WC_Brands::rest_api_add_brands_to_product()publicWC 1.0

Add brands in product response.

Method of the class: WC_Brands{}

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


$WC_Brands = new WC_Brands();
$WC_Brands->rest_api_add_brands_to_product( $product, $request, $creating );
$product(WC_Data) (required)
Inserted product object.
$request(WP_REST_Request) (required)
Request object.
True when creating object, false when updating.
Default: true

WC_Brands::rest_api_add_brands_to_product() code WC 9.5.1

public function rest_api_add_brands_to_product( $product, $request, $creating = true ) {
	$product_id = is_callable( array( $product, 'get_id' ) ) ? $product->get_id() : ( ! empty( $product->ID ) ? $product->ID : null );
	$params     = $request->get_params();
	$brands     = isset( $params['brands'] ) ? $params['brands'] : array();

	if ( ! empty( $brands ) ) {
		if ( is_array( $brands[0] ) && array_key_exists( 'id', $brands[0] ) ) {
			$brands = array_map(
				function ( $brand ) {
					return absint( $brand['id'] );
		} else {
			$brands = array_map( 'absint', $brands );
		wp_set_object_terms( $product_id, $brands, 'product_brand' );