Execution logger captures all STDOUT and STDERR writes
No Hooks.
$Execution = new Execution(); // use class methods
- public __construct( $in_color = false )
- public error_multi_line( $message_lines )
- public ob_end()
- public ob_start()
- public ob_start_callback( $str )
- protected write( $handle, $str )
Execution{} Execution{} code WP-CLI 2.8.0-alpha
class Execution extends Regular { /** * Captured writes to STDOUT. */ public $stdout = ''; /** * Captured writes to STDERR. */ public $stderr = ''; /** * @param bool $in_color Whether or not to Colorize strings. */ public function __construct( $in_color = false ) { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UselessOverridingMethod.Found -- Provides a default value. parent::__construct( $in_color ); } /** * Similar to error( $message ), but outputs $message in a red box. * * @param array $message_lines Message to write. */ public function error_multi_line( $message_lines ) { $message = implode( "\n", $message_lines ); $this->write( STDERR, WP_CLI::colorize( "%RError:%n\n$message\n" ) ); $this->write( STDERR, WP_CLI::colorize( "%R---------%n\n\n" ) ); } /** * Write a string to a resource. * * @param resource $handle Commonly STDOUT or STDERR. * @param string $str Message to write. */ protected function write( $handle, $str ) { switch ( $handle ) { case STDOUT: $this->stdout .= $str; break; case STDERR: $this->stderr .= $str; break; } } /** * Starts output buffering, using a callback to capture output from `echo`, `print`, `printf` (which write to the output buffer 'php://output' rather than STDOUT). */ public function ob_start() { ob_start( [ $this, 'ob_start_callback' ], 1 ); } /** * Callback for `ob_start()`. * * @param string $str String to write. * @return string Returns zero-length string so nothing gets written to the output buffer. */ public function ob_start_callback( $str ) { $this->write( STDOUT, $str ); return ''; } /** * To match `ob_start() above. Does an `ob_end_flush()`. */ public function ob_end() { ob_end_flush(); } }