woocommerce_wp_checkbox()WC 1.0

Output a checkbox input box.

No Hooks.


null. Nothing (null).


woocommerce_wp_checkbox( $field, ?WC_Data $data );
$field(array) (required)
Field data.
?WC_Data $data **
Default: null

woocommerce_wp_checkbox() code WC 9.6.1

function woocommerce_wp_checkbox( $field, ?WC_Data $data = null ) {
	global $post;

	$field['class']         = isset( $field['class'] ) ? $field['class'] : 'checkbox';
	$field['style']         = isset( $field['style'] ) ? $field['style'] : '';
	$field['wrapper_class'] = isset( $field['wrapper_class'] ) ? $field['wrapper_class'] : '';
	$field['value']         = $field['value'] ?? OrderUtil::get_post_or_object_meta( $post, $data, $field['id'], true );
	$field['cbvalue']       = isset( $field['cbvalue'] ) ? $field['cbvalue'] : 'yes';
	$field['name']          = isset( $field['name'] ) ? $field['name'] : $field['id'];
	$field['desc_tip']      = isset( $field['desc_tip'] ) ? $field['desc_tip'] : false;

	 * These values are what get passed vis $_POST depending on if the field is checked or not. If no unchecked_value is
	 * provided, the $_POST will not be set. This maintains backwards compatibility where consumers would use `isset`.
	$field['checked_value']   = isset( $field['checked_value'] ) ? $field['checked_value'] : $field['cbvalue'];
	$field['unchecked_value'] = isset( $field['unchecked_value'] ) ? $field['unchecked_value'] : null;

	// Custom attribute handling.
	$custom_attributes = array();

	if ( ! empty( $field['custom_attributes'] ) && is_array( $field['custom_attributes'] ) ) {

		foreach ( $field['custom_attributes'] as $attribute => $value ) {
			$custom_attributes[] = esc_attr( $attribute ) . '="' . esc_attr( $value ) . '"';

	if ( ! empty( $field['style'] ) ) {
		$custom_attributes[] = 'style="' . esc_attr( $field['style'] ) . '"';

	if ( ! empty( $field['class'] ) ) {
		$custom_attributes[] = 'class="' . esc_attr( $field['class'] ) . '"';

	echo '<p class="form-field ' . esc_attr( $field['id'] ) . '_field ' . esc_attr( $field['wrapper_class'] ) . '">
		<label for="' . esc_attr( $field['id'] ) . '">' . wp_kses_post( $field['label'] ) . '</label>';

	if ( ! empty( $field['description'] ) && false !== $field['desc_tip'] ) {
		echo wc_help_tip( $field['description'] );

	// Output a hidden field so a value is POSTed if the box is not checked.
	if ( ! is_null( $field['unchecked_value'] ) ) {
		printf( '<input type="hidden" name="%1$s" value="%2$s" />', esc_attr( $field['name'] ), esc_attr( $field['unchecked_value'] ) );

		'<input type="checkbox" name="%1$s" id="%2$s" value="%3$s" %4$s %5$s />',
		esc_attr( $field['name'] ),
		esc_attr( $field['id'] ),
		esc_attr( $field['checked_value'] ),
		checked( $field['value'], $field['checked_value'], false ),
		implode( ' ', $custom_attributes ) // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped

	if ( ! empty( $field['description'] ) && false === $field['desc_tip'] ) {
		echo '<span class="description">' . wp_kses_post( $field['description'] ) . '</span>';

	echo '</p>';