timer_stop()WP 0.71

Retrieve or display the time from the page start to when function is called.

No Hooks.


String. The "second.microsecond" finished time calculation. The number is formatted for human consumption, both localized and rounded.


timer_stop( $display, $precision );
Whether to echo or return the results. Accepts 0|false for return,
1|true for echo.
Default: 0|false
The number of digits from the right of the decimal to display.
Default: 3



#1 Demonstration of work

echo 'Seconds: '. timer_stop( 0 );     // Seconds: 0.098
echo 'Seconds: '. timer_stop( 0, 5 );  // Seconds: 0.09774
echo 'Seconds: '. timer_stop( 0, 10 ); // Seconds: 0.0977458954

Several calls:

echo timer_stop( 0 ); // Seconds: 0.055
sleep( 1 );
echo timer_stop( 0 ); // Seconds: 1,055

#2 Let's measure how much time elapsed before the main part of the WP kernel is loaded

if( isset( $_GET['check_time'] ) ){

	add_filter( 'init', function(){

		echo timer_stop( 0, 6 ); // print: 0.002664

	}, PHP_INT_MAX );


Go to the URL http://site/?check_time and see: 0.035360

#3 Let's measure the time it takes to generate a WordPress page

To do this, call the function at the very end of the page, with the wp_footer hook:

add_action( 'wp_footer', function(){
	echo 'Seconds to generate page: '. timer_stop( 0, 4 );
} );

// Seconds to generate page: 0.1066

#4 Print the generation time of the page, the number of requests and how much memory was used

Display it all in the footer of the site (in the front) and in the footer of the admin panel:

// Outputs data about the number of queries to the database, the script execution time
// and the amount of memory consumed.
add_action('admin_footer_text', 'wp_usage' ); // in the footer of the admin
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'wp_usage' ); // in the footer of the site

function wp_usage(){

	echo sprintf( 'SQL: %d in %s sec. %s MB',
		timer_stop( 0, 3 ),
		round( memory_get_peak_usage()/1024/1024, 2 )


  • Global. float. $timestart Seconds from when timer_start() is called.
  • Global. float. $timeend Seconds from when function is called.


Since 0.71 Introduced.

timer_stop() code WP 6.7.1

function timer_stop( $display = 0, $precision = 3 ) {
	global $timestart, $timeend;

	$timeend   = microtime( true );
	$timetotal = $timeend - $timestart;

	if ( function_exists( 'number_format_i18n' ) ) {
		$r = number_format_i18n( $timetotal, $precision );
	} else {
		$r = number_format( $timetotal, $precision );

	if ( $display ) {
		echo $r;

	return $r;