Users and Authors (category)
Roles and Capabilities
add_role() | Add a new role to WordPress. |
author_can() | Checks whether the author of the supplied post has a specific capability. |
current_user_can() | Whether the current user has a specific capability. |
get_role() | Retrieve an object with the capabilities of the specified role. |
is_super_admin() | Determine if user is a site admin. |
map_meta_cap() | Map meta capabilities to primitive capabilities. |
remove_role() | Removes a role from WordPress. |
user_can() | Checks whether a specified user has a specified capability. |
wp_roles() | Retrieves the global WP_Roles instance and instantiates it if necessary. |
WP_Roles::add_cap() | Add capability to role. |
WP_User::add_cap() | Add capability and grant or deny access to capability. |
Metadata (usermeta)
add_user_meta() | Adds meta data to a user. |
delete_user_meta() | Remove metadata matching criteria from a user. |
get_the_author_meta() | Retrieves the requested data of the current or requested user (post author). |
get_user_meta() | Gets an single meta field or all meta fields of the specified user. |
the_author_meta() | Outputs the field from the user's DB object. Defaults to current post's author. |
update_user_meta() | Update user meta field based on user ID. |
auth_redirect() | Checks if a user is logged in, if not it redirects them to the login page. |
count_many_users_posts() | Number of posts written by a list of users. |
count_user_posts() | Gets the number of posts of a specified type for a specified user (author). |
count_users() | Count number of users who have each of the user roles. |
email_exists() | Checks whether the given email exists. |
get_author_posts_url() | Retrieve the URL to the author page for the user with the ID provided. |
get_current_user_id() | Get the current user's ID. |
get_currentuserinfo() | Populate global variables with information about the currently logged in user. |
get_edit_user_link() | Retrieves the edit user link. |
get_editable_roles() | Fetch a filtered list of user roles that the current user is allowed to edit. |
get_the_author() | Retrieve the author of the current post. |
get_the_author_link() | Retrieve either author's link or author's name. |
get_the_author_posts_link() | Retrieves an HTML link to the author page of the current post's author. |
get_the_modified_author() | Retrieve the author who last edited the current post. |
get_user_by() | Gets the user by the specified field and the value of this field (by ID, login, mail). |
get_userdata() | Retrieve user data by user ID as WP_User object. |
get_users() | Gets users according to the passed parameters. |
is_multi_author() | Does this site have more than one author |
sanitize_user() | Sanitizes a username, stripping out unsafe characters. |
the_author_link() | Display either author's link or author's name. |
the_author_posts() | Display the number of posts by the author of the current post. |
the_author_posts_link() | Displays HTML link ( |
the_modified_author() | Display the name of the author who last edited the current post, if the author's ID is available. |
username_exists() | Checks whether the given username (login) exists. |
validate_username() | Checks whether a username (login) is valid. |
wp_dropdown_roles() | Print out <option> html elements for all user roles, for |
wp_dropdown_users() | Create dropdown HTML content of users. |
wp_get_current_user() | Retrieve the current authorized user data (WP_User object). Sets current user, if not set yet. |
wp_list_authors() | List all the authors of the site, with several options available. |
wp_list_users() | List all the users of the site, with several options available. |
wp_set_current_user() | Changes the current user by ID or name. The function does not authorize the user but changes the global variable $current_user and its associated variables. |
check_password_reset_key() | Retrieves a user row based on password reset key and login |
get_password_reset_key() | Creates, stores, then returns a password reset key for user. |
is_login() | Determines whether the current request is for the login screen. |
is_user_logged_in() | Checks if the current visitor is a logged in user. |
wp_authenticate() | Checks the authorization data of the registered user (login and password) and authorizes it if the check was passed. |
wp_check_password() | Checks the plaintext password against the encrypted Password. |
wp_get_password_hint() | Gets the text suggesting how to create strong passwords. |
wp_login_form() | Provides a simple login form for use anywhere within WordPress. |
wp_login_url() | Retrieves the login URL. |
wp_loginout() | Display the Log In/Out link. |
wp_logout() | Log the current user out. |
wp_logout_url() | Retrieves the logout URL. Returns the URL that allows the authorized user to log out of the site. |
wp_lostpassword_url() | Returns the URL that allows the user to retrieve the lost password |
wp_register() | Displays either the link to the dashboard ("Site Admin") if the user is logged in or "Register" link if the user is not logged in. |
wp_registration_url() | Returns the URL that allows the user to register on the site. |
wp_set_auth_cookie() | Authorizes (Log in) a user by ID. Sets authentication cookies based on the transmitted user ID. |
wp_set_password() | Updates the user's password with a new encrypted one. Updates the specified password in the database and resets the user's cache. |
wp_signon() | Authenticates and logs a user in with 'remember' capability. |
User insertion/removal
register_new_user() | Handles registering a new user. |
wp_create_user() | A simpler way of inserting a user into the database. |
wp_delete_user() | Remove user and optionally reassign posts and links to another user. |
wp_insert_user() | Creates a WordPress user in the Database. |
wp_new_user_notification() | Notifies by email the site administrator about new user registration, and sends the user an email with a login and password. |
wp_update_user() | Update a user data in the database. Work with both tables wp_usermeta and wp_users. |