Queries (category)
get_page_by_title() | Retrieve any type of post (page, post, custom type) by given title. |
get_post() | Gets the data of the current or specified post. You need to specify post ID, or the function will return the current post. Returns a WP_Post object. |
get_posts() | Gets an array of posts (pages, attachments, custom post types) from the database. You can specify any criteria for getting the posts. |
have_posts() | Checks if |
in_the_loop() | Determines whether the caller is in The Loop (i.e. whether the loop is currently active). A conditional tag that is used to execute code only inside The Loop. |
is_404() | Checks whether the 404 error page is displayed (HTTP 404: page not found). Conditional tag. |
is_archive() | Conditional tag. Return true when any of the archive pages are shown (Year, Category, Author, Post Type archive...). |
is_attachment() | Is the query for an existing attachment page? |
is_author() | Is the query for an existing author archive page? |
is_category() | Conditional tag. Checks whether the category page is displayed or not. |
is_date() | Determines whether the date archive page is displayed. Conditional tag. |
is_day() | Determines whether a day archive page is shown (example.com/2009/08/05) — page with posts for a specific day. A conditional tag. |
is_feed() | Is the query for a feed? |
is_front_page() | Checks whether the main (home) page of the site is displayed. Conditional tag. |
is_home() | The conditional tag that checks if the page with the last posts is displayed, usually it is the main page of the site or the blog homepage. |
is_main_query() | Is the query the main query? |
is_month() | Determines whether a monthly archive page is shown (example.com/2009/08) — page with posts for a specific month. A conditional tag. |
is_new_day() | Whether the publish date of the current post in the loop is different from the publish date of the previous post in the loop. |
is_page() | Checks whether a "static page" is displaying. You can specify an ID, name, or page title to check a specific page. Conditional tag. |
is_paged() | Checks whether the pagination page is displayed (page type /page/2, /page/3). Conditional tag. |
is_preview() | Is the query for a post or page preview? |
is_search() | Works when the search results page is displayed. Conditional tag. |
is_single() | Checks whether a post page (of any post type) is displayed. Posts with |
is_singular() | Checks whether the post page is viewed (post, page, attachment, any post type). Conditional Tag. |
is_tag() | Is the query for an existing tag archive page? |
is_tax() | Works on the custom taxonomy archive page. Conditional tag. |
is_time() | Determines whether the query is for a time-based archive page (page of posts for the specified time). A conditional tag. |
is_year() | Determines whether a year archive page is shown (example.com/2009) — page with posts for a specific year. A conditional tag. |
query_posts() | Sets up The Loop with query parameters. |
rewind_posts() | Rewind the loop posts. |
setup_postdata() | Sets up all urgent data of the post (except global $post variable). |
the_post() | Sets the next post to the global |
wp_count_posts() | Gets the number of posts of any post type and any status (publish, draft). |
wp_get_recent_posts() | Retrieve the last posts of the website, including drafts, scheduled, and posts on moderation. Gets the last 10 posts only. |
wp_reset_postdata() | Restores the global $post variable to the correct state: to correspond the current page. |
wp_reset_query() | Invalidates (destroys) the data of the last query created for use in an arbitrary WordPress Loop and restores the default loop data. |