Checks whether a category exists.
Uses: term_exists()
1 time — 0.0012069 sec (very slow) | 50000 times — 11.23 sec (slow)
No Hooks.
. Returns the category ID as a numeric string if the pairing exists, null if not.
category_exists( $cat_name, $category_parent );
- $cat_name(int|string) (required)
- Category name.
- $category_parent(int)
- ID of parent category.
Default: null
#1 Check the categories for existence bypassing the cache:
require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/taxonomy.php'; // Check the existence of the category $tag = category_exists( 'WordPress' ); if( $tag ){ var_dump( $tag ); // string(1) "3" }
If the category exists, it will print its ID.
#2 term_exists and category_exists
The function category_exists()
is a wrapper for term_exists() to more easily check the default taxonomy terms category (categories, categories). The following two options do the same thing:
$cat_name = 'WordPress tags'; // Option 1 $id = category_exists( $cat_name ); print_r( $id ); //> 572 // Option 2 $id = term_exists( $cat_name, 'category' ); print_r( $id ); //> Array( [term_id] => 572 [term_taxonomy_id] => 572 ) if ( is_array( $id ) ) { $id = $id['term_id']; } print_r( $id ); //> 572
- See: term_exists()
Since 2.0.0 | Introduced. |
category_exists() category exists code WP 6.7.1
function category_exists( $cat_name, $category_parent = null ) { $id = term_exists( $cat_name, 'category', $category_parent ); if ( is_array( $id ) ) { $id = $id['term_id']; } return $id; }