Meta tags: dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, prerender, preload

Explanation of meta tags such as dns-prefetch, preconnect, prefetch, prerender, and preload for the browser and their usage.

How to Fix the WordPress Error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired

From September 30, 2021, HTTP API requests may stop working on WordPress sites that have a Let's Encrypt certificate...

wp-content Directory

WordPress consists of 3 folders wp-includes, wp-admin, wp-content and several files next to these folders.

All files and folders except wp-content -...

Example of Updating a Post via Postman and Application Password

This article demonstrates how to update a WordPress post using the WP REST API and Postman, along with creating and using application passwords for authentication.

Adding User Rights on the Fly

This article explains how to dynamically add user rights and capabilities in WordPress using the user_has_cap hook, allowing for immediate changes without modifying...

Database Repair and Optimization in WordPress (WP_ALLOW_REPAIR)

Different things can happen to database tables and there are many cases where repairing or optimizing database tables solves the problem.

HTML attributes: srcset, sizes and <picture> tag

Explanation of HTML attributes srcset and sizes, and the `` tag for creating adaptive images. Includes examples, syntax, and browser support. Also covers how to...

Translations in JS Files

The article introduces enhanced JavaScript localization in WordPress 5.0, using wp_set_script_translations(). It covers creating translation JSON files from PO files...

How to upload SVG in WordPress

By default, in WordPress you can't upload SVG files for security reasons. But what to do when you really need to? There is a solution!

Adding taxonomy (term) to post search

The article explains how to enhance the default product search by adding the ability to search by product attribute names.

The "-scaled" suffix for images, or what WP does with large images

Explanation of the "-scaled" suffix for images in WordPress and how it handles large images; instructions on modifying and disabling the creation of "-scaled" images.

Adding meta-field search to regular WordPress search

Adding meta-field search capability to the standard WordPress search functionality.

Difference between async and defer in the script tag

Explains the difference between using async and defer attributes in the script tag to control script loading and execution in HTML pages.

$wpdb->update — array for $where pframeter

Specified value for $where field will turn into IN ( comma separated array values ) when queried.

You can't specify array for the parameter $where in...

How to automatically add alt text to uploaded image

How to automatically add alt text to uploaded images in WordPress and its benefits for accessibility and SEO.