Fires an action hook when the account action has been confirmed by the user.
Using this you can assume the user has agreed to perform the action by clicking on the link in the confirmation email.
After firing this action hook the page will redirect to wp-login a callback redirects or exits first.
add_action( 'user_request_action_confirmed', 'wp_kama_user_request_action_confirmed_action' ); /** * Function for `user_request_action_confirmed` action-hook. * * @param int $request_id Request ID. * * @return void */ function wp_kama_user_request_action_confirmed_action( $request_id ){ // action... }
- $request_id(int)
- Request ID.
Since 4.9.6 | Introduced. |
Where the hook is called
In file: /wp-login.php
wp-login.php 1276
do_action( 'user_request_action_confirmed', $request_id );
Where the hook is used in WordPress
wp-includes/default-filters.php 426
add_action( 'user_request_action_confirmed', '_wp_privacy_account_request_confirmed' );
wp-includes/default-filters.php 427
add_action( 'user_request_action_confirmed', '_wp_privacy_send_request_confirmation_notification', 12 ); // After request marked as completed.