
Renderer::add_navigation_link_directives()publicWC 1.0

Add interactive links to all anchors inside the Query Pagination block. This enabled client-side navigation for the product collection block.

Method of the class: Renderer{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$Renderer = new Renderer();
$Renderer->add_navigation_link_directives( $block_content, $block, $instance );
$block_content(string) (required)
The block content.
$block(array) (required)
The full block, including name and attributes.
$instance(\WP_Block) (required)
The block instance.

Renderer::add_navigation_link_directives() code WC 9.6.0

public function add_navigation_link_directives( $block_content, $block, $instance ) {
	$query_context                  = $instance->context['query'] ?? array();
	$is_product_collection_block    = $query_context['isProductCollectionBlock'] ?? false;
	$query_id                       = $instance->context['queryId'] ?? null;
	$parsed_query_id                = $this->parsed_block['attrs']['queryId'] ?? null;
	$is_enhanced_pagination_enabled = ! ( $this->parsed_block['attrs']['forcePageReload'] ?? false );

	// Only proceed if the block is a product collection block,
	// enhanced pagination is enabled and query IDs match.
	if ( $is_product_collection_block && $is_enhanced_pagination_enabled && $query_id === $parsed_query_id ) {
		$block_content = $this->process_pagination_links( $block_content );

	return $block_content;