WC_Geo_IP::_geoip_seek_country_v6()publicWC 1.0

Seek country IPv6.

Method of the class: WC_Geo_IP{}

No Hooks.




$WC_Geo_IP = new WC_Geo_IP();
$WC_Geo_IP->_geoip_seek_country_v6( $ipnum );
$ipnum(int) (required)

WC_Geo_IP::_geoip_seek_country_v6() code WC 8.7.0

public function _geoip_seek_country_v6( $ipnum ) {
	// arrays from unpack start with offset 1
	// yet another php mystery. array_merge work around
	// this broken behaviour
	$v6vec = array_merge( unpack( 'C16', $ipnum ) );

	$offset = 0;
	for ( $depth = 127; $depth >= 0; --$depth ) {
		if ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE ) {
			$buf = $this->_safe_substr(
				2 * $this->record_length * $offset,
				2 * $this->record_length
		} elseif ( $this->flags & self::GEOIP_SHARED_MEMORY ) {
			$buf = @shmop_read(
				2 * $this->record_length * $offset,
				2 * $this->record_length
		} else {
			if ( 0 != fseek( $this->filehandle, 2 * $this->record_length * $offset, SEEK_SET ) ) {

			$buf = fread( $this->filehandle, 2 * $this->record_length );
		$x = array( 0, 0 );
		for ( $i = 0; $i < 2; ++$i ) {
			for ( $j = 0; $j < $this->record_length; ++$j ) {
				$x[ $i ] += ord( $buf[ $this->record_length * $i + $j ] ) << ( $j * 8 );

		$bnum = 127 - $depth;
		$idx = $bnum >> 3;
		$b_mask = 1 << ( $bnum & 7 ^ 7 );
		if ( ( $v6vec[ $idx ] & $b_mask ) > 0 ) {
			if ( $x[1] >= $this->databaseSegments ) {
				return $x[1];
			$offset = $x[1];
		} else {
			if ( $x[0] >= $this->databaseSegments ) {
				return $x[0];
			$offset = $x[0];

	self::log( 'GeoIP API: Error traversing database - perhaps it is corrupt?', 'error' );

	return false;