tag_exists()WP 2.3.0

Checks whether a post tag with a given name exists.

1 time — 0.0013721 sec (very slow) | 50000 times — 21.38 sec (slow) | PHP 7.4.25, WP 5.9.3

No Hooks.


Mixed. Returns null if the term does not exist. Returns an array of the term ID and the term taxonomy ID if the pairing exists. Returns 0 if term ID 0 is passed to the function.


tag_exists( $tag_name );
$tag_name(int|string) (required)



#1 Check the tag for existence:

// Check the existence of tags
$tag = tag_exists( 'Menswear' );

if( $tag ){
	print_r( $tag );

If the tag exists, it will print something like this:

Array (
	[term_id] => 541
	[term_taxonomy_id] => 541

Why term_id and term_taxonomy_id are equal, read What are Taxonomies in WordPress.


#2 term_exists and tag_exists

Function tag_exists() is a wrapper for function term_exists() to more easily check default taxonomy terms post_tag (tags, tags). The following two variants are identical in result:

$tag_name = 'Tag #1';

// Option 1
tag_exists( $tag_name );

// Option 2
term_exists( $tag_name, 'post_tag' )


Since 2.3.0 Introduced.

tag_exists() code WP 6.7.1

function tag_exists( $tag_name ) {
	return term_exists( $tag_name, 'post_tag' );