Balances tags if forced to, or if the 'use_balanceTags' option is set to true.
Uses: force_balance_tags()
1 time — 0.0001741 sec (fast) | 50000 times — 0.37 sec (very fast) | PHP 7.4.8, WP 5.8
No Hooks.
. Balanced text
balanceTags( $text, $force );
- $text(string) (required)
- Text to be balanced
- $force(true|false)
- If true, forces balancing, ignoring the value of the option.
Default: false
#1 Auto-close HTML tags
An example of how the function reverses improperly used html tags and how it closes tags that were not closed:
$text = "<p><b>This is text in which</p></b> html tags are not balanced. <p>I.e. there are some that open, but then do not close, which can lead to problems. Use the function <strong>balanceTags()." echo htmlspecialchars( balanceTags($text, 1) );
We get it:
<p><b>This is text in which</b></p> html tags are not balanced. <p>I.e. there are some that open but then do not close, which can lead to problems. Use function <strong>balanceTags().</strong></p>
One more example - Unclosed LI tags:
$html = '<ul> <li>this <li>is <li>a <li>list </ul>'; echo balanceTags( $html, true );
Will output this HTML:
<ul> <li>this </li><li>is </li><li>a </li><li>list </li></ul>
Since 0.71 | Introduced. |
balanceTags() balanceTags code WP 6.7.1
function balanceTags( $text, $force = false ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionNameInvalid if ( $force || (int) get_option( 'use_balanceTags' ) === 1 ) { return force_balance_tags( $text ); } else { return $text; } }