image_get_intermediate_size()WP 2.5.0

Retrieves the image's intermediate size (resized) path, width, and height.

The $size parameter can be an array with the width and height respectively. If the size matches the 'sizes' metadata array for width and height, then it will be used. If there is no direct match, then the nearest image size larger than the specified size will be used. If nothing is found, then the function will break out and return false.

The metadata 'sizes' is used for compatible sizes that can be used for the parameter $size value.

The url path will be given, when the $size parameter is a string.

If you are passing an array for the $size, you should consider using add_image_size() so that a cropped version is generated. It's much more efficient than having to find the closest-sized image and then having the browser scale down the image.

1 time — 0.001427 sec (very slow) | 50000 times — 1.51 sec (fast) | PHP 7.1.5, WP 4.8.1
Hooks from the function


Array|false. Array of file relative path, width, and height on success. Additionally includes absolute path and URL if registered size is passed to $size parameter. False on failure.


image_get_intermediate_size( $post_id, $size );
$post_id(int) (required)
Attachment ID.
Image size. Accepts any registered image size name, or an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
Default: 'thumbnail'



#1 Usage Example

Let's get the data of the attachment image 4831, medium size:

$intermediate = image_get_intermediate_size( 4831, 'medium' );
print_r( $intermediate );

He will:
	[file] => setting2-120x14.png
	[width] => 120
	[height] => 14
	[mime-type] => image/png
	[path] => 2014/07/setting2-120x14.png
	[url] =>

#2 Specify an array in the $size parameter

Let's get the image data of attachment 4831, the specified size (i.e., the size may not be registered):

$intermediate = image_get_intermediate_size( 4831, [90,90] );

will return:
	[file] => setting2-120x14.png
	[width] => 90
	[height] => 10

This code will pick it up the most suitable size from existing ones, but not generate a new one.


#3 Display a picture of the right size, if there is one

In this example, we output a picture if there is one and "no picture" if there isn't. Unlike image_downsize() which returns the URL in any case:

function get_image_link_if_exists( $size ){
	global $post;

	// get the id of the post thumbnail
	$thumbnail_id = get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID );

	// output the picture if there is one
	$image = image_get_intermediate_size( $thumbnail_id, $size );

	if( $image ){
		echo '<img src="'. $image['url'] .'" alt="" width="'. $image['width'] .'" height="'. $image['height'] .'" />';
	else {
		echo 'No picture';



Since 2.5.0 Introduced.

image_get_intermediate_size() code WP 6.6.2

function image_get_intermediate_size( $post_id, $size = 'thumbnail' ) {
	$imagedata = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );

	if ( ! $size || ! is_array( $imagedata ) || empty( $imagedata['sizes'] ) ) {
		return false;

	$data = array();

	// Find the best match when '$size' is an array.
	if ( is_array( $size ) ) {
		$candidates = array();

		if ( ! isset( $imagedata['file'] ) && isset( $imagedata['sizes']['full'] ) ) {
			$imagedata['height'] = $imagedata['sizes']['full']['height'];
			$imagedata['width']  = $imagedata['sizes']['full']['width'];

		foreach ( $imagedata['sizes'] as $_size => $data ) {
			// If there's an exact match to an existing image size, short circuit.
			if ( (int) $data['width'] === (int) $size[0] && (int) $data['height'] === (int) $size[1] ) {
				$candidates[ $data['width'] * $data['height'] ] = $data;

			// If it's not an exact match, consider larger sizes with the same aspect ratio.
			if ( $data['width'] >= $size[0] && $data['height'] >= $size[1] ) {
				// If '0' is passed to either size, we test ratios against the original file.
				if ( 0 === $size[0] || 0 === $size[1] ) {
					$same_ratio = wp_image_matches_ratio( $data['width'], $data['height'], $imagedata['width'], $imagedata['height'] );
				} else {
					$same_ratio = wp_image_matches_ratio( $data['width'], $data['height'], $size[0], $size[1] );

				if ( $same_ratio ) {
					$candidates[ $data['width'] * $data['height'] ] = $data;

		if ( ! empty( $candidates ) ) {
			// Sort the array by size if we have more than one candidate.
			if ( 1 < count( $candidates ) ) {
				ksort( $candidates );

			$data = array_shift( $candidates );
			* When the size requested is smaller than the thumbnail dimensions, we
			* fall back to the thumbnail size to maintain backward compatibility with
			* pre 4.6 versions of WordPress.
		} elseif ( ! empty( $imagedata['sizes']['thumbnail'] ) && $imagedata['sizes']['thumbnail']['width'] >= $size[0] && $imagedata['sizes']['thumbnail']['width'] >= $size[1] ) {
			$data = $imagedata['sizes']['thumbnail'];
		} else {
			return false;

		// Constrain the width and height attributes to the requested values.
		list( $data['width'], $data['height'] ) = image_constrain_size_for_editor( $data['width'], $data['height'], $size );

	} elseif ( ! empty( $imagedata['sizes'][ $size ] ) ) {
		$data = $imagedata['sizes'][ $size ];

	// If we still don't have a match at this point, return false.
	if ( empty( $data ) ) {
		return false;

	// Include the full filesystem path of the intermediate file.
	if ( empty( $data['path'] ) && ! empty( $data['file'] ) && ! empty( $imagedata['file'] ) ) {
		$file_url     = wp_get_attachment_url( $post_id );
		$data['path'] = path_join( dirname( $imagedata['file'] ), $data['file'] );
		$data['url']  = path_join( dirname( $file_url ), $data['file'] );

	 * Filters the output of image_get_intermediate_size()
	 * @since 4.4.0
	 * @see image_get_intermediate_size()
	 * @param array        $data    Array of file relative path, width, and height on success. May also include
	 *                              file absolute path and URL.
	 * @param int          $post_id The ID of the image attachment.
	 * @param string|int[] $size    Requested image size. Can be any registered image size name, or
	 *                              an array of width and height values in pixels (in that order).
	return apply_filters( 'image_get_intermediate_size', $data, $post_id, $size );