bulk_post_updated_messages filter-hookWP 3.7.0

Filters the bulk action updated messages.

By default, custom post types use the messages for the 'post' post type.


add_filter( 'bulk_post_updated_messages', 'wp_kama_bulk_post_updated_messages_filter', 10, 2 );

 * Function for `bulk_post_updated_messages` filter-hook.
 * @param array[] $bulk_messages Arrays of messages, each keyed by the corresponding post type. Messages are keyed with 'updated', 'locked', 'deleted', 'trashed', and 'untrashed'.
 * @param int[]   $bulk_counts   Array of item counts for each message, used to build internationalized strings.
 * @return array[]
function wp_kama_bulk_post_updated_messages_filter( $bulk_messages, $bulk_counts ){

	// filter...
	return $bulk_messages;
Arrays of messages, each keyed by the corresponding post type. Messages are keyed with 'updated', 'locked', 'deleted', 'trashed', and 'untrashed'.
Array of item counts for each message, used to build internationalized strings.


Since 3.7.0 Introduced.

Where the hook is called

In file: /wp-admin/edit.php
wp-admin/edit.php 408
$bulk_messages = apply_filters( 'bulk_post_updated_messages', $bulk_messages, $bulk_counts );

Where the hook is used in WordPress

Usage not found.