Get the id of the term that defines a variation for a given taxonomy, or null if there's no such defining id (for variations having "Any <taxonomy>" as the definition)
Method of the class: LookupDataStore{}
No Hooks.
. The term id, or null if there's no defining id for that taxonomy in that variation.
// private - for code of main (parent) class only $result = $this->get_variation_definition_term_id( $variation, $taxonomy, $term_ids_by_slug_cache );
- $variation(\WC_Product_Variation) (required)
- The variation to get the defining term id for.
- $taxonomy(string) (required)
- The taxonomy to get the defining term id for.
- $term_ids_by_slug_cache(array) (required)
- A term ids by slug as generated by get_term_ids_by_slug_cache.
LookupDataStore::get_variation_definition_term_id() LookupDataStore::get variation definition term id code WC 9.6.0
private function get_variation_definition_term_id( \WC_Product_Variation $variation, string $taxonomy, array $term_ids_by_slug_cache ) { $variation_attributes = $variation->get_attributes(); $term_slug = ArrayUtil::get_value_or_default( $variation_attributes, $taxonomy ); if ( $term_slug ) { return $term_ids_by_slug_cache[ $taxonomy ][ $term_slug ]; } else { return null; } }