Simply returns null. Auxiliary function of WordPress.
Designed for use in filters, to not to register a function when you want to return null.
All such helper functions:
__return_false() — returns false.
__return_true() — returns true.
__return_empty_array() — returns an empty: array().
__return_zero() — returns the number 0.
__return_null() — returns NULL.
__return_empty_string() — returns an empty string: ''.
Internal function — this function is designed to be used by the kernel itself. It is not recommended to use this function in your code.
1 time — 0.000001 sec (speed of light) | 50000 times — 0.00 sec (speed of light) | PHP 7.1.11, WP 4.9.7
No Hooks.
. Nothing (null).
#1 Example of usage
Let's say that we should always return null in the filter 'my_filter'. Then, use this code:
add_filter( 'my_filter', '__return_empty_string' );
The same we can write so:
// anonymous function - php 5.3+ add_filter( 'my_filter', function(){ return null; } ); // or with registering function add_filter( 'my_filter', 'my_return_function' ); function my_return_function(){ return null; }
Since 3.4.0 | Introduced. |
__return_null() return null code WP 6.7.1
function __return_null() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidFunctionName.FunctionDoubleUnderscore,PHPCompatibility.FunctionNameRestrictions.ReservedFunctionNames.FunctionDoubleUnderscore return null; }