esc_ (clean validate sanitize) (tag)
esc_attr() | Escaping for HTML attributes. Converts |
esc_attr__() | Translates the text using esc_attr(). |
esc_attr_e() | Display translated text that has been escaped for safe use in an HTML tag attribute. |
esc_html() | Escaping for HTML blocks. Converts |
esc_html__() | Translates specified string and escapes it for safe use in HTML output. |
esc_html_e() | Translates specified string and escape/clears it for showing on screen - replaces special characters in it with HTML entities. |
esc_js() | Escapes string for save use in JavaScript. Escape single quotes, htmlspecialchar |
esc_sql() | Prepares data for use in a MySQL query. Protects against SQL injections. May accept an array of strings for processing. |
esc_textarea() | Escaping text / string for use in html textarea tag. |
esc_url() | Cleans the URL for use in text, changes the wrong and removes the dangerous characters. |
esc_url_raw() | Cleans URL for use in database query, redirects, and HTTP requests. Not cleans for a safe display. |
tag_escape() | Escape an HTML tag name. |
urlencode_deep() | Navigates through an array, object, or scalar, and encodes the values to be used in a URL. |
wp_specialchars_decode() | Converts a number of HTML entities into their special characters. |
wp_strip_all_tags() | Removes all HTML tags from passed content. Script/Style tags removed with their content. |