
ShippingLabelBanner::add_print_shipping_label_script()publicWC 1.0

Adds JS to order page to render shipping banner.

Method of the class: ShippingLabelBanner{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$ShippingLabelBanner = new ShippingLabelBanner();
$ShippingLabelBanner->add_print_shipping_label_script( $hook );
$hook(string) (required)
current page hook.

ShippingLabelBanner::add_print_shipping_label_script() code WC 9.3.3

public function add_print_shipping_label_script( $hook ) {
	WCAdminAssets::register_style( 'print-shipping-label-banner', 'style', array( 'wp-components' ) );
	WCAdminAssets::register_script( 'wp-admin-scripts', 'print-shipping-label-banner', true );
	$wcst_version                 = null;
	$wcshipping_installed_version = null;
	$order                        = wc_get_order();
	if ( class_exists( '\WC_Connect_Loader' ) ) {
		$wcst_version = \WC_Connect_Loader::get_wcs_version();

	$wc_shipping_plugin_file = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/woocommerce-shipping/woocommerce-shipping.php';
	if ( file_exists( $wc_shipping_plugin_file ) ) {
		$plugin_data                  = get_plugin_data( $wc_shipping_plugin_file );
		$wcshipping_installed_version = $plugin_data['Version'];

	$payload = array(
		// If WCS&T is not installed, it's considered compatible.
		'is_wcst_compatible'                   => $wcst_version ? (int) version_compare( $wcst_version, self::MIN_COMPATIBLE_WCST_VERSION, '>=' ) : 1,
		'order_id'                             => $order ? $order->get_id() : null,
		// The banner is shown if the plugin is installed but not active, so we need to check if the installed version is compatible.
		'is_incompatible_wcshipping_installed' => $wcshipping_installed_version ?
		(int) version_compare( $wcshipping_installed_version, self::MIN_COMPATIBLE_WCSHIPPING_VERSION, '<' )
		: 0,

	wp_localize_script( 'wc-admin-print-shipping-label-banner', 'wcShippingCoreData', $payload );