Cron API (category)
do_enclose() | Check content for video and audio links to add as enclosures. |
wp_clear_scheduled_hook() | Unschedules all events attached to the hook with the specified arguments. |
wp_cron() | Run all scheduled cron events whose time has come. |
wp_doing_cron() | Determines whether the current request is a WordPress cron request. |
wp_get_scheduled_event() | Retrieve a scheduled event. |
wp_get_schedules() | Retrieve supported event recurrence schedules. |
wp_next_scheduled() | Retrieve the next timestamp for an event. |
wp_schedule_event() | Schedule a recurring event. |
wp_schedule_single_event() | Schedules an event to run only once. |
wp_unschedule_event() | Unschedule a previously scheduled event. |
wp_unschedule_hook() | Unschedules all events attached to the hook. |