Fire the wp_body_open action.
See wp_body_open.
Hooks from the function
. Nothing (null).
#1 Output the custom content after the body tag
It is required to display a message for unauthorized users with a call to log in.
Basic template structure, for example index.php
<html> <head> ... the contents of the head ... </head> <body> <?php wp_body_open(); ?> ... the rest of the layout of the site ... </body> </html>
<?php add_action( 'wp_body_open', 'display_message_for_unauthorized_users' ); function display_message_for_unauthorized_users() { if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ): ?> <div class="message-for-unauthorized-users"> <p> <a href="<?= wp_login_url() ?>">Authorize</a> to get more options! </p> </div> <?php endif; }
The code is need to be inserted in functions.php file or in a plugin.
In place of this message can be anything TEXT, HTML, JS etc..
#2 Make sure my code is included
How can I use this to my advantage as a plugin developer? How to make sure my code is included if the WP version is 5.2+ but the theme is older and/or does not include wp_body_open
Here is a working solution suggested by @danieliser on this ticket answer.
<?php add_action( 'wp_body_open', 'wpdocs_my_function' ); add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wpdocs_my_function' ); function wpdocs_my_function() { if ( doing_action( 'wp_body_open' ) ) { remove_action ( 'wp_footer', 'wpdocs_my_function' ); } // do stuff. }
This way if you want to include code from your plugin just after the body tag opened by a theme that is up to date with good practices, and if it’s not, your code gets included the old way with wp_footer.
Since 5.2.0 | Introduced. |
wp_body_open() wp body open code WP 6.6.2
function wp_body_open() { /** * Triggered after the opening body tag. * * @since 5.2.0 */ do_action( 'wp_body_open' ); }