Check if the installation can be run.
Method of the class: WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager{}
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
// protected - for code of main (parent) or child class $result = $this->can_run_installation( $run_until_step, $state );
- $run_until_step(string) (required)
- Run until this step.
- $state(WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State) (required)
- Installation state.
WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager::can_run_installation() WC WCCOM Site Installation Manager::can run installation code WC 9.4.2
protected function can_run_installation( $run_until_step, $state ) { if ( $state->get_last_step_status() === \WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State::STEP_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS ) { throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::INSTALLATION_ALREADY_RUNNING ); } if ( $state->get_last_step_status() === \WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State::STEP_STATUS_FAILED ) { throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::INSTALLATION_FAILED ); } if ( $state->get_last_step_name() === self::STEPS[ count( self::STEPS ) - 1 ] ) { throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::ALL_INSTALLATION_STEPS_RUN ); } if ( array_search( $state->get_last_step_name(), self::STEPS, true ) >= array_search( $run_until_step, self::STEPS, true ) ) { throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::REQUESTED_STEP_ALREADY_RUN ); } if ( ! is_writable( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ) { throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::FILESYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET ); } }