Hooks (actions, filters) (category)
add_action() | Hooks a function on to a specific action. |
add_filter() | Attaches the specified PHP function to the specified filter hook. Thus, when the filter is triggered, the value will be filtered by the specified PHP function. |
apply_filters() | Call the functions added to a filter hook. |
apply_filters_ref_array() | Execute functions hooked on a specific filter hook, specifying arguments in an array. |
current_filter() | Retrieve the name of the current filter or action. |
did_action() | Retrieve the number of times an action (hook) is fired. |
do_action() | Creates an event (a hook for a php function). For the function to work during the action, it should be added to this action with add_action(). |
do_action_ref_array() | Creates an action (hook) on which PHP functions can then be attached. The arguments are passed as an array. |
doing_action() | Retrieve the name of an action currently being processed. |
doing_filter() | Retrieve the name of a filter currently being processed. |
has_action() | Check if any action has been registered for a hook. |
has_filter() | Check if any filter has been registered for a hook. |
remove_action() | Removes a function from a specified action hook. |
remove_all_actions() | Removes all of the callback functions from an action hook. |
remove_all_filters() | Remove all of the hooks from a filter. |
remove_filter() | Removes a function from a specified filter hook. |