Get a list of post statuses.
No Hooks.
. A list of post status names or objects.
get_post_stati( $args, $output, $operator );
Array or string of post status arguments to compare against properties of the global $wp_post_statuses objects .
Default: empty array
The type of output to return, either 'names' or 'objects' .
Default: 'names'
The logical operation to perform. 'or' means only one element from the array needs to match; 'and' means all elements must match.
Default: 'and'
#1 Get the names of all kinds of statuses on the blog: [auto-translate]
$stati = get_post_stati();
/* $stati =
Array (
[publish] => publish
[future] => future
[draft] => draft
[pending] => pending
[private] => private
[trash] => trash
[auto-draft] => auto-draft
[inherit] => inherit
#2 Get objects of all kinds of statuses on the blog: [auto-translate]
$stati = get_post_stati( 0, 'a' );
$stati will contain:
[publish] => stdClass Object
[label] => Published
[label_count] => Array
[0] => Published (%s)
[1] => Published (%s)
[singular] => Published (%s)
[plural] => Published (%s)
[context] =>
[domain] =>
[exclude_from_search] =>
[_builtin] => 1
[public] => 1
[internal] =>
[protected] =>
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] => 1
[show_in_admin_status_list] => 1
[show_in_admin_all_list] => 1
[name] => publish
[future] => stdClass Object
[label] => Scheduled
[label_count] => Array
[0] => Scheduled (%s)
[1] => Scheduled (%s)
[singular] => Scheduled (%s)
[plural] => Scheduled (%s)
[context] =>
[domain] =>
[exclude_from_search] =>
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] =>
[protected] => 1
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] => 1
[show_in_admin_all_list] => 1
[name] => future
[draft] => stdClass Object
[label] => Draft
[label_count] => Array
[0] => Draft (%s)
[1] => Drafts (%s)
[singular] => Draft (%s)
[plural] => Drafts (%s)
[context] =>
[domain] =>
[exclude_from_search] =>
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] =>
[protected] => 1
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] => 1
[show_in_admin_all_list] => 1
[name] => draft
[pending] => stdClass Object
[label] => Pending
[label_count] => Array
[0] => Pending (%s)
[1] => Pending (%s)
[singular] => Pending (%s)
[plural] => Pending (%s)
[context] =>
[domain] =>
[exclude_from_search] =>
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] =>
[protected] => 1
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] => 1
[show_in_admin_all_list] => 1
[name] => pending
[private] => stdClass Object
[label] => Private
[label_count] => Array
[0] => Private (%s)
[1] => Private (%s)
[singular] => Private (%s)
[plural] => Private (%s)
[context] =>
[domain] =>
[exclude_from_search] =>
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] =>
[protected] =>
[private] => 1
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] => 1
[show_in_admin_all_list] => 1
[name] => private
[trash] => stdClass Object
[label] => Trash
[label_count] => Array
[0] => Trash (%s)
[1] => Trash (%s)
[singular] => Trash (%s)
[plural] => Trash (%s)
[context] =>
[domain] =>
[exclude_from_search] => 1
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] => 1
[protected] =>
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] => 1
[show_in_admin_all_list] =>
[name] => trash
[auto-draft] => stdClass Object
[label] => auto-draft
[label_count] => Array
[0] => auto-draft
[1] => auto-draft
[exclude_from_search] => 1
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] => 1
[protected] =>
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] =>
[show_in_admin_all_list] =>
[name] => auto-draft
[inherit] => stdClass Object
[label] => inherit
[label_count] => Array
[0] => inherit
[1] => inherit
[exclude_from_search] =>
[_builtin] => 1
[public] =>
[internal] => 1
[protected] =>
[private] =>
[publicly_queryable] =>
[show_in_admin_status_list] =>
[show_in_admin_all_list] =>
[name] => inherit
#3 Get the statuses with the desired parameters (status filter) [auto-translate]
In this example, we get the names of the statuses that have the publicly_queryable parameter set, i.e. the statuses that participate in the site search:
$stati = get_post_stati( [ 'publicly_queryable'=>true ], 'names' );
/* $stati =
[publish] => publish
#4 An example showing how the parameter $operator works [auto-translate]
Let's specify 2 parameters to the array $args. or - will output the statuses that have either the first or the second, and will output the statuses that have both parameters:
$stati = get_post_stati(
[ 'show_in_admin_status_list'=>true, 'protected'=>true ],
/* $stati =
Array (
[publish] => publish
[future] => future
[draft] => draft
[pending] => pending
[private] => private
[trash] => trash
and the same with "and":
$stati = get_post_stati(
[ 'show_in_admin_status_list'=>true, 'protected'=>true ],
/* $stati =
Array (
[future] => future
[draft] => draft
[pending] => pending
Add Your Own Example