Cleans up an array, comma- or space-separated list of scalar values.
Used By: rest_sanitize_array(), wp_parse_id_list()
1 time — 0.000001 sec (speed of light) | 50000 times — 0.04 sec (speed of light) | PHP 7.2.16, WP 5.1.1
No Hooks.
. Array of values.
wp_parse_list( $input_list );
- $input_list(array|string) (required)
- List of values.
#1 Demo
$str_ids = ",1 2 , foo 4 bar, 6 \n /asd/asd \r\n !@#$ \t tab"; $ids = wp_parse_list( $str_ids ); /* Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => foo [3] => 4 [4] => bar [5] => 6 [6] => /asd/asd [7] => !@#$ [8] => tab ) */
$str = 'M-11, М-11 some:val «Μόσχα - Αγία Πετρούπολη», വൈശ്യി, ഗാസേൽ'; $list = wp_parse_list( $str ); /* Array ( [0] => M-11 [1] => М-11 [2] => some:val [3] => «Μόσχα [4] => - [5] => Αγία [6] => Πετρούπολη» [7] => വൈശ്യി [9] => ഗാസേൽ ) */
$str = ' First line Second Third '; $list = wp_parse_list( $str ); /* Array ( [0] => First [1] => line [2] => Second [3] => Third ) */
A string with no data or an empty string:
$ids = wp_parse_list( ',' ); // array( ) $ids = wp_parse_list( '' ); // array( )
An array will return unchanged:
$arr = [ 'foo', 5, '', 'bar' ]; $parsed = wp_parse_list( $arr ); /* Array ( [0] => foo [1] => 5 [2] => [3] => bar ) */
#2 Another example of how the function works
$str = 'cookie-policy, privacy-policy, terms-and-conditions, nutritional-page, campaigns/tour-virtual/, campaigns/virtual-tasting/, campaigns/sunsetdros21uk/, campaigns/sunsetdros21uk/venues/, campaigns/sunsetdros21uk/terms-and-conditions/, campaigns/sunsetdros21scotland/, campaigns/sunsetdros21scotland/venues/, campaigns/sunsetdros21scotland/terms-and-conditions/, campaigns/easyjet/instant-win/, campaigns/surveyuk21/'; $list = wp_parse_list( $str ); print_r( $list ); /* Array ( [0] => cookie-policy [1] => privacy-policy [2] => terms-and-conditions [3] => nutritional-page [4] => campaigns/tour-virtual/ [5] => campaigns/virtual-tasting/ [6] => campaigns/sunsetdros21uk/ [7] => campaigns/sunsetdros21uk/venues/ [8] => campaigns/sunsetdros21uk/terms-and-conditions/ [9] => campaigns/sunsetdros21scotland/ [10] => campaigns/sunsetdros21scotland/venues/ [11] => campaigns/sunsetdros21scotland/terms-and-conditions/ [12] => campaigns/easyjet/instant-win/ [13] => campaigns/surveyuk21/ ) */
Since 5.1.0 | Introduced. |
wp_parse_list() wp parse list code WP 6.6.2
function wp_parse_list( $input_list ) { if ( ! is_array( $input_list ) ) { return preg_split( '/[\s,]+/', $input_list, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); } // Validate all entries of the list are scalar. $input_list = array_filter( $input_list, 'is_scalar' ); return $input_list; }