Roles and Capabilities (category)
add_role() | Add a new role to WordPress. |
author_can() | Checks whether the author of the supplied post has a specific capability. |
current_user_can() | Whether the current user has a specific capability. |
get_role() | Retrieve an object with the capabilities of the specified role. |
is_super_admin() | Determine if user is a site admin. |
map_meta_cap() | Map meta capabilities to primitive capabilities. |
remove_role() | Removes a role from WordPress. |
user_can() | Checks whether a specified user has a specified capability. |
wp_roles() | Retrieves the global WP_Roles instance and instantiates it if necessary. |
WP_Roles::add_cap() | Add capability to role. |
WP_User::add_cap() | Add capability and grant or deny access to capability. |