Removes hook for shortcode.
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
remove_shortcode( $tag );
- $tag(string) (required)
- Shortcode tag to remove hook for.
#1 Remove the gallery shortcode
By default WordPress uses the [gallery] shortcode, which outputs the gallery. Let's remove the handler of this shortcode by inserting the following code before displaying the content:
remove_shortcode( 'gallery' ); // ... the_content();
#2 Disable the [[gallery]] shortcode completely
If, for example, you insert in functions.php:
remove_shortcode( 'gallery' );
then when viewing the post, the shortcode in the content will not be processed and will be displayed as is:
[gallery ids="375,291,166"]
Note: in the admin, in the visual editor, the gallery will be supported...
#3 Disable the shortcode and cut it's code from the content
There is a shortcode myshortcode
we need to disable it and cut all its variants from the post content.
To cut, use the the_content filter hook.
add_action( 'init', 'remove_and_strip_shortcode' ); function remove_and_strip_shortcode() { // delete remove_shortcode( 'myshortcode' ); // cut out add_filter( 'the_content', '_strip_myshortcode', 5 ); } function _strip_myshortcode( $content ){ // cut: [myshortcode] and [myshortcode ids="132,2154,548"] $content = preg_replace( '~\[myshortcode[^\]]*\]~', '', $content ); // cut: [myshortcode] data [/myshortcode] $content = preg_replace( '~\[(myshortcode)[^\]]*\].*?\[\/\]~s', '', $content ); return $content; }
#4 Demo: add and remove custom shortcode
add_action( 'init', 'add_my_shortcodes' ); add_action( 'init', 'remove_my_shortcodes', 20 ); // add a custom shortcode function add_my_shortcodes() { add_shortcode( 'myShortcode', 'my_shortcode_function' ); } // remove it function remove_my_shortcodes() { remove_shortcode( 'myShortcode' ); }
- Global. Array. $shortcode_tags
Since 2.5.0 | Introduced. |
remove_shortcode() remove shortcode code WP 6.7.1
function remove_shortcode( $tag ) { global $shortcode_tags; unset( $shortcode_tags[ $tag ] ); }