Theme (template) (category)
add_shortcode() | Adds a new shortcode. |
apply_shortcodes() | Search content for shortcodes and filter shortcodes through their hooks. |
do_shortcode() | Search content for shortcodes and applies the registered functions to the found shortcodes. |
gallery_shortcode() | Builds the Gallery shortcode output. |
get_shortcode_regex() | Retrieve the shortcode regular expression for searching. |
has_shortcode() | Whether the passed content contains the specified shortcode |
remove_all_shortcodes() | Clear all shortcodes. |
remove_shortcode() | Removes hook for shortcode. |
shortcode_atts() | Combine user attributes with known attributes and fill in defaults when needed. |
shortcode_exists() | Whether a registered shortcode exists named $tag |
shortcode_parse_atts() | Retrieve all attributes from the shortcodes tag. |
strip_shortcodes() | Remove all shortcode tags from the given content. |
wp_audio_shortcode() | Builds the Audio shortcode output. |
wp_playlist_shortcode() | Builds the Playlist shortcode output. |
wp_video_shortcode() | Displays the video HTML code by specified video link and other parameters. |
Other Theme Functions
add_theme_support() | Registers theme support for a given feature. |
bloginfo() | Displays information about the current site. |
body_class() | Displays the class names describing the current page. Intended for use in the <body> element. |
current_theme_supports() | Checks a theme's support for a given feature |
get_custom_header_markup() | Retrieve the markup for a custom header. |
get_custom_logo() | Returns a custom logo, linked to home. |
get_header_image() | Retrieve header image for custom header. |
get_header_image_tag() | Create image tag markup for a custom header image. |
get_header_textcolor() | Retrieves the custom header text color in 3- or 6-digit hexadecimal form. |
get_header_video_url() | Retrieve header video URL for custom header. |
get_page_template() | Retrieve path of page template in current or parent template. |
get_page_templates() | Get the Page Templates available in this theme |
get_post_class() | Retrieves the classes for the post div as an array. |
get_query_template() | Retrieve path to a template |
get_stylesheet() | Retrieve the name of the current theme directory. |
get_template() | Retrieve name of the current theme. |
get_theme_mod() | Retrieve theme modification value for the current theme. |
get_theme_mods() | Retrieve all theme modifications. |
get_theme_root() | Retrieve path to themes directory. |
has_custom_logo() | Determines whether the site has a custom logo. |
has_header_image() | Check whether a header image is set or not. |
has_header_video() | Check whether a header video is set or not. |
header_image() | Displays header image URL. |
is_child_theme() | Whether a child theme is in use. |
is_header_video_active() | Checks whether the custom header video is eligible to show on the current page. |
post_class() | Display the classes for the post div. |
register_nav_menu() | Registers a navigation menu location for a theme. |
register_nav_menus() | Registers multiple custom navigation menus locations for a theme, to which the menus are then attached. |
register_theme_directory() | Register a directory that can contain themes. |
remove_theme_mod() | Remove theme modification name from current theme list. |
remove_theme_mods() | Remove theme modifications option for current theme. |
remove_theme_support() | Allows a theme to de-register its support of a certain feature |
search_theme_directories() | Search all registered theme directories for complete and valid themes. |
set_theme_mod() | Update theme modification value for the current theme. |
single_month_title() | Display or retrieve page title for post archive based on date. |
sticky_class() | Display "sticky" CSS class, if a post is sticky. |
the_custom_header_markup() | Print the markup for a custom header. |
the_custom_logo() | Displays a custom logo, linked to home. |
the_header_video_url() | Displays header video URL specified in theme Customizer (theme settings). |
the_search_query() | Displays the contents of the search query variable. |
unregister_nav_menu() | Unregisters a navigation menu location for a theme. |
wp_body_open() | Fire the wp_body_open action. |
wp_custom_css_cb() | Displays <style> tag containing CSS styles added in "Additional CSS" pane of the Theme Customizer. |
wp_footer() | Fires the wp_footer action. This is one of the most important hooks, many plugins will not work without it. It needs to be called in the theme footer, in footer.php file. |
wp_get_archives() | Display archive links based on type and format. |
wp_get_document_title() | Returns document title for the current page. |
wp_get_theme() | Gets a WP_Theme object for a theme. |
wp_get_themes() | Returns an array of WP_Theme objects based on the arguments. |
wp_head() | Fire the wp_head action. |
wp_is_mobile() | Test if the current browser runs on a mobile device (smart phone, tablet, etc.) |
wp_nav_menu() | Outputs an custom menu created in the admin-panel: |
wp_robots() | Displays the robots meta tag as necessary. |
wp_site_icon() | Display site icon meta tags. |
wp_title() | Display or retrieve page title. |
Settings (customizer)
background_image() | Display background image path. |
get_background_image() | Retrieve background image for custom background. |
has_custom_header() | Check whether a custom header is set or not. |
is_customize_preview() | Checks whether the site is being previewed in the WordPress Customizer (the visual theme settings page). Conditional tag. |
Theme files connection
comments_template() | Load the comment template specified in $file. |
get_footer() | Includes the footer.php template file from your current theme's directory. If a $name is specified then footer-{name}.php file will be included. |
get_header() | Includes the header.php template file from your current theme's directory. If a $name is specified then header-{name}.php file will be included. |
get_parent_theme_file_path() | Retrieves the path of a file in the parent theme. |
get_parent_theme_file_uri() | Retrieves the URL of the specified file of the parent theme. |
get_search_form() | Display search form. |
get_sidebar() | Includes the sidebar.php template file from your current theme's directory. If a $name is specified then sidebar-{name}.php will be included. |
get_stylesheet_directory() | Retrieve stylesheet directory path for current theme. |
get_stylesheet_directory_uri() | Retrieve stylesheet directory URI. |
get_stylesheet_uri() | Retrieves the URI of the current theme stylesheet file (style.css). |
get_template_directory() | Retrieve current theme directory. |
get_template_directory_uri() | Retrieve current theme directory URI. Returns the URL to the root theme, not a child one. Doesn't contain a closing slash at the end. |
get_template_part() | Searches for and connects the specified theme file (first check the file in the child theme, if there is one). |
get_theme_file_path() | Gets the path to the specified theme file. Work with child themes. |
get_theme_file_uri() | Retrieves the URL of a file in the theme. |
get_theme_root_uri() | Retrieve URI for themes directory. |
is_page_template() | Whether currently in a page template. |
load_template() | Require the template file with WordPress environment. |
locate_template() | Retrieve the name of the highest priority template file that exists. |
Widgets (sidebars)
dynamic_sidebar() | Display dynamic sidebar. |
is_active_sidebar() | Whether a sidebar is in use. |
is_active_widget() | Whether widget is displayed on the front end. |
is_dynamic_sidebar() | Whether the dynamic sidebar is enabled and used by theme. |
is_registered_sidebar() | Checks if a sidebar is registered. |
register_sidebar() | Builds the definition for a single sidebar and returns the ID. |
register_sidebars() | Creates multiple sidebars. |
register_widget() | Register a widget Registers a WP_Widget widget |
the_widget() | Output an arbitrary widget as a template tag. |
unregister_sidebar() | Removes a sidebar from the list. |
unregister_widget() | Unregisters a widget. |
wp_get_sidebar() | Retrieves the registered sidebar with the given ID. |
wp_get_sidebars_widgets() | Retrieve full list of sidebars and their widget instance IDs. |
wp_register_sidebar_widget() | Register an instance of a widget. |
wp_register_widget_control() | Registers widget control callback for customizing options. |
wp_unregister_sidebar_widget() | Unregisters (removes) a widget by its ID. |
wp_widgets_init() | Registers all of the default WordPress widgets on startup. |
get_nav_menu_locations() | {{desc}} |
get_the_posts_navigation() | Retrieve the navigation block to the next/previous set of posts. Used on archive pages (categories, tags). |
has_nav_menu() | Determines whether a registered nav menu location has a menu assigned to it. |
is_nav_menu() | Check if the given ID is a navigation menu. |
the_posts_navigation() | Displays the navigation to next/previous set of posts, when applicable. |
wp_get_nav_menu_items() | Gets the navigation menu items as an array. |
wp_get_nav_menu_name() | Returns the name of a navigation menu. |
wp_get_nav_menu_object() | Returns a navigation menu object. |
wp_get_nav_menus() | Returns all navigation menu objects. |
wp_nav_menu_item_taxonomy_meta_box() | Displays a meta box for a taxonomy menu item. |
get_next_posts_link() | Retrieves the next posts page link. |
get_next_posts_page_link() | Retrieves the next posts page link. |
get_pagenum_link() | Retrieves the link for a page number. |
get_posts_nav_link() | Retrieves the post pages link navigation for previous and next pages. |
get_previous_posts_link() | Retrieves the previous posts page link. |
get_previous_posts_page_link() | Retrieves the previous posts page link. |
get_the_archive_description() | Retrieves the description of the post type, category, tag, term, or author archive page. |
get_the_archive_title() | Retrieve the archive title based on the queried object. |
get_the_posts_pagination() | Retrieves a paginated navigation to next/previous set of posts, when applicable. |
get_year_link() | Retrieves the permalink for the year archives. |
next_posts_link() | Displays the next posts page link. |
paginate_links() | Retrieve paginated link for archive post pages. |
posts_nav_link() | Displays the post pages link navigation for previous and next pages. |
previous_posts_link() | Displays the previous posts page link. |
the_archive_description() | Display the description of the post type, category, tag, term, or author archive page. |
the_archive_title() | Display the archive page title, based on the type of page (tag, term, category, date). |
the_posts_pagination() | Outputs pagination links to the next/previous set of posts. Uses for archives pages (categories, tags, etc...). |