Separate HTML elements and comments from the text.
Uses: get_html_split_regex()
1 time — 0.000167 sec (fast) | 50000 times — 0.14 sec (very fast) | PHP 7.1.11, WP 4.9.8
No Hooks.
. Array of the formatted text.
wp_html_split( $input );
- $input(string) (required)
- The text which has to be formatted.
#1 An example of how the function parses HTML code
$html = '<h1>Title text</h1> <p>The text in the paragraph.</p> <p class="func_note" title="text for attribute">Paragraph with attributes.</p> <h5>Subtitle</h5> <br /> Just text without tags. <!-- HTML comment--> <dl> <dt>DT text <em>nested in DT tag</em></dt> <dd> DD text.</dd> </dl>'; $splited_html = wp_html_split( $html );
We get an array like this:
Array ( [0] => [1] => <h1> [2] => Title text [3] => </h1> [4] => [5] => <p> [6] => The text in the paragraph. [7] => </p> [8] => [9] => <p class="func_note" title="text for attribute"> [10] => Paragraph with attributes. [11] => </p> [12] => [13] => <h5> [14] => Subtitle [15] => </h5> [16] => [17] => <br /> [18] => Just text without tags. [19] => <!-- HTML comment --> [20] => [21] => <dl> [22] => [23] => <dt> [24] => DT text [25] => <em> [26] => nested in DT tag [27] => </em> [28] => [29] => </dt> [30] => [31] => <dd> [32] => DD text. [33] => </dd> [34] => [35] => </dl> [36] => )
#2 Collect all IMG tags from the passed content
This is a demo example, in general, it's easier to collect IMG tags with a regular.
$content = 'Text <img src="/foo.jpg" /> <p>paragraph</p> <img src="/bar.jpg" />'; $textarr = wp_html_split( $content ); $imgs = []; foreach( $textarr as $element ){ // this is not a tag, skip it (this check is just an example) if( '' == trim( $element ) || '<' !== $element[0] ){ continue; } if( substr( $element, 1, 3 ) === 'img' ){ $imgs[] = $element; } } /* $imgs Array( [0] => <img src="/foo.jpg" /> [1] => <img src="/bar.jpg" /> ) */
Since 4.2.4 | Introduced. |
wp_html_split() wp html split code WP 6.7.1
function wp_html_split( $input ) { return preg_split( get_html_split_regex(), $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE ); }