] as $path ) { if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( $path ) ) { if ( empty( $real_when ) || ( $real_when && $real_when === $when ) ) { $this->run_command_and_exit(); } } } } /** * Get the path to the global configuration YAML file. * * @param bool $create_config_file Optional. If a config file doesn't exist, * should it be created? Defaults to false. * * @return string|false */ public function get_global_config_path( $create_config_file = false ) { if ( getenv( 'WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ) ) { $config_path = getenv( 'WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ); $this->global_config_path_debug = 'Using global config from WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH env var: ' . $config_path; } else { $config_path = Utils\get_home_dir() . '/.wp-cli/config.yml'; $this->global_config_path_debug = 'Using default global config: ' . $config_path; } // If global config doesn't exist create one. if ( true === $create_config_file && ! file_exists( $config_path ) ) { $this->global_config_path_debug = "Default global config doesn't exist, creating one in {$config_path}"; Process::create( Utils\esc_cmd( 'touch %s', $config_path ) )->run(); } if ( is_readable( $config_path ) ) { return $config_path; } $this->global_config_path_debug = 'No readable global config found'; return false; } /** * Get the path to the project-specific configuration * YAML file. * wp-cli.local.yml takes priority over wp-cli.yml. * * @return string|false */ public function get_project_config_path() { $config_files = [ 'wp-cli.local.yml', 'wp-cli.yml', ]; // Stop looking upward when we find we have emerged from a subdirectory // installation into a parent installation $project_config_path = Utils\find_file_upward( $config_files, getcwd(), static function ( $dir ) { static $wp_load_count = 0; $wp_load_path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wp-load.php'; if ( file_exists( $wp_load_path ) ) { ++ $wp_load_count; } return $wp_load_count > 1; } ); $this->project_config_path_debug = 'No project config found'; if ( ! empty( $project_config_path ) ) { $this->project_config_path_debug = 'Using project config: ' . $project_config_path; } return $project_config_path; } /** * Get the path to the packages directory * * @return string */ public function get_packages_dir_path() { if ( getenv( 'WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR' ) ) { $packages_dir = Utils\trailingslashit( getenv( 'WP_CLI_PACKAGES_DIR' ) ); } else { $packages_dir = Utils\get_home_dir() . '/.wp-cli/packages/'; } return $packages_dir; } /** * Attempts to find the path to the WP installation inside index.php * * @param string $index_path * @return string|false */ private static function extract_subdir_path( $index_path ) { $index_code = file_get_contents( $index_path ); if ( ! preg_match( '|^\s*require\s*\(?\s*(.+?)/wp-blog-header\.php([\'"])|m', $index_code, $matches ) ) { return false; } $wp_path_src = $matches[1] . $matches[2]; $wp_path_src = Utils\replace_path_consts( $wp_path_src, $index_path ); $wp_path = eval( "return $wp_path_src;" ); // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged if ( ! Utils\is_path_absolute( $wp_path ) ) { $wp_path = dirname( $index_path ) . "/$wp_path"; } return $wp_path; } /** * Find the directory that contains the WordPress files. * Defaults to the current working dir. * * @return string An absolute path */ private function find_wp_root() { if ( isset( $this->config['path'] ) && ( is_bool( $this->config['path'] ) || empty( $this->config['path'] ) ) ) { WP_CLI::error( 'The --path parameter cannot be empty when provided.' ); } if ( ! empty( $this->config['path'] ) ) { $path = $this->config['path']; if ( ! Utils\is_path_absolute( $path ) ) { $path = getcwd() . '/' . $path; } return $path; } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'core', 'download' ] ) ) { return getcwd(); } $dir = getcwd(); while ( is_readable( $dir ) ) { if ( file_exists( "$dir/wp-load.php" ) ) { return $dir; } if ( file_exists( "$dir/index.php" ) ) { $path = self::extract_subdir_path( "$dir/index.php" ); if ( ! empty( $path ) ) { return $path; } } $parent_dir = dirname( $dir ); if ( empty( $parent_dir ) || $parent_dir === $dir ) { break; } $dir = $parent_dir; } return getcwd(); } /** * Set WordPress root as a given path. * * @param string $path */ private static function set_wp_root( $path ) { if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedConstantFound -- Declaring a WP native constant. define( 'ABSPATH', Utils\normalize_path( Utils\trailingslashit( $path ) ) ); } elseif ( ! is_null( $path ) ) { WP_CLI::error_multi_line( [ 'The --path parameter cannot be used when ABSPATH is already defined elsewhere', 'ABSPATH is defined as: "' . ABSPATH . '"', ] ); } WP_CLI::debug( 'ABSPATH defined: ' . ABSPATH, 'bootstrap' ); $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = realpath( $path ); } /** * Guess which URL context WP-CLI has been invoked under. * * @param array $assoc_args * @return string|false */ private static function guess_url( $assoc_args ) { if ( isset( $assoc_args['blog'] ) ) { $assoc_args['url'] = $assoc_args['blog']; } if ( isset( $assoc_args['url'] ) ) { $url = $assoc_args['url']; if ( true === $url ) { WP_CLI::warning( 'The --url parameter expects a value.' ); } return $url; } return false; } private function cmd_starts_with( $prefix ) { return array_slice( $this->arguments, 0, count( $prefix ) ) === $prefix; } /** * Given positional arguments, find the command to execute. * * @param array $args * @return array|string Command, args, and path on success; error message on failure */ public function find_command_to_run( $args ) { $command = WP_CLI::get_root_command(); WP_CLI::do_hook( 'find_command_to_run_pre' ); $cmd_path = []; while ( ! empty( $args ) && $command->can_have_subcommands() ) { $cmd_path[] = $args[0]; $full_name = implode( ' ', $cmd_path ); $subcommand = $command->find_subcommand( $args ); if ( ! $subcommand ) { if ( count( $cmd_path ) > 1 ) { $child = array_pop( $cmd_path ); $parent_name = implode( ' ', $cmd_path ); $suggestion = $this->get_subcommand_suggestion( $child, $command ); return sprintf( "'%s' is not a registered subcommand of '%s'. See 'wp help %s' for available subcommands.%s", $child, $parent_name, $parent_name, ! empty( $suggestion ) ? PHP_EOL . "Did you mean '{$suggestion}'?" : '' ); } $suggestion = $this->get_subcommand_suggestion( $full_name, $command ); return sprintf( "'%s' is not a registered wp command. See 'wp help' for available commands.%s", $full_name, ! empty( $suggestion ) ? PHP_EOL . "Did you mean '{$suggestion}'?" : '' ); } if ( $this->is_command_disabled( $subcommand ) ) { return sprintf( "The '%s' command has been disabled from the config file.", $full_name ); } $command = $subcommand; } return [ $command, $args, $cmd_path ]; } /** * Find the WP-CLI command to run given arguments, and invoke it. * * @param array $args Positional arguments including command name * @param array $assoc_args Associative arguments for the command. * @param array $options Configuration options for the function. */ public function run_command( $args, $assoc_args = [], $options = [] ) { WP_CLI::do_hook( 'before_run_command', $args, $assoc_args, $options ); if ( ! empty( $options['back_compat_conversions'] ) ) { list( $args, $assoc_args ) = self::back_compat_conversions( $args, $assoc_args ); } $r = $this->find_command_to_run( $args ); if ( is_string( $r ) ) { WP_CLI::error( $r ); } list( $command, $final_args, $cmd_path ) = $r; $name = implode( ' ', $cmd_path ); $extra_args = []; if ( isset( $this->extra_config[ $name ] ) ) { $extra_args = $this->extra_config[ $name ]; } WP_CLI::debug( 'Running command: ' . $name, 'bootstrap' ); try { $command->invoke( $final_args, $assoc_args, $extra_args ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { WP_CLI::error( $e->getMessage() ); } } /** * Show synopsis if the called command is a composite command */ public function show_synopsis_if_composite_command() { $r = $this->find_command_to_run( $this->arguments ); if ( is_array( $r ) ) { list( $command ) = $r; if ( $command->can_have_subcommands() ) { $command->show_usage(); exit; } } } private function run_command_and_exit( $help_exit_warning = '' ) { $this->show_synopsis_if_composite_command(); $this->run_command( $this->arguments, $this->assoc_args ); if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'help' ] ) ) { // Help couldn't find the command so exit with suggestion. $suggestion_or_disabled = $this->find_command_to_run( array_slice( $this->arguments, 1 ) ); if ( is_string( $suggestion_or_disabled ) ) { if ( $help_exit_warning ) { WP_CLI::warning( $help_exit_warning ); } WP_CLI::error( $suggestion_or_disabled ); } // Should never get here. } exit; } /** * Perform a command against a remote server over SSH (or a container using * scheme of "docker", "docker-compose", or "docker-compose-run"). * * @param string $connection_string Passed connection string. * @return void */ private function run_ssh_command( $connection_string ) { WP_CLI::do_hook( 'before_ssh' ); $bits = Utils\parse_ssh_url( $connection_string ); $pre_cmd = getenv( 'WP_CLI_SSH_PRE_CMD' ); if ( $pre_cmd ) { $message = WP_CLI::warning( "WP_CLI_SSH_PRE_CMD found, executing the following command(s) on the remote machine:\n $pre_cmd" ); WP_CLI::log( $message ); $pre_cmd = rtrim( $pre_cmd, ';' ) . '; '; } if ( ! empty( $bits['path'] ) ) { $pre_cmd .= 'cd ' . escapeshellarg( $bits['path'] ) . '; '; } $env_vars = ''; if ( getenv( 'WP_CLI_STRICT_ARGS_MODE' ) ) { $env_vars .= 'WP_CLI_STRICT_ARGS_MODE=1 '; } $wp_binary = 'wp'; $wp_args = array_slice( $GLOBALS['argv'], 1 ); if ( $this->alias && ! empty( $wp_args[0] ) && $this->alias === $wp_args[0] ) { array_shift( $wp_args ); $runtime_alias = []; foreach ( $this->aliases[ $this->alias ] as $key => $value ) { if ( 'ssh' === $key ) { continue; } $runtime_alias[ $key ] = $value; } if ( ! empty( $runtime_alias ) ) { $encoded_alias = json_encode( [ $this->alias => $runtime_alias, ] ); $wp_binary = "WP_CLI_RUNTIME_ALIAS='{$encoded_alias}' {$wp_binary} {$this->alias}"; } } foreach ( $wp_args as $k => $v ) { if ( preg_match( '#--ssh=#', $v ) ) { unset( $wp_args[ $k ] ); } } $wp_command = $pre_cmd . $env_vars . $wp_binary . ' ' . implode( ' ', array_map( 'escapeshellarg', $wp_args ) ); if ( isset( $bits['scheme'] ) && 'docker-compose-run' === $bits['scheme'] ) { $wp_command = implode( ' ', $wp_args ); } $escaped_command = $this->generate_ssh_command( $bits, $wp_command ); passthru( $escaped_command, $exit_code ); if ( 255 === $exit_code ) { WP_CLI::error( 'Cannot connect over SSH using provided configuration.', 255 ); } else { exit( $exit_code ); } } /** * Generate a shell command from the parsed connection string. * * @param array $bits Parsed connection string. * @param string $wp_command WP-CLI command to run. * @return string */ private function generate_ssh_command( $bits, $wp_command ) { $escaped_command = ''; // Set default values. foreach ( [ 'scheme', 'user', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'key' ] as $bit ) { if ( ! isset( $bits[ $bit ] ) ) { $bits[ $bit ] = null; } WP_CLI::debug( 'SSH ' . $bit . ': ' . $bits[ $bit ], 'bootstrap' ); } $is_tty = function_exists( 'posix_isatty' ) && posix_isatty( STDOUT ); if ( 'docker' === $bits['scheme'] ) { $command = 'docker exec %s%s%s sh -c %s'; $escaped_command = sprintf( $command, $bits['user'] ? '--user ' . escapeshellarg( $bits['user'] ) . ' ' : '', $is_tty ? '-t ' : '', escapeshellarg( $bits['host'] ), escapeshellarg( $wp_command ) ); } if ( 'docker-compose' === $bits['scheme'] ) { $command = 'docker-compose exec %s%s%s sh -c %s'; $escaped_command = sprintf( $command, $bits['user'] ? '--user ' . escapeshellarg( $bits['user'] ) . ' ' : '', $is_tty ? '' : '-T ', escapeshellarg( $bits['host'] ), escapeshellarg( $wp_command ) ); } if ( 'docker-compose-run' === $bits['scheme'] ) { $command = 'docker-compose run %s%s%s %s'; $escaped_command = sprintf( $command, $bits['user'] ? '--user ' . escapeshellarg( $bits['user'] ) . ' ' : '', $is_tty ? '' : '-T ', escapeshellarg( $bits['host'] ), $wp_command ); } // Vagrant ssh-config. if ( 'vagrant' === $bits['scheme'] ) { $cache = WP_CLI::get_cache(); $cache_key = 'vagrant:' . $this->project_config_path; if ( $cache->has( $cache_key ) ) { $cached = $cache->read( $cache_key ); $values = json_decode( $cached, true ); } else { $ssh_config = shell_exec( 'vagrant ssh-config 2>/dev/null' ); if ( preg_match_all( '#\s*(?<NAME>[a-zA-Z]+)\s(?<VALUE>.+)\s*#', $ssh_config, $matches ) ) { $values = array_combine( $matches['NAME'], $matches['VALUE'] ); $cache->write( $cache_key, json_encode( $values ) ); } } if ( empty( $bits['host'] ) || ( isset( $values['Host'] ) && $bits['host'] === $values['Host'] ) ) { $bits['scheme'] = 'ssh'; $bits['host'] = $values['HostName']; $bits['port'] = $values['Port']; $bits['user'] = $values['User']; $bits['key'] = $values['IdentityFile']; } // If we could not resolve the bits still, fallback to just `vagrant ssh` if ( 'vagrant' === $bits['scheme'] ) { $command = 'vagrant ssh -c %s %s'; $escaped_command = sprintf( $command, escapeshellarg( $wp_command ), escapeshellarg( $bits['host'] ) ); } } // Default scheme is SSH. if ( 'ssh' === $bits['scheme'] || null === $bits['scheme'] ) { $command = 'ssh -q %s %s %s'; if ( $bits['user'] ) { $bits['host'] = $bits['user'] . '@' . $bits['host']; } $command_args = [ $bits['port'] ? '-p ' . (int) $bits['port'] . ' ' : '', $bits['key'] ? sprintf( '-i %s', $bits['key'] ) : '', $is_tty ? '-t' : '-T', ]; $escaped_command = sprintf( $command, implode( ' ', array_filter( $command_args ) ), escapeshellarg( $bits['host'] ), escapeshellarg( $wp_command ) ); } WP_CLI::debug( 'Running SSH command: ' . $escaped_command, 'bootstrap' ); return $escaped_command; } /** * Check whether a given command is disabled by the config. * * @return bool */ public function is_command_disabled( $command ) { $path = implode( ' ', array_slice( Dispatcher\get_path( $command ), 1 ) ); return in_array( $path, $this->config['disabled_commands'], true ); } /** * Returns wp-config.php code, skipping the loading of wp-settings.php. * * @param string $wp_config_path Optional. Config file path. If left empty, it tries to * locate the wp-config.php file automatically. * * @return string */ public function get_wp_config_code( $wp_config_path = '' ) { if ( empty( $wp_config_path ) ) { $wp_config_path = Utils\locate_wp_config(); } $wp_config_code = explode( "\n", file_get_contents( $wp_config_path ) ); // Detect and strip byte-order marks (BOMs). // This code assumes they can only be found on the first line. foreach ( self::BYTE_ORDER_MARKS as $bom_name => $bom_sequence ) { WP_CLI::debug( "Looking for {$bom_name} BOM", 'bootstrap' ); $length = strlen( $bom_sequence ); while ( substr( $wp_config_code[0], 0, $length ) === $bom_sequence ) { WP_CLI::warning( "{$bom_name} byte-order mark (BOM) detected in wp-config.php file, stripping it for parsing." ); $wp_config_code[0] = substr( $wp_config_code[0], $length ); } } $found_wp_settings = false; $lines_to_run = []; foreach ( $wp_config_code as $line ) { if ( preg_match( '/^\s*require.+wp-settings\.php/', $line ) ) { $found_wp_settings = true; continue; } $lines_to_run[] = $line; } if ( ! $found_wp_settings ) { WP_CLI::error( 'Strange wp-config.php file: wp-settings.php is not loaded directly.' ); } $source = implode( "\n", $lines_to_run ); $source = Utils\replace_path_consts( $source, $wp_config_path ); return preg_replace( '|^\s*\<\?php\s*|', '', $source ); } /** * Transparently convert deprecated syntaxes * * @param array $args * @param array $assoc_args * @return array */ private static function back_compat_conversions( $args, $assoc_args ) { $top_level_aliases = [ 'sql' => 'db', 'blog' => 'site', ]; if ( count( $args ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $top_level_aliases as $old => $new ) { if ( $old === $args[0] ) { $args[0] = $new; break; } } } // *-meta -> * meta if ( ! empty( $args ) && preg_match( '/(post|comment|user|network)-meta/', $args[0], $matches ) ) { array_shift( $args ); array_unshift( $args, 'meta' ); array_unshift( $args, $matches[1] ); } // cli aliases -> cli alias list if ( [ 'cli', 'aliases' ] === array_slice( $args, 0, 2 ) ) { list( $args[0], $args[1], $args[2] ) = [ 'cli', 'alias', 'list' ]; } // core (multsite-)install --admin_name= -> --admin_user= if ( count( $args ) > 0 && 'core' === $args[0] && isset( $assoc_args['admin_name'] ) ) { $assoc_args['admin_user'] = $assoc_args['admin_name']; unset( $assoc_args['admin_name'] ); } // core config -> config create if ( [ 'core', 'config' ] === array_slice( $args, 0, 2 ) ) { list( $args[0], $args[1] ) = [ 'config', 'create' ]; } // core language -> language core if ( [ 'core', 'language' ] === array_slice( $args, 0, 2 ) ) { list( $args[0], $args[1] ) = [ 'language', 'core' ]; } // checksum core -> core verify-checksums if ( [ 'checksum', 'core' ] === array_slice( $args, 0, 2 ) ) { list( $args[0], $args[1] ) = [ 'core', 'verify-checksums' ]; } // checksum plugin -> plugin verify-checksums if ( [ 'checksum', 'plugin' ] === array_slice( $args, 0, 2 ) ) { list( $args[0], $args[1] ) = [ 'plugin', 'verify-checksums' ]; } // site create --site_id= -> site create --network_id= if ( count( $args ) >= 2 && 'site' === $args[0] && 'create' === $args[1] && isset( $assoc_args['site_id'] ) ) { $assoc_args['network_id'] = $assoc_args['site_id']; unset( $assoc_args['site_id'] ); } // {plugin|theme} update-all -> {plugin|theme} update --all if ( count( $args ) > 1 && in_array( $args[0], [ 'plugin', 'theme' ], true ) && 'update-all' === $args[1] ) { $args[1] = 'update'; $assoc_args['all'] = true; } // transient delete-expired -> transient delete --expired if ( count( $args ) > 1 && 'transient' === $args[0] && 'delete-expired' === $args[1] ) { $args[1] = 'delete'; $assoc_args['expired'] = true; } // transient delete-all -> transient delete --all if ( count( $args ) > 1 && 'transient' === $args[0] && 'delete-all' === $args[1] ) { $args[1] = 'delete'; $assoc_args['all'] = true; } // plugin scaffold -> scaffold plugin if ( [ 'plugin', 'scaffold' ] === array_slice( $args, 0, 2 ) ) { list( $args[0], $args[1] ) = [ $args[1], $args[0] ]; } // foo --help -> help foo if ( isset( $assoc_args['help'] ) ) { array_unshift( $args, 'help' ); unset( $assoc_args['help'] ); } // {post|user} list --ids -> {post|user} list --format=ids if ( count( $args ) > 1 && in_array( $args[0], [ 'post', 'user' ], true ) && 'list' === $args[1] && isset( $assoc_args['ids'] ) ) { $assoc_args['format'] = 'ids'; unset( $assoc_args['ids'] ); } // --json -> --format=json if ( isset( $assoc_args['json'] ) ) { $assoc_args['format'] = 'json'; unset( $assoc_args['json'] ); } // --{version|info} -> cli {version|info} if ( empty( $args ) ) { $special_flags = [ 'version', 'info' ]; foreach ( $special_flags as $key ) { if ( isset( $assoc_args[ $key ] ) ) { $args = [ 'cli', $key ]; unset( $assoc_args[ $key ] ); break; } } } // (post|comment|site|term) url --> (post|comment|site|term) list --*__in --field=url if ( count( $args ) >= 2 && in_array( $args[0], [ 'post', 'comment', 'site', 'term' ], true ) && 'url' === $args[1] ) { switch ( $args[0] ) { case 'post': $post_ids = array_slice( $args, 2 ); $args = [ 'post', 'list' ]; $assoc_args['post__in'] = implode( ',', $post_ids ); $assoc_args['post_type'] = 'any'; $assoc_args['orderby'] = 'post__in'; $assoc_args['field'] = 'url'; break; case 'comment': $comment_ids = array_slice( $args, 2 ); $args = [ 'comment', 'list' ]; $assoc_args['comment__in'] = implode( ',', $comment_ids ); $assoc_args['orderby'] = 'comment__in'; $assoc_args['field'] = 'url'; break; case 'site': $site_ids = array_slice( $args, 2 ); $args = [ 'site', 'list' ]; $assoc_args['site__in'] = implode( ',', $site_ids ); $assoc_args['field'] = 'url'; break; case 'term': $taxonomy = ''; if ( isset( $args[2] ) ) { $taxonomy = $args[2]; } $term_ids = array_slice( $args, 3 ); $args = [ 'term', 'list', $taxonomy ]; $assoc_args['include'] = implode( ',', $term_ids ); $assoc_args['orderby'] = 'include'; $assoc_args['field'] = 'url'; break; } } // config get --[global|constant]=<global|constant> --> config get <name> --type=constant|variable // config get --> config list if ( count( $args ) === 2 && 'config' === $args[0] && 'get' === $args[1] ) { if ( isset( $assoc_args['global'] ) ) { $name = $assoc_args['global']; $type = 'variable'; unset( $assoc_args['global'] ); } elseif ( isset( $assoc_args['constant'] ) ) { $name = $assoc_args['constant']; $type = 'constant'; unset( $assoc_args['constant'] ); } if ( ! empty( $name ) && ! empty( $type ) ) { $args[] = $name; $assoc_args['type'] = $type; } else { // We had a 'config get' without a '<name>', so assume 'list' was wanted. $args[1] = 'list'; } } return [ $args, $assoc_args ]; } /** * Whether or not the output should be rendered in color * * @return bool */ public function in_color() { return $this->colorize; } public function init_colorization() { if ( 'auto' === $this->config['color'] ) { $this->colorize = ( ! Utils\isPiped() && ! Utils\is_windows() ); } else { $this->colorize = $this->config['color']; } } public function init_logger() { if ( $this->config['quiet'] ) { $logger = new Loggers\Quiet( $this->in_color() ); } else { $logger = new Loggers\Regular( $this->in_color() ); } WP_CLI::set_logger( $logger ); } public function get_required_files() { return $this->required_files; } /** * Do WordPress core files exist? * * @return bool */ private function wp_exists() { return file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php' ); } /** * Are WordPress core files readable? * * @return bool */ private function wp_is_readable() { return is_readable( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php' ); } private function check_wp_version() { $wp_exists = $this->wp_exists(); $wp_is_readable = $this->wp_is_readable(); if ( ! $wp_exists || ! $wp_is_readable ) { $this->show_synopsis_if_composite_command(); // If the command doesn't exist use as error. $args = $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'help' ] ) ? array_slice( $this->arguments, 1 ) : $this->arguments; $suggestion_or_disabled = $this->find_command_to_run( $args ); if ( is_string( $suggestion_or_disabled ) ) { if ( ! preg_match( '/disabled from the config file.$/', $suggestion_or_disabled ) ) { WP_CLI::warning( "No WordPress installation found. If the command '" . implode( ' ', $args ) . "' is in a plugin or theme, pass --path=`path/to/wordpress`." ); } WP_CLI::error( $suggestion_or_disabled ); } if ( $wp_exists && ! $wp_is_readable ) { WP_CLI::error( 'It seems, the WordPress core files do not have the proper file permissions.' ); } WP_CLI::error( "This does not seem to be a WordPress installation.\n" . 'The used path is: ' . ABSPATH . "\n" . 'Pass --path=`path/to/wordpress` or run `wp core download`.' ); } global $wp_version; include ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/version.php'; $minimum_version = '3.7'; if ( version_compare( $wp_version, $minimum_version, '<' ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "WP-CLI needs WordPress $minimum_version or later to work properly. " . "The version currently installed is $wp_version.\n" . 'Try running `wp core download --force`.' ); } } public function init_config() { $configurator = WP_CLI::get_configurator(); $argv = array_slice( $GLOBALS['argv'], 1 ); $this->alias = null; if ( ! empty( $argv[0] ) && preg_match( '#' . Configurator::ALIAS_REGEX . '#', $argv[0], $matches ) ) { $this->alias = array_shift( $argv ); } // File config { $this->global_config_path = $this->get_global_config_path(); $this->project_config_path = $this->get_project_config_path(); $configurator->merge_yml( $this->global_config_path, $this->alias ); $config = $configurator->to_array(); $this->required_files['global'] = $config[0]['require']; $configurator->merge_yml( $this->project_config_path, $this->alias ); $config = $configurator->to_array(); $this->required_files['project'] = $config[0]['require']; } // Runtime config and args { list( $args, $assoc_args, $this->runtime_config ) = $configurator->parse_args( $argv ); list( $this->arguments, $this->assoc_args ) = self::back_compat_conversions( $args, $assoc_args ); $configurator->merge_array( $this->runtime_config ); } list( $this->config, $this->extra_config ) = $configurator->to_array(); $this->aliases = $configurator->get_aliases(); if ( count( $this->aliases ) && ! isset( $this->aliases['@all'] ) ) { $this->aliases = array_reverse( $this->aliases ); $this->aliases['@all'] = 'Run command against every registered alias.'; $this->aliases = array_reverse( $this->aliases ); } $this->required_files['runtime'] = $this->config['require']; } private function check_root() { if ( $this->config['allow-root'] || getenv( 'WP_CLI_ALLOW_ROOT' ) ) { return; # they're aware of the risks! } if ( count( $this->arguments ) >= 2 && 'cli' === $this->arguments[0] && in_array( $this->arguments[1], [ 'update', 'info' ], true ) ) { return; # make it easier to update root-owned copies } if ( ! function_exists( 'posix_geteuid' ) ) { return; # posix functions not available } if ( posix_geteuid() !== 0 ) { return; # not root } WP_CLI::error( "YIKES! It looks like you're running this as root. You probably meant to " . "run this as the user that your WordPress installation exists under.\n" . "\n" . "If you REALLY mean to run this as root, we won't stop you, but just " . 'bear in mind that any code on this site will then have full control of ' . "your server, making it quite DANGEROUS.\n" . "\n" . "If you'd like to continue as root, please run this again, adding this " . "flag: --allow-root\n" . "\n" . "If you'd like to run it as the user that this site is under, you can " . "run the following to become the respective user:\n" . "\n" . " sudo -u USER -i -- wp <command>\n" . "\n" ); } private function run_alias_group( $aliases ) { Utils\check_proc_available( 'group alias' ); $php_bin = escapeshellarg( Utils\get_php_binary() ); $script_path = $GLOBALS['argv'][0]; if ( getenv( 'WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ) ) { $config_path = getenv( 'WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH' ); } else { $config_path = Utils\get_home_dir() . '/.wp-cli/config.yml'; } $config_path = escapeshellarg( $config_path ); foreach ( $aliases as $alias ) { WP_CLI::log( $alias ); $args = implode( ' ', array_map( 'escapeshellarg', $this->arguments ) ); $assoc_args = Utils\assoc_args_to_str( $this->assoc_args ); $runtime_config = Utils\assoc_args_to_str( $this->runtime_config ); $full_command = "WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH={$config_path} {$php_bin} {$script_path} {$alias} {$args}{$assoc_args}{$runtime_config}"; $pipes = []; $proc = Utils\proc_open_compat( $full_command, [ STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR ], $pipes ); proc_close( $proc ); } } private function set_alias( $alias ) { $orig_config = $this->config; $alias_config = $this->aliases[ $alias ]; $this->config = array_merge( $orig_config, $alias_config ); foreach ( $alias_config as $key => $_ ) { if ( isset( $orig_config[ $key ] ) && ! is_null( $orig_config[ $key ] ) ) { $this->assoc_args[ $key ] = $orig_config[ $key ]; } } } public function start() { // Enable PHP error reporting to stderr if testing. Will need to be re-enabled after WP loads. if ( getenv( 'BEHAT_RUN' ) ) { $this->enable_error_reporting(); } WP_CLI::debug( $this->global_config_path_debug, 'bootstrap' ); WP_CLI::debug( $this->project_config_path_debug, 'bootstrap' ); WP_CLI::debug( 'argv: ' . implode( ' ', $GLOBALS['argv'] ), 'bootstrap' ); $this->check_root(); if ( $this->alias ) { if ( '@all' === $this->alias && ! isset( $this->aliases['@all'] ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "Cannot use '@all' when no aliases are registered." ); } if ( '@all' === $this->alias && is_string( $this->aliases['@all'] ) ) { $aliases = array_keys( $this->aliases ); $k = array_search( '@all', $aliases, true ); unset( $aliases[ $k ] ); $this->run_alias_group( $aliases ); exit; } if ( ! array_key_exists( $this->alias, $this->aliases ) ) { $error_msg = "Alias '{$this->alias}' not found."; $suggestion = Utils\get_suggestion( $this->alias, array_keys( $this->aliases ), $threshold = 2 ); if ( $suggestion ) { $error_msg .= PHP_EOL . "Did you mean '{$suggestion}'?"; } WP_CLI::error( $error_msg ); } // Numerically indexed means a group of aliases if ( isset( $this->aliases[ $this->alias ][0] ) ) { $group_aliases = $this->aliases[ $this->alias ]; $all_aliases = array_keys( $this->aliases ); $diff = array_diff( $group_aliases, $all_aliases ); if ( ! empty( $diff ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "Group '{$this->alias}' contains one or more invalid aliases: " . implode( ', ', $diff ) ); } $this->run_alias_group( $group_aliases ); exit; } $this->set_alias( $this->alias ); } if ( empty( $this->arguments ) ) { $this->arguments[] = 'help'; } // Protect 'cli info' from most of the runtime, // except when the command will be run over SSH if ( 'cli' === $this->arguments[0] && ! empty( $this->arguments[1] ) && 'info' === $this->arguments[1] && ! $this->config['ssh'] ) { $this->run_command_and_exit(); } if ( isset( $this->config['http'] ) && ! class_exists( '\WP_REST_CLI\Runner' ) ) { WP_CLI::error( "RESTful WP-CLI needs to be installed. Try 'wp package install wp-cli/restful'." ); } if ( $this->config['ssh'] ) { $this->run_ssh_command( $this->config['ssh'] ); return; } // Handle --path parameter self::set_wp_root( $this->find_wp_root() ); // First try at showing man page - if help command and either haven't found 'version.php' or 'wp-config.php' (so won't be loading WP & adding commands) or help on subcommand. if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'help' ] ) && ( ! $this->wp_exists() || ! Utils\locate_wp_config() || count( $this->arguments ) > 2 ) ) { $this->auto_check_update(); $this->run_command( $this->arguments, $this->assoc_args ); // Help didn't exit so failed to find the command at this stage. } // Handle --url parameter $url = self::guess_url( $this->config ); if ( $url ) { WP_CLI::set_url( $url ); } $this->do_early_invoke( 'before_wp_load' ); $this->check_wp_version(); if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'config', 'create' ] ) ) { $this->run_command_and_exit(); } if ( ! Utils\locate_wp_config() ) { WP_CLI::error( "'wp-config.php' not found.\n" . 'Either create one manually or use `wp config create`.' ); } /* * Set the MySQLi error reporting off because WordPress handles its own. * This is due to the default value change from `MYSQLI_REPORT_OFF` * to `MYSQLI_REPORT_ERROR|MYSQLI_REPORT_STRICT` in PHP 8.1. */ if ( function_exists( 'mysqli_report' ) ) { mysqli_report( 0 ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.RestrictedFunctions.mysql_mysqli_report } // phpcs:disable WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedConstantFound -- Declaring WP native constants. if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'core', 'is-installed' ] ) || $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'core', 'update-db' ] ) ) { define( 'WP_INSTALLING', true ); } if ( count( $this->arguments ) >= 2 && 'core' === $this->arguments[0] && in_array( $this->arguments[1], [ 'install', 'multisite-install' ], true ) ) { define( 'WP_INSTALLING', true ); // We really need a URL here if ( ! isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) ) { $url = 'https://example.com'; WP_CLI::set_url( $url ); } if ( 'multisite-install' === $this->arguments[1] ) { // need to fake some globals to skip the checks in wp-includes/ms-settings.php $url_parts = Utils\parse_url( $url ); self::fake_current_site_blog( $url_parts ); if ( ! defined( 'COOKIEHASH' ) ) { define( 'COOKIEHASH', md5( $url_parts['host'] ) ); } } } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'import' ] ) ) { define( 'WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS', true ); define( 'WP_IMPORTING', true ); } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'cron', 'event', 'run' ] ) ) { define( 'DOING_CRON', true ); } // phpcs:enable WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedConstantFound $this->load_wordpress(); $this->run_command_and_exit(); } /** * Load WordPress, if it hasn't already been loaded */ public function load_wordpress() { static $wp_cli_is_loaded; // Globals not explicitly globalized in WordPress global $site_id, $wpdb, $public, $current_site, $current_blog, $path, $shortcode_tags; if ( ! empty( $wp_cli_is_loaded ) ) { return; } $wp_cli_is_loaded = true; // Handle --context flag. $this->context_manager->switch_context( $this->config ); WP_CLI::debug( 'Begin WordPress load', 'bootstrap' ); WP_CLI::do_hook( 'before_wp_load' ); $this->check_wp_version(); $wp_config_path = Utils\locate_wp_config(); if ( ! $wp_config_path ) { WP_CLI::error( "'wp-config.php' not found.\n" . 'Either create one manually or use `wp config create`.' ); } WP_CLI::debug( 'wp-config.php path: ' . $wp_config_path, 'bootstrap' ); WP_CLI::do_hook( 'before_wp_config_load' ); // Load wp-config.php code, in the global scope $wp_cli_original_defined_vars = get_defined_vars(); eval( $this->get_wp_config_code() ); // phpcs:ignore Squiz.PHP.Eval.Discouraged foreach ( get_defined_vars() as $key => $var ) { if ( array_key_exists( $key, $wp_cli_original_defined_vars ) || 'wp_cli_original_defined_vars' === $key ) { continue; } // phpcs:ignore PHPCompatibility.Variables.ForbiddenGlobalVariableVariable.NonBareVariableFound global ${$key}; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedVariableFound ${$key} = $var; } $this->maybe_update_url_from_domain_constant(); WP_CLI::do_hook( 'after_wp_config_load' ); $this->do_early_invoke( 'after_wp_config_load' ); // Prevent error notice from wp_guess_url() when core isn't installed if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'core', 'is-installed' ] ) && ! defined( 'COOKIEHASH' ) ) { define( 'COOKIEHASH', md5( 'wp-cli' ) ); } // Load WP-CLI utilities require WP_CLI_ROOT . '/php/utils-wp.php'; // Set up WordPress bootstrap actions and filters $this->setup_bootstrap_hooks(); // Load Core, mu-plugins, plugins, themes etc. if ( Utils\wp_version_compare( '4.6-alpha-37575', '>=' ) ) { if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'help' ] ) ) { // Hack: define `WP_DEBUG` and `WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY` to get `wpdb::bail()` to `wp_die()`. if ( ! defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) ) { define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); } if ( ! defined( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY' ) ) { define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true ); } } require ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php'; } else { require WP_CLI_ROOT . '/php/wp-settings-cli.php'; } // Fix memory limit. See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/14889 // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.IniSet.memory_limit_Blacklisted -- This is perfectly fine for CLI usage. ini_set( 'memory_limit', -1 ); // Load all the admin APIs, for convenience require ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/admin.php'; add_filter( 'filesystem_method', static function () { return 'direct'; }, 99 ); // Re-enable PHP error reporting to stderr if testing. if ( getenv( 'BEHAT_RUN' ) ) { $this->enable_error_reporting(); } WP_CLI::debug( 'Loaded WordPress', 'bootstrap' ); WP_CLI::do_hook( 'after_wp_load' ); } private static function fake_current_site_blog( $url_parts ) { global $current_site, $current_blog; if ( ! isset( $url_parts['path'] ) ) { $url_parts['path'] = '/'; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited -- Intentional override. $current_site = (object) [ 'id' => 1, 'blog_id' => 1, 'domain' => $url_parts['host'], 'path' => $url_parts['path'], 'cookie_domain' => $url_parts['host'], 'site_name' => 'WordPress', ]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited -- Intentional override. $current_blog = (object) [ 'blog_id' => 1, 'site_id' => 1, 'domain' => $url_parts['host'], 'path' => $url_parts['path'], 'public' => '1', 'archived' => '0', 'mature' => '0', 'spam' => '0', 'deleted' => '0', 'lang_id' => '0', ]; } /** * Called after wp-config.php is eval'd, to potentially reset `--url` */ private function maybe_update_url_from_domain_constant() { if ( ! empty( $this->config['url'] ) || ! empty( $this->config['blog'] ) ) { return; } if ( defined( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE' ) ) { $url = DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE; if ( defined( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE' ) ) { $url .= PATH_CURRENT_SITE; } WP_CLI::set_url( $url ); } } /** * Set up hooks meant to run during the WordPress bootstrap process */ private function setup_bootstrap_hooks() { if ( $this->config['skip-plugins'] ) { $this->setup_skip_plugins_filters(); } if ( $this->config['skip-themes'] ) { WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'setup_theme', [ $this, 'action_setup_theme_wp_cli_skip_themes' ], 999 ); } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'help' ] ) ) { // Try to trap errors on help. $help_handler = [ $this, 'help_wp_die_handler' ]; // Avoid any cross PHP version issues by not using $this in anon function. WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'wp_die_handler', function () use ( $help_handler ) { return $help_handler; } ); } else { WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'wp_die_handler', static function () { return '\WP_CLI\Utils\wp_die_handler'; } ); } // Prevent code from performing a redirect WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'wp_redirect', 'WP_CLI\\Utils\\wp_redirect_handler' ); WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'nocache_headers', static function ( $headers ) { // WordPress might be calling nocache_headers() because of a dead db global $wpdb; if ( ! empty( $wpdb->error ) ) { Utils\wp_die_handler( $wpdb->error ); } // Otherwise, WP might be calling nocache_headers() because WP isn't installed Utils\wp_not_installed(); return $headers; } ); WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'setup_theme', static function () { // Polyfill is_customize_preview(), as it is needed by TwentyTwenty to // check for starter content. if ( ! function_exists( 'is_customize_preview' ) ) { function is_customize_preview() { return false; } } }, 0 ); // ALTERNATE_WP_CRON might trigger a redirect, which we can't handle if ( defined( 'ALTERNATE_WP_CRON' ) && ALTERNATE_WP_CRON ) { WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'muplugins_loaded', static function () { remove_action( 'init', 'wp_cron' ); } ); } // Get rid of warnings when converting single site to multisite if ( defined( 'WP_INSTALLING' ) && $this->is_multisite() ) { $values = [ 'ms_files_rewriting' => null, 'active_sitewide_plugins' => [], '_site_transient_update_core' => null, '_site_transient_update_themes' => null, '_site_transient_update_plugins' => null, 'WPLANG' => '', ]; foreach ( $values as $key => $value ) { WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( "pre_site_option_$key", static function () use ( $values, $key ) { return $values[ $key ]; } ); } } // Always permit operations against sites, regardless of status WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'ms_site_check', '__return_true' ); // Always permit operations against WordPress, regardless of maintenance mode WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'enable_maintenance_mode', static function () { return false; } ); // Use our own debug mode handling instead of WP core WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'enable_wp_debug_mode_checks', static function ( $ret ) { Utils\wp_debug_mode(); return false; } ); // Never load advanced-cache.php drop-in when WP-CLI is operating WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'enable_loading_advanced_cache_dropin', static function () { return false; } ); // In a multisite installation, die if unable to find site given in --url parameter if ( $this->is_multisite() ) { $run_on_site_not_found = false; if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'cache', 'flush' ] ) ) { $run_on_site_not_found = 'cache flush'; } if ( $this->cmd_starts_with( [ 'search-replace' ] ) ) { // Table-specified // Bits: search-replace <search> <replace> [<table>...] // Or not against a specific blog if ( count( $this->arguments ) > 3 || ! empty( $this->assoc_args['network'] ) || ! empty( $this->assoc_args['all-tables'] ) || ! empty( $this->assoc_args['all-tables-with-prefix'] ) ) { $run_on_site_not_found = 'search-replace'; } } if ( $run_on_site_not_found && Utils\wp_version_compare( '4.0', '>=' ) ) { WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'ms_site_not_found', static function () use ( $run_on_site_not_found ) { // esc_sql() isn't yet loaded, but needed. if ( 'search-replace' === $run_on_site_not_found ) { require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/formatting.php'; } // PHP 5.3 compatible implementation of run_command_and_exit(). $runner = WP_CLI::get_runner(); $runner->run_command( $runner->arguments, $runner->assoc_args ); exit; }, 1 ); } WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'ms_site_not_found', static function ( $current_site, $domain, $path ) { $url = $domain . $path; $message = $url ? "Site '{$url}' not found." : 'Site not found.'; $has_param = isset( WP_CLI::get_runner()->config['url'] ); $has_const = defined( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE' ); $explanation = ''; if ( $has_param ) { $explanation = 'Verify `--url=<url>` matches an existing site.'; } else { $explanation = "Define DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE in 'wp-config.php' or use `--url=<url>` to override."; if ( $has_const ) { $explanation = 'Verify DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE matches an existing site or use `--url=<url>` to override.'; } } if ( $explanation ) { $message .= ' ' . $explanation; } WP_CLI::error( $message ); }, 10, 3 ); } // The APC cache is not available on the command-line, so bail, to prevent cache poisoning WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'muplugins_loaded', static function () { if ( $GLOBALS['_wp_using_ext_object_cache'] && class_exists( 'APC_Object_Cache' ) ) { WP_CLI::warning( 'Running WP-CLI while the APC object cache is activated can result in cache corruption.' ); WP_CLI::confirm( 'Given the consequences, do you wish to continue?' ); } }, 0 ); // Handle --user parameter if ( ! defined( 'WP_INSTALLING' ) ) { $config = $this->config; WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'init', static function () use ( $config ) { if ( isset( $config['user'] ) ) { $fetcher = new Fetchers\User(); $user = $fetcher->get_check( $config['user'] ); wp_set_current_user( $user->ID ); } else { add_action( 'init', 'kses_remove_filters', 11 ); } }, 0 ); } // Avoid uncaught exception when using wp_mail() without defined $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'wp_mail_from', static function ( $from_email ) { if ( 'wordpress@' === $from_email ) { $sitename = strtolower( Utils\parse_url( site_url(), PHP_URL_HOST ) ); if ( substr( $sitename, 0, 4 ) === 'www.' ) { $sitename = substr( $sitename, 4 ); } $from_email = 'wordpress@' . $sitename; } return $from_email; } ); // Don't apply set_url_scheme in get_home_url() or get_site_url(). WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'home_url', static function ( $url, $path, $scheme, $blog_id ) { if ( empty( $blog_id ) || ! is_multisite() ) { $url = get_option( 'home' ); } else { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); $url = get_option( 'home' ); restore_current_blog(); } if ( $path && is_string( $path ) ) { $url .= '/' . ltrim( $path, '/' ); } return $url; }, 0, 4 ); WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'site_url', static function ( $url, $path, $scheme, $blog_id ) { if ( empty( $blog_id ) || ! is_multisite() ) { $url = get_option( 'siteurl' ); } else { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); $url = get_option( 'siteurl' ); restore_current_blog(); } if ( $path && is_string( $path ) ) { $url .= '/' . ltrim( $path, '/' ); } return $url; }, 0, 4 ); // Set up hook for plugins and themes to conditionally add WP-CLI commands. WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'init', static function () { do_action( 'cli_init' ); } ); } /** * Set up the filters to skip the loaded plugins */ private function setup_skip_plugins_filters() { $wp_cli_filter_active_plugins = static function ( $plugins ) { $skipped_plugins = WP_CLI::get_runner()->config['skip-plugins']; if ( true === $skipped_plugins ) { return []; } if ( ! is_array( $plugins ) ) { return $plugins; } foreach ( $plugins as $a => $b ) { // active_sitewide_plugins stores plugin name as the key. if ( false !== strpos( current_filter(), 'active_sitewide_plugins' ) && Utils\is_plugin_skipped( $a ) ) { unset( $plugins[ $a ] ); // active_plugins stores plugin name as the value. } elseif ( false !== strpos( current_filter(), 'active_plugins' ) && Utils\is_plugin_skipped( $b ) ) { unset( $plugins[ $a ] ); } } // Reindex because active_plugins expects a numeric index. if ( false !== strpos( current_filter(), 'active_plugins' ) ) { $plugins = array_values( $plugins ); } return $plugins; }; $hooks = [ 'pre_site_option_active_sitewide_plugins', 'site_option_active_sitewide_plugins', 'pre_option_active_plugins', 'option_active_plugins', ]; foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) { WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( $hook, $wp_cli_filter_active_plugins, 999 ); } WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'plugins_loaded', static function () use ( $hooks, $wp_cli_filter_active_plugins ) { foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) { remove_filter( $hook, $wp_cli_filter_active_plugins, 999 ); } }, 0 ); } /** * Set up the filters to skip the loaded theme */ public function action_setup_theme_wp_cli_skip_themes() { $wp_cli_filter_active_theme = static function ( $value ) { $skipped_themes = WP_CLI::get_runner()->config['skip-themes']; if ( true === $skipped_themes ) { return ''; } if ( ! is_array( $skipped_themes ) ) { $skipped_themes = explode( ',', $skipped_themes ); } $checked_value = $value; // Always check against the stylesheet value // This ensures a child theme can be skipped when template differs if ( false !== stripos( current_filter(), 'option_template' ) ) { $checked_value = get_option( 'stylesheet' ); } if ( '' === $checked_value || in_array( $checked_value, $skipped_themes, true ) ) { return ''; } return $value; }; $hooks = [ 'pre_option_template', 'option_template', 'pre_option_stylesheet', 'option_stylesheet', ]; foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) { add_filter( $hook, $wp_cli_filter_active_theme, 999 ); } // Clean up after the TEMPLATEPATH and STYLESHEETPATH constants are defined WP_CLI::add_wp_hook( 'after_setup_theme', static function () use ( $hooks, $wp_cli_filter_active_theme ) { foreach ( $hooks as $hook ) { remove_filter( $hook, $wp_cli_filter_active_theme, 999 ); } }, 0 ); } /** * Whether or not this WordPress installation is multisite. * * For use after wp-config.php has loaded, but before the rest of WordPress * is loaded. */ private function is_multisite() { if ( defined( 'MULTISITE' ) ) { return MULTISITE; } if ( defined( 'SUBDOMAIN_INSTALL' ) || defined( 'VHOST' ) || defined( 'SUNRISE' ) ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Error handler for `wp_die()` when the command is help to try to trap errors (db connection failure in particular) during WordPress load. */ public function help_wp_die_handler( $message ) { $help_exit_warning = 'Error during WordPress load.'; if ( $message instanceof WP_Error ) { $help_exit_warning = Utils\wp_clean_error_message( $message->get_error_message() ); } elseif ( is_string( $message ) ) { $help_exit_warning = Utils\wp_clean_error_message( $message ); } $this->run_command_and_exit( $help_exit_warning ); } /** * Check whether there's a WP-CLI update available, and suggest update if so. */ private function auto_check_update() { // `wp cli update` only works with Phars at this time. if ( ! Utils\inside_phar() ) { return; } $existing_phar = realpath( $_SERVER['argv'][0] ); // Phar needs to be writable to be easily updateable. if ( ! is_writable( $existing_phar ) || ! is_writable( dirname( $existing_phar ) ) ) { return; } // Only check for update when a human is operating. if ( ! function_exists( 'posix_isatty' ) || ! posix_isatty( STDOUT ) ) { return; } // Allow hosts and other providers to disable automatic check update. if ( getenv( 'WP_CLI_DISABLE_AUTO_CHECK_UPDATE' ) ) { return; } // Permit configuration of number of days between checks. $days_between_checks = getenv( 'WP_CLI_AUTO_CHECK_UPDATE_DAYS' ); if ( false === $days_between_checks ) { $days_between_checks = 1; } $cache = WP_CLI::get_cache(); $cache_key = 'wp-cli-update-check'; // Bail early on the first check, so we don't always check on an unwritable cache. if ( ! $cache->has( $cache_key ) ) { $cache->write( $cache_key, time() ); return; } // Bail if last check is still within our update check time period. $last_check = (int) $cache->read( $cache_key ); if ( ( time() - ( 24 * 60 * 60 * $days_between_checks ) ) < $last_check ) { return; } // In case the operation fails, ensure the timestamp has been updated. $cache->write( $cache_key, time() ); // Check whether any updates are available. ob_start(); WP_CLI::run_command( [ 'cli', 'check-update' ], [ 'format' => 'count', ] ); $count = ob_get_clean(); if ( ! $count ) { return; } // Looks like an update is available, so let's prompt to update. WP_CLI::run_command( [ 'cli', 'update' ] ); // If the Phar was replaced, we can't proceed with the original process. exit; } /** * Get a suggestion on similar (sub)commands when the user entered an * unknown (sub)command. * * @param string $entry User entry that didn't match an * existing command. * @param CompositeCommand $root_command Root command to start search for * suggestions at. * * @return string Suggestion that fits the user entry, or an empty string. */ private function get_subcommand_suggestion( $entry, CompositeCommand $root_command = null ) { $commands = []; $this->enumerate_commands( $root_command ?: WP_CLI::get_root_command(), $commands ); return Utils\get_suggestion( $entry, $commands, $threshold = 2 ); } /** * Recursive method to enumerate all known commands. * * @param CompositeCommand $command Composite command to recurse over. * @param array $list Reference to list accumulating results. * @param string $parent Parent command to use as prefix. */ private function enumerate_commands( CompositeCommand $command, array &$list, $parent = '' ) { foreach ( $command->get_subcommands() as $subcommand ) { /** @var CompositeCommand $subcommand */ $command_string = empty( $parent ) ? $subcommand->get_name() : "{$parent} {$subcommand->get_name()}"; $list[] = $command_string; $this->enumerate_commands( $subcommand, $list, $command_string ); } } /** * Enables (almost) full PHP error reporting to stderr. */ private function enable_error_reporting() { if ( E_ALL !== error_reporting() ) { // Don't enable E_DEPRECATED as old versions of WP use PHP 4 style constructors and the mysql extension. error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED ); } ini_set( 'display_errors', 'stderr' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.IniSet.display_errors_Blacklisted } }