Renderer{} │ WC 1.0
Renderer class. Handles rendering of the block and adds interactivity.
No Hooks.
$Renderer = new Renderer(); // use class methods
- public __construct()
- public add_navigation_link_directives( $block_content, $block, $instance )
- private add_rendering_callback( $block_content, $collection )
- private enable_client_side_navigation( $block_content )
- public enhance_product_collection_with_interactivity( $block_content, $block )
- protected get_list_styles( $fixed_width )
- private get_location_context()
- private handle_block_dimensions( $p, $block )
- public handle_rendering( $block_content, $block )
- private is_next_tag_product_collection( $p )
- private process_pagination_links( $block_content )
- public provide_location_context_for_inner_blocks( $context )
- private reset_render_state()
- private set_fixed_width_style( $p, $fixed_width )
- public set_parsed_block( $block )
- private set_product_collection_namespace( $p )
- private should_prevent_render()
- private update_pagination_anchors( $processor, $class_name, $key_prefix )
Renderer{} Renderer{} code WC 9.6.1
class Renderer { /** * The render state of the product collection block. * * @var array */ private $render_state = [ 'has_results' => false, 'has_no_results_block' => false, ]; /** * The Block with its attributes before it gets rendered * * @var array */ protected $parsed_block; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct() { // Interactivity API: Add navigation directives to the product collection block. add_filter( 'render_block_woocommerce/product-collection', array( $this, 'handle_rendering' ), 10, 2 ); // Disable block render if the ProductTemplate block is empty. add_filter( 'render_block_woocommerce/product-template', function ( $html ) { $this->render_state['has_results'] = ! empty( $html ); return $html; }, 100, 1 ); // Enable block render if the NoResults block is rendered. add_filter( 'render_block_woocommerce/product-collection-no-results', function ( $html ) { $this->render_state['has_no_results_block'] = ! empty( $html ); return $html; }, 100, 1 ); add_filter( 'render_block_core/query-pagination', array( $this, 'add_navigation_link_directives' ), 10, 3 ); // // Provide location context into block's context. add_filter( 'render_block_context', array( $this, 'provide_location_context_for_inner_blocks' ), 11, 1 ); } /** * Set the parsed block. * * @param array $block The block to be parsed. */ public function set_parsed_block( $block ) { $this->parsed_block = $block; } /** * Handle the rendering of the block. * * @param string $block_content The block content about to be rendered. * @param array $block The block being rendered. * * @return string */ public function handle_rendering( $block_content, $block ) { if ( $this->should_prevent_render() ) { return ''; // Prevent rendering. } // Reset the render state for the next render. $this->reset_render_state(); return $this->enhance_product_collection_with_interactivity( $block_content, $block ); } /** * Check if the block should be prevented from rendering. * * @return bool */ private function should_prevent_render() { return ! $this->render_state['has_results'] && ! $this->render_state['has_no_results_block']; } /** * Reset the render state. */ private function reset_render_state() { $this->render_state = array( 'has_results' => false, 'has_no_results_block' => false, ); } /** * Enhances the Product Collection block with client-side pagination. * * This function identifies Product Collection blocks and adds necessary data attributes * to enable client-side navigation and animation effects. It also enqueues the Interactivity API runtime. * * @param string $block_content The HTML content of the block. * @param array $block Block details, including its attributes. * * @return string Updated block content with added interactivity attributes. */ public function enhance_product_collection_with_interactivity( $block_content, $block ) { $is_product_collection_block = $block['attrs']['query']['isProductCollectionBlock'] ?? false; if ( $is_product_collection_block ) { // Enqueue the Interactivity API runtime and set the namespace. wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-interactivity' ); $p = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); if ( $this->is_next_tag_product_collection( $p ) ) { $this->set_product_collection_namespace( $p ); } // Check if dimensions need to be set and handle accordingly. $this->handle_block_dimensions( $p, $block ); $block_content = $p->get_updated_html(); $collection = $block['attrs']['collection'] ?? ''; $block_content = $this->add_rendering_callback( $block_content, $collection ); $is_enhanced_pagination_enabled = ! ( $block['attrs']['forcePageReload'] ?? false ); if ( $is_enhanced_pagination_enabled ) { $block_content = $this->enable_client_side_navigation( $block_content ); } } return $block_content; } /** * Check if next tag is a PC block. * * @param WP_HTML_Tag_processor $p Initial tag processor. * * @return bool Answer if PC block is available. */ private function is_next_tag_product_collection( $p ) { return $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'wp-block-woocommerce-product-collection' ) ); } /** * Set PC block namespace for Interactivity API. * * @param WP_HTML_Tag_processor $p Initial tag processor. */ private function set_product_collection_namespace( $p ) { $p->set_attribute( 'data-wc-interactive', wp_json_encode( array( 'namespace' => 'woocommerce/product-collection' ), JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ) ); } /** * Get the styles for the list element (fixed width). * * @param string $fixed_width Fixed width value. * @return string */ protected function get_list_styles( $fixed_width ) { $style = ''; if ( isset( $fixed_width ) ) { $style .= sprintf( 'width:%s;', esc_attr( $fixed_width ) ); $style .= 'margin: 0 auto;'; } return $style; } /** * Set the style attribute for fixed width. * * @param WP_HTML_Tag_Processor $p The HTML tag processor. * @param string $fixed_width The fixed width value. */ private function set_fixed_width_style( $p, $fixed_width ) { $p->set_attribute( 'style', $this->get_list_styles( $fixed_width ) ); } /** * Handle block dimensions if width type is set to 'fixed'. * * @param WP_HTML_Tag_Processor $p The HTML tag processor. * @param array $block The block details. */ private function handle_block_dimensions( $p, $block ) { if ( isset( $block['attrs']['dimensions'] ) && isset( $block['attrs']['dimensions']['widthType'] ) ) { if ( 'fixed' === $block['attrs']['dimensions']['widthType'] ) { $this->set_fixed_width_style( $p, $block['attrs']['dimensions']['fixedWidth'] ); } } } /** * Attach the init directive to Product Collection block to call * the onRender callback. * * @param string $block_content The HTML content of the block. * @param string $collection Collection type. * * @return string Updated HTML content. */ private function add_rendering_callback( $block_content, $collection ) { $p = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); // Add `data-init to the product collection block so we trigger JS event on render. if ( $this->is_next_tag_product_collection( $p ) ) { $p->set_attribute( 'data-wc-init', 'callbacks.onRender' ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wc-context', $collection ? wp_json_encode( array( 'collection' => $collection ), JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ) : '{}' ); } return $p->get_updated_html(); } /** * Attach all the Interactivity API directives responsible * for client-side navigation. * * @param string $block_content The HTML content of the block. * * @return string Updated HTML content. */ private function enable_client_side_navigation( $block_content ) { $p = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); // Add `data-wc-navigation-id to the product collection block. if ( $this->is_next_tag_product_collection( $p ) && isset( $this->parsed_block ) ) { $p->set_attribute( 'data-wc-navigation-id', 'wc-product-collection-' . $this->parsed_block['attrs']['queryId'] ); $current_context = json_decode( $p->get_attribute( 'data-wc-context' ) ?? '{}', true ); $p->set_attribute( 'data-wc-context', wp_json_encode( array_merge( $current_context, array( // The message to be announced by the screen reader when the page is loading or loaded. 'accessibilityLoadingMessage' => __( 'Loading page, please wait.', 'woocommerce' ), 'accessibilityLoadedMessage' => __( 'Page Loaded.', 'woocommerce' ), // We don't prefetch the links if user haven't clicked on pagination links yet. // This way we avoid prefetching when the page loads. 'isPrefetchNextOrPreviousLink' => false, ), ), JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ) ); $block_content = $p->get_updated_html(); } /** * Add two div's: * 1. Pagination animation for visual users. * 2. Accessibility div for screen readers, to announce page load states. */ $last_tag_position = strripos( $block_content, '</div>' ); $accessibility_and_animation_html = ' <div data-wc-interactive="{"namespace":"woocommerce/product-collection"}" class="wc-block-product-collection__pagination-animation" data-wc-class--start-animation="state.startAnimation" data-wc-class--finish-animation="state.finishAnimation"> </div> <div data-wc-interactive="{"namespace":"woocommerce/product-collection"}" class="screen-reader-text" aria-live="polite" data-wc-text="context.accessibilityMessage"> </div> '; return substr_replace( $block_content, $accessibility_and_animation_html, $last_tag_position, 0 ); } /** * Add interactive links to all anchors inside the Query Pagination block. * This enabled client-side navigation for the product collection block. * * @param string $block_content The block content. * @param array $block The full block, including name and attributes. * @param \WP_Block $instance The block instance. */ public function add_navigation_link_directives( $block_content, $block, $instance ) { $query_context = $instance->context['query'] ?? array(); $is_product_collection_block = $query_context['isProductCollectionBlock'] ?? false; $query_id = $instance->context['queryId'] ?? null; $parsed_query_id = $this->parsed_block['attrs']['queryId'] ?? null; $is_enhanced_pagination_enabled = ! ( $this->parsed_block['attrs']['forcePageReload'] ?? false ); // Only proceed if the block is a product collection block, // enhanced pagination is enabled and query IDs match. if ( $is_product_collection_block && $is_enhanced_pagination_enabled && $query_id === $parsed_query_id ) { $block_content = $this->process_pagination_links( $block_content ); } return $block_content; } /** * Process pagination links within the block content. * * @param string $block_content The block content. * @return string The updated block content. */ private function process_pagination_links( $block_content ) { if ( ! $block_content ) { return $block_content; } $p = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $block_content ); $p->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'wp-block-query-pagination' ) ); // This will help us to find the start of the block content using the `seek` method. $p->set_bookmark( 'start' ); $this->update_pagination_anchors( $p, 'page-numbers', 'product-collection-pagination-numbers' ); $this->update_pagination_anchors( $p, 'wp-block-query-pagination-next', 'product-collection-pagination--next' ); $this->update_pagination_anchors( $p, 'wp-block-query-pagination-previous', 'product-collection-pagination--previous' ); return $p->get_updated_html(); } /** * Sets up data attributes required for interactivity and client-side navigation. * * @param \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor $processor The HTML tag processor. * @param string $class_name The class name of the anchor tags. * @param string $key_prefix The prefix for the data-wc-key attribute. */ private function update_pagination_anchors( $processor, $class_name, $key_prefix ) { // Start from the beginning of the block content. $processor->seek( 'start' ); while ( $processor->next_tag( array( 'tag_name' => 'a', 'class_name' => $class_name, ) ) ) { $this->set_product_collection_namespace( $processor ); $processor->set_attribute( 'data-wc-on--click', 'actions.navigate' ); $processor->set_attribute( 'data-wc-key', $key_prefix . '--' . esc_attr( wp_rand() ) ); if ( in_array( $class_name, array( 'wp-block-query-pagination-next', 'wp-block-query-pagination-previous' ), true ) ) { $processor->set_attribute( 'data-wc-watch', 'callbacks.prefetch' ); $processor->set_attribute( 'data-wc-on--mouseenter', 'actions.prefetchOnHover' ); } } } /** * Provides the location context to each inner block of the product collection block. * Hint: Only blocks using the 'query' context will be affected. * * The sourceData structure depends on the context type as follows: * - site: [ ] * - order: [ 'orderId' => int ] * - cart: [ 'productIds' => int[] ] * - archive: [ 'taxonomy' => string, 'termId' => int ] * - product: [ 'productId' => int ] * * @example array( * 'type' => 'product', * 'sourceData' => array( 'productId' => 123 ), * ) * * @param array $context The block context. * @return array $context { * The block context including the product collection location context. * * @type array $productCollectionLocation { * @type string $type The context type. Possible values are 'site', 'order', 'cart', 'archive', 'product'. * @type array $sourceData The context source data. Can be the product ID of the viewed product, the order ID of the current order viewed, etc. See structure above for more details. * } * } */ public function provide_location_context_for_inner_blocks( $context ) { // Run only on frontend. // This is needed to avoid SSR renders while in editor. @see if ( is_admin() || \WC()->is_rest_api_request() ) { return $context; } // Target only product collection's inner blocks that use the 'query' context. if ( ! isset( $context['query'] ) || ! isset( $context['query']['isProductCollectionBlock'] ) || ! $context['query']['isProductCollectionBlock'] ) { return $context; } $is_in_single_product = isset( $context['singleProduct'] ) && ! empty( $context['postId'] ); $context['productCollectionLocation'] = $is_in_single_product ? array( 'type' => 'product', 'sourceData' => array( 'productId' => absint( $context['postId'] ), ), ) : $this->get_location_context(); return $context; } /** * Get the global location context. * Serve as a runtime cache for the location context. * * @see ProductCollectionUtils::parse_frontend_location_context() * * @return array The location context. */ private function get_location_context() { static $location_context = null; if ( null === $location_context ) { $location_context = ProductCollectionUtils::parse_frontend_location_context(); } return $location_context; } }