
ReviewsUtil{}WC 1.0

A utility class for handling comments that are product reviews.

No Hooks.


$ReviewsUtil = new ReviewsUtil();
// use class methods


  1. public static comments_clauses_without_product_reviews( $clauses )

ReviewsUtil{} code WC 9.6.1

class ReviewsUtil {

	 * Removes product reviews from the edit-comments page to fix the "Mine" tab counter.
	 * @param  array|mixed $clauses A compacted array of comment query clauses.
	 * @return array|mixed
	public static function comments_clauses_without_product_reviews( $clauses ) {
		global $wpdb, $current_screen;

		if ( isset( $current_screen->base ) && 'edit-comments' === $current_screen->base ) {
			$clauses['join']  .= " LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->posts} AS wp_posts_to_exclude_reviews ON comment_post_ID = wp_posts_to_exclude_reviews.ID ";
			$clauses['where'] .= ( $clauses['where'] ? ' AND ' : '' ) . " wp_posts_to_exclude_reviews.post_type NOT IN ('product') ";

		return $clauses;