WordPress (category)

Page Template for any Post Type in WP 4.7

Support for page templates ("page" post type) has been unchanged for 12 years. And it helped developers to conveniently create templates for pages, but it has always...

Speeding up the WordPress admin panel — disabling aggressive update checks

This article explains how to speed up the WordPress admin panel by disabling aggressive update checks, which often cause slowdowns and performance issues. It provides a...

@import Styles of a Child Theme via PHP

Using child themes in Wordpress is a valid way to modify an existing theme, but the CSS @import directive is slow, so it's worth avoiding.

It takes 200ms to load the...

Pagination for WordPress Single Post (Post Content)

Not everyone knows that in WordPress a single post or page can be divided into several parts, thus organizing the pagination for the post. To do this you need to use...

Creating New Fields for WordPress Comments

There are cases when it is necessary to add custom fields to the WordPress comment form, for example, a field for entering a phone number, address, rating, mood, and so...

Thumbnails for Taxonomy Elements (WP_Term_Image)

In this post I'm going to share the code that adds the ability to set thumbnails for taxonomy elements, both built-in (tags, categories) and custom. The code is tested...

Frontend. 15+ hooks for functions.php

Collection of popular, useful, and interesting frontend hooks for functions.php, including changing the login page logo, redirecting to a post when searching, adding...

Global Variables of WordPress

We often use functions to retrieve some data on a page and are unaware that this data can be taken from global variables. For example, the name of the author on the...

Setting a Custom Image as the Default Avatar

This article provides information on how to set a custom image as the default avatar in WordPress, along with three different methods to achieve this.

Custom Filters in Post, Comment, User, and Taxonomy Tables

The article explains how to add custom filters for managing records, comments, users, and taxonomies in WordPress admin tables, including practical code examples.

Trick: dynamic closing of tags in the theme

The article explains a clever technique for dynamically closing tags in WordPress themes, improving code organization and simplifying template files.

HTTP API WordPress

Introduction to using the HTTP API in WordPress, including the basics of sending requests and handling responses. Learn about the functions and their parameters, as...

Passing Variables by Reference in apply_filters(), do_actions()

Passing variables by reference in WordPress filters and events, and passing objects by reference.

How to create your own demo/test content (dummy data) for WP?

The article explains how to create demo/test content for WordPress themes and provides step-by-step instructions for importing test data.

Feeds (RSS) in WordPress

This article explains the concept of feeds (RSS) in WordPress, how they work, how to disable them, the types of content and feed formats, feed URLs, and the PHP...