WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager{}WC 1.0

WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager class

No Hooks.


$WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager = new WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager();
// use class methods


  1. public __construct( int $product_id, string $idempotency_key )
  2. protected can_run_installation( $run_until_step, $state )
  3. protected get_installation_steps( string $start_step, string $end_step )
  4. protected get_next_step( $state )
  5. public reset_installation()
  6. public run_installation( string $run_until_step )
  7. protected run_step( $step_name, $state )

WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager{} code WC 9.6.0

class WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Manager {

	const STEPS = array(

	 * The product ID.
	 * @var int
	protected $product_id;

	 * The idempotency key.
	 * @var string
	protected $idempotency_key;

	 * Constructor.
	 * @param int    $product_id The product ID.
	 * @param string $idempotency_key The idempotency key.
	public function __construct( int $product_id, string $idempotency_key ) {
		$this->product_id      = $product_id;
		$this->idempotency_key = $idempotency_key;

	 * Run the installation.
	 * @param string $run_until_step The step to run until.
	 * @return bool
	 * @throws WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error If installation failed to run.
	public function run_installation( string $run_until_step ): bool {
		$state = WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::get_state( $this->product_id );

		if ( $state && $state->get_idempotency_key() !== $this->idempotency_key ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_MISMATCH );

		if ( ! $state ) {
			$state = WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State::initiate_new( $this->product_id, $this->idempotency_key );

		$this->can_run_installation( $run_until_step, $state );

		$next_step          = $this->get_next_step( $state );
		$installation_steps = $this->get_installation_steps( $next_step, $run_until_step );

			function ( $step_name ) use ( $state ) {
				$this->run_step( $step_name, $state );

		return true;

	 * Get the next step to run.
	 * @return bool
	 * @throws WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error If the installation cannot be rest.
	public function reset_installation(): bool {
		$state = WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::get_state( $this->product_id );

		if ( ! $state ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::NO_INITIATED_INSTALLATION_FOUND );

		if ( $state->get_idempotency_key() !== $this->idempotency_key ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::IDEMPOTENCY_KEY_MISMATCH );

		$result = WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::delete_state( $state );
		if ( ! $result ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::FAILED_TO_RESET_INSTALLATION_STATE );

		return true;

	 * Check if the installation can be run.
	 * @param string                           $run_until_step Run until this step.
	 * @param WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State $state Installation state.
	 * @return void
	 * @throws WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error If the installation cannot be run.
	protected function can_run_installation( $run_until_step, $state ) {

		if ( $state->get_last_step_status() === \WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State::STEP_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::INSTALLATION_ALREADY_RUNNING );

		if ( $state->get_last_step_status() === \WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State::STEP_STATUS_FAILED ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::INSTALLATION_FAILED );

		if ( $state->get_last_step_name() === self::STEPS[ count( self::STEPS ) - 1 ] ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::ALL_INSTALLATION_STEPS_RUN );

		if ( array_search( $state->get_last_step_name(), self::STEPS, true ) >= array_search(
		) ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::REQUESTED_STEP_ALREADY_RUN );

		if ( ! is_writable( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) ) {
			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::FILESYSTEM_REQUIREMENTS_NOT_MET );

	 * Get the next step to run.
	 * @param WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State $state Installation state.
	 * @return string
	protected function get_next_step( $state ): string {
		$last_executed_step = $state->get_last_step_name();

		if ( ! $last_executed_step ) {
			return self::STEPS[0];

		$last_executed_step_index = array_search( $last_executed_step, self::STEPS, true );

		return self::STEPS[ $last_executed_step_index + 1 ];

	 * Get the steps to run.
	 * @param string $start_step The step to start from.
	 * @param string $end_step  The step to end at.
	 * @return string[]
	protected function get_installation_steps( string $start_step, string $end_step ) {
		$start_step_offset = array_search( $start_step, self::STEPS, true );
		$end_step_index    = array_search( $end_step, self::STEPS, true );
		$length            = $end_step_index - $start_step_offset + 1;

		return array_slice( self::STEPS, $start_step_offset, $length );

	 * Run the step.
	 * @param string                           $step_name Step name.
	 * @param WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State $state Installation state.
	 * @return void
	 * @throws WC_REST_WCCOM_Site_Installer_Error If the step fails.
	protected function run_step( $step_name, $state ) {
		$state->initiate_step( $step_name );
		WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::save_state( $state );

		try {
			$class_name   = "WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_Step_$step_name";
			$current_step = new $class_name( $state );
		} catch ( Installer_Error $exception ) {
			$state->capture_failure( $step_name, $exception->get_error_code() );
			WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::save_state( $state );

			throw $exception;
		} catch ( Throwable $error ) {
			$state->capture_failure( $step_name, Installer_Error_Codes::UNEXPECTED_ERROR );
			WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::save_state( $state );

			throw new Installer_Error( Installer_Error_Codes::UNEXPECTED_ERROR, $error->getMessage() );

		$state->complete_step( $step_name );
		WC_WCCOM_Site_Installation_State_Storage::save_state( $state );