wp network

Perform network-wide operations.

Commands Description
wp network meta list List all metadata associated with an object.
wp network meta get Get meta field value.
wp network meta delete Delete a meta field.
wp network meta add Add a meta field.
wp network meta update Update a meta field.
wp network meta pluck Get a nested value from a meta field.
wp network meta patch Update a nested value for a meta field.


# Get a list of super-admins
$ wp network meta get 1 site_admins
array (
  0 => 'supervisor',

Source code of the commands

wp network meta list

List all metadata associated with an object.


wp network meta list {id} [--keys={keys}] [--fields={fields}] [--format={format}] [--orderby={fields}] [--order={order}]

You can specify global options and the following:

ID for the object.
Limit output to metadata of specific keys.
Limit the output to specific row fields. Defaults to id,meta_key,meta_value.

Render output in a particular format.
Default: table
Can be:

  • table
  • csv
  • json
  • yaml
  • count

Set orderby which field.
Default: id
Can be:

  • id
  • meta_key
  • meta_value

Set ascending or descending order.
Default: asc
Can be:

  • asc
  • desc

wp network meta get

Get meta field value.


wp network meta get {id} {key} [--format={format}]

You can specify global options and the following:

The ID of the object.
The name of the meta field to get.

Get value in a particular format.
Default: var_export
Can be:

  • var_export
  • json
  • yaml

wp network meta delete

Delete a meta field.


wp network meta delete {id} [{key}] [{value}] [--all]

You can specify global options and the following:

The ID of the object.
The name of the meta field to delete.
The value to delete. If omitted, all rows with key will deleted.
Delete all meta for the object.

wp network meta add

Add a meta field.


wp network meta add {id} {key} [{value}] [--format={format}]

You can specify global options and the following:

The ID of the object.
The name of the meta field to create.
The value of the meta field. If omitted, the value is read from STDIN.

The serialization format for the value.
Default: plaintext
Can be:

  • plaintext
  • json

wp network meta update

Update a meta field.


wp network meta update {id} {key} [{value}] [--format={format}]

You can specify global options and the following:

The ID of the object.
The name of the meta field to update.
The new value. If omitted, the value is read from STDIN.

The serialization format for the value.
Default: plaintext
Can be:

  • plaintext
  • json

wp network meta pluck

Get a nested value from a meta field.


wp network meta pluck {id} {key} {key-path}... [--format={format}]

You can specify global options and the following:

The ID of the object.
The name of the meta field to get.
The name(s) of the keys within the value to locate the value to pluck.
The output format of the value.
--- Default: plaintext
Can be:
  • plaintext
  • json
  • yaml

wp network meta patch

Update a nested value for a meta field.


wp network meta patch {action} {id} {key} {key-path}... [{value}] [--format={format}]

You can specify global options and the following:


Patch action to perform.

Can be:

  • insert
  • update
  • delete
The ID of the object.
The name of the meta field to update.
The name(s) of the keys within the value to locate the value to patch.
The new value. If omitted, the value is read from STDIN.

The serialization format for the value.
Default: plaintext
Can be:

  • plaintext
  • json