Posts, pages... (category)
edit_post_link() | Displays the edit post link for a post, if the user is allowed to change the post. |
get_delete_post_link() | Retrieves the delete posts link for post. |
get_edit_post_link() | Gets the link (URL) to edit post in the admin panel. |
get_permalink() | Gets a permanent link to the current or specified post, for further use in php. |
get_post_field() | Gets the value of any post field based on the transmitted post ID: |
get_post_status() | Retrieve the post status based on the Post ID. |
get_post_time() | Gets the time of the current post creation in the specified format. You can specify a return format (the default is Unix format). Must be used in WordPress loop. |
get_sample_permalink() | Get a sample permalink based off of the post name. |
get_the_content() | Gets the content of the current post. Must be used inside the WordPress loop. |
get_the_date() | Gets the creation date of the current post. you can specify an arbitrary date output format. Used in a WordPress loop. |
get_the_excerpt() | Retrieves the excerpt of current or defined post. By default, should be used in WordPress Loop. |
get_the_ID() | Retrieve the ID of the current post in the WordPress Loop. Can be used only inside the loop. |
get_the_modified_date() | Retrieve the date on which the post was last modified. |
get_the_modified_time() | Retrieve the time at which the post was last modified. Works similar to get_the_modified_date(). |
get_the_permalink() | Gets, rather than displays, the URL of the post that is currently being processed in the Loop. Template tag. |
get_the_time() | Gets the time at which the current post was written in the specified format. Used inside the Loop of WordPress. |
get_the_title() | Gets the title of the post for further use in php. You can specify the post whose title you want to get. |
get_the_title_rss() | Retrieve the current post title for the feed. |
has_excerpt() | Whether the post has a custom excerpt. |
post_password_required() | Whether post requires password and correct password has been provided. |
register_post_status() | Register a post status. Do not use before init. |
single_post_title() | Displays or retrieve page title for post. Designed for use on individual post pages. |
the_author() | Display the name of the author of the current post. |
the_content() | Display the post content. It is template tag and must be used inside the loop. |
the_date() | Displays or Retrieve the date of the current post was written. Works with a group of posts (published on the same day). |
the_excerpt() | Displays the excerpt (quote) of the post, with [...] at the end (but this is not a link to reading the full material). |
the_excerpt_rss() | Display the post excerpt for the feed. |
the_ID() | Display the ID of the current post in the WordPress Loop. |
the_modified_date() | Display the date on which the post was last modified. |
the_permalink() | Displays link (URL) to the post that is currently being processed in the Loop. |
the_time() | Display the time (date) at which the post was written in the specified format. |
the_title() | Display the current post title with optional HTML markup. It is accepted to use inside the WordPress Loop. |
the_title_attribute() | Displays the title of the post prepared (sanitized) for use in the HTML attributes of HTML tag. |
Post meta (custom fields)
add_post_meta() | Adds meta field to the specified post. |
delete_post_meta() | Remove metadata matching criteria from a post. |
get_post_custom() | Retrieve post meta fields, based on post ID. |
get_post_custom_keys() | Retrieve meta field names for a post. |
get_post_custom_values() | Retrieve values for a custom post field. |
get_post_meta() | Gets the value of the specified custom field of the post. Also can get an array of all post meta fields. |
register_post_meta() | Registers a meta key for posts (post custom field). |
the_meta() | Display list of post custom fields. |
update_post_meta() | Updates specified meta field of specified post. Or adds it, if it's not exists. |
Custom Types
add_post_type_support() | Register support of certain features for a post type. |
get_post_permalink() | Retrieves the permalink for a post of a custom post type. |
get_post_type() | Retrieves the post type of the current post or of a given post. |
get_post_type_archive_link() | Retrieves the permalink for a post type archive. |
get_post_type_object() | Retrieves a post type object by name. |
get_post_types() | Gets data (objects) of registered post types. Not the posts themselves, but the post types data. |
get_the_post_type_description() | Retrieves the description for a post type archive. |
is_post_type_archive() | Checks if current user is on the archive page of custom post type. |
is_post_type_hierarchical() | Checks if the post type is hierarchical. |
is_post_type_viewable() | Determines whether a post type is considered "viewable". |
post_type_archive_title() | Display or retrieve title for a post type archive. |
post_type_exists() | Determines whether the specified post type is registered. |
post_type_supports() | Check a post type's support for a given feature. |
register_post_type() | Creates a new post type or changes an existing one. |
remove_post_type_support() | Remove support for a feature from a post type. |
set_post_type() | Update the post type for the post ID. |
unregister_post_type() | Unregisters (deletes) a post type. |
comments_open() | Whether the current post is open for comments. |
get_extended() | Divides content into 2 parts: before <!--more--> and after it. Returns an array with the resulting parts. |
get_lastpostdate() | Retrieve the date that the last post was published. |
get_lastpostmodified() | Get the timestamp of the last time any post was modified. |
get_post_embed_html() | Retrieves the embed code for a specific post. |
get_post_embed_url() | Retrieves the URL to embed a specific post in an iframe. |
get_post_parent() | Retrieves the parent post object for the given post. |
get_post_stati() | Get a list of post statuses. |
get_post_status_object() | Retrieve a post status object by name. |
get_post_statuses() | Retrieve all of the WordPress supported post statuses. |
get_post_timestamp() | Retrieves post published or modified time as a Unix timestamp. |
has_post_parent() | Returns whether the given post has a parent post. |
is_sticky() | Checks if the current post is attached to the top of the home page posts query. Conditional tag. |
pings_open() | Whether the current post is open for pings. |
post_exists() | Determine if a post with the specified title (post_title) exists. In addition, for the check, you can pass post_content and post_date. |
sanitize_post() | Sanitize every post field. |
the_shortlink() | Displays the shortlink for a post. |
url_to_postid() | Gets post, page ID by transmitted URL. Examine a URL and try to determine the post ID it represents. |
wp_embed_register_handler() | Registers an embed handler. |
WP_Embed::delete_oembed_caches() | Delete all oEmbed caches. Unused by core as of 4.0.0. |
wp_get_canonical_url() | Returns the canonical URL for a post. |
wp_get_shortlink() | Returns a shortlink for a post, page, attachment, or site. |
wp_oembed_add_provider() | Adds a URL format and oEmbed provider URL pair. |
wp_transition_post_status() | Fires action hooks related to the transitioning of a post's status. (from draft to publish, from publish to private, etc.). |
get_adjacent_post() | Gets the object of the adjacent (next or previous) post from the specified taxonomy (the default is category). |
get_adjacent_post_link() | Gets the adjacent (next/previous) post link (HTML tag A) from the specified taxonomy (the default is category). |
get_boundary_post() | Retrieves the first or last post of the site (by publish date). |
get_next_post() | Retrieves the next post (as object) from the specified taxonomy (the default is category). |
get_next_post_link() | Gets a link (tag A) to the next post relative (by date) to the current post. |
get_previous_post() | Retrieves the previous post (as object) from the specified taxonomy (the default is category). |
get_previous_post_link() | Gets a link (tag A) to the previous post relative (by date) to the current post. |
get_the_post_navigation() | Gets the navigation links (HTML) to the next and previous posts. Uses on a single post page: is_singular(). |
next_post_link() | Displays a link (tag A) to the next post relative (by date) to the current post from the specified taxonomy (the default is category). |
previous_post_link() | Displays a link to the previous (by date) post from the specified taxonomy (the default is category). |
the_post_navigation() | Displays the HTML block of links to the next and previous posts. Uses on a single post page: is_singular(). |
get_all_page_ids() | Get a list of page IDs. |
get_page_by_path() | Retrieves a page given its path. |
get_page_children() | Identify descendants of a given page ID in a list of page objects. |
get_page_link() | Retrieves the permalink for the current page or page ID. |
get_page_template_slug() | Gets the specific template name for a given post. |
get_page_uri() | Build the URI path for a page. |
get_pages() | Retrieve pages data (or hierarchical post type data) as an array of posts objects. Caches the result in object cache. |
get_post_ancestors() | Retrieve ancestors of a post. |
page_template_dropdown() | Print out option HTML elements for the page templates drop-down. |
parent_dropdown() | Print out option HTML elements for the page parents drop-down. |
wp_dropdown_pages() | Retrieve or display list of pages as a dropdown (select list). |
wp_link_pages() | The formatted output of a list of pages. |
wp_list_pages() | Retrieve or display list of pages (or hierarchical post type items) in list (li) format. |
wp_page_menu() | Displays or retrieves a list of pages with an optional home link. |
Insert, delete, update
get_default_post_to_edit() | Default post information to use when populating the "Write Post" form. |
wp_delete_post() | Trash or delete from the database specified post. The post can be of any type: post, attachment, page, custom type. |
wp_insert_post() | Safely inserts/updates a post in the database. |
wp_publish_post() | Publish a post by transitioning the post status. |
wp_trash_post() | Move a post or page to the Trash |
wp_update_post() | Updates a post with new post data in WordPress Database. To work as expected, it is necessary to pass the ID of the post to be updated. |
get_page_by_title() | Retrieve any type of post (page, post, custom type) by given title. |
get_post() | Gets the data of the current or specified post. You need to specify post ID, or the function will return the current post. Returns a WP_Post object. |
get_posts() | Gets an array of posts (pages, attachments, custom post types) from the database. You can specify any criteria for getting the posts. |
have_posts() | Checks if |
in_the_loop() | Determines whether the caller is in The Loop (i.e. whether the loop is currently active). A conditional tag that is used to execute code only inside The Loop. |
is_404() | Checks whether the 404 error page is displayed (HTTP 404: page not found). Conditional tag. |
is_archive() | Conditional tag. Return true when any of the archive pages are shown (Year, Category, Author, Post Type archive...). |
is_attachment() | Is the query for an existing attachment page? |
is_author() | Is the query for an existing author archive page? |
is_category() | Conditional tag. Checks whether the category page is displayed or not. |
is_date() | Determines whether the date archive page is displayed. Conditional tag. |
is_day() | Determines whether a day archive page is shown ( — page with posts for a specific day. A conditional tag. |
is_feed() | Is the query for a feed? |
is_front_page() | Checks whether the main (home) page of the site is displayed. Conditional tag. |
is_home() | The conditional tag that checks if the page with the last posts is displayed, usually it is the main page of the site or the blog homepage. |
is_main_query() | Is the query the main query? |
is_month() | Determines whether a monthly archive page is shown ( — page with posts for a specific month. A conditional tag. |
is_new_day() | Whether the publish date of the current post in the loop is different from the publish date of the previous post in the loop. |
is_page() | Checks whether a "static page" is displaying. You can specify an ID, name, or page title to check a specific page. Conditional tag. |
is_paged() | Checks whether the pagination page is displayed (page type /page/2, /page/3). Conditional tag. |
is_preview() | Is the query for a post or page preview? |
is_search() | Works when the search results page is displayed. Conditional tag. |
is_single() | Checks whether a post page (of any post type) is displayed. Posts with |
is_singular() | Checks whether the post page is viewed (post, page, attachment, any post type). Conditional Tag. |
is_tag() | Is the query for an existing tag archive page? |
is_tax() | Works on the custom taxonomy archive page. Conditional tag. |
is_time() | Determines whether the query is for a time-based archive page (page of posts for the specified time). A conditional tag. |
is_year() | Determines whether a year archive page is shown ( — page with posts for a specific year. A conditional tag. |
query_posts() | Sets up The Loop with query parameters. |
rewind_posts() | Rewind the loop posts. |
setup_postdata() | Sets up all urgent data of the post (except global $post variable). |
the_post() | Sets the next post to the global |
wp_count_posts() | Gets the number of posts of any post type and any status (publish, draft). |
wp_get_recent_posts() | Retrieve the last posts of the website, including drafts, scheduled, and posts on moderation. Gets the last 10 posts only. |
wp_reset_postdata() | Restores the global $post variable to the correct state: to correspond the current page. |
wp_reset_query() | Invalidates (destroys) the data of the last query created for use in an arbitrary WordPress Loop and restores the default loop data. |
get_post_format() | Retrieve the format slug for a post |
has_post_format() | Check if a post has any of the given formats, or any format. |
set_post_format() | Assign a format to a post |
wp_delete_auto_drafts() | Delete auto-drafts for new posts that are more than 7 days old. |
wp_delete_post_revision() | Deletes a revision. |
wp_get_post_revision() | Gets a post revision by revision's ID. If there is no such revision, |
wp_get_post_revisions() | Returns all revisions of specified post. |
wp_is_post_autosave() | Determines if the specified post is an autosave. |
wp_is_post_revision() | Determines if the specified post is a revision. |
wp_revisions_enabled() | Determine if revisions are enabled for a given post. |
wp_revisions_to_keep() | Determine how many revisions to retain for a given post. |
wp_save_post_revision() | Creates a revision for the current version of a post. |
wp_text_diff() | Displays a human readable HTML representation of the difference between two strings. |