WordPress (category)
Get several adjacent posts in one query
There are number of functions in WordPress to get one of the adjacent (neighboring) posts to the current one: get_previous_post() and...
Emails In WordPress
This document lists all the situations where WordPress sends an email, along with how to filter or disable each email.
Hooks on Edit Post Admin Page
There are hooks that allow you to display any content in a particular place on the admin page of adding or editing any type of post.
Thanks to hooks below, you can...
How Notifications Work in WordPress (Pings, Trackbacks) - xmlrpc.php File
Understanding how notifications (pings, trackbacks) work in WordPress and how to effectively manage them. Learn about the differences between trackbacks and pingbacks,...
Register a Taxonomy without attaching it to any Post Type
As I found out, WordPress does not allow the creation of taxonomies independently, without binding to any post type. I mean, we can register a taxonomy without binding...
SEO Meta Tags Without Plugins: Title, Description, Robots, Open Graph
The article provides a method to implement SEO meta tags (metadata) for a WordPress website without using plugins, focusing on creating title, description, robots, and...
Caching Min and Max Prices for All Product Categories (Woocommerce)
Caching mechanism for retrieving and storing minimum and maximum product prices for each category, enhancing performance.
Bulk Actions in Tables: Posts, Pages, Users, Comments...
How to add custom bulk actions to WordPress admin tables and process them using hooks.
How to Prevent Deactivation of Important Plugins?
Tutorial on how to prevent deactivation of important plugins in WordPress and remove the "deactivate" button and checkbox for specific plugins.
Do plugins slow down the WordPress?
This short article is my attempt to answer the common question — what is better: install a plugin to add desired functionality or add custom code in functions.php?...
How do I enable links (bookmarks) in WordPress?
Before version 3.5, WordPress had a so-called "blogroll", "bookmarks", "links" - these were entries that had their own separate menu in the admin-panel, just like...
Anonymous PHP functions in WordPress hooks
Exploring the use of anonymous PHP functions, also known as closures or lambda functions, in WordPress hooks and discussing their advantages and disadvantages.
How Allow to Upload Forbidden File Types
WordPress does not allow to upload to the library any type of file you want - there are limitations. Files of non-standard (not allowed, forbidden) types cannot be...
ThickBox API: Modal Window in WordPress Admin
This article explains the usage of the ThickBox API for creating modal windows in the WordPress admin area, including examples and parameters for customization.
Page Template for any Post Type in WP 4.7
Support for page templates ("page" post type) has been unchanged for 12 years. And it helped developers to conveniently create templates for pages, but it has always...